Chapter 536 Counterattack! loser! (10)

  Mother Lu kept hypnotizing herself: her daughter's grades are already good, not to mention that this is the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination, and there are still three years before the college entrance examination, so why worry! The worst plan is that the college entrance examination performance is abnormal, and the worst is to repeat for another year!

  After she figured it out, she stopped urging her daughter to study. In the morning, when she heard that she wanted to play with Xu Yin, mother Lu not only didn't stop her, she even encouraged her.

  But from the time when her daughter went out to the time when she came in, the strings in her heart were still tensed, for fear that something might happen again.

   Fortunately, the state is good.

  Mother Lu secretly observed her daughter's emotions, and followed her words: "Xu Yin's mother sells vegetables?"

"That's right! In the morning, it's a small stall at the gate of the farmer's market, and in the evening at the night market at the entrance of the alley. I've seen it a long time ago, but our family has never bought vegetables at Xu Yin's house. Today is the first time. Xu Yin returned I got a discount, so many dishes cost only ten yuan in total. It’s much cheaper than what you bought in the supermarket, Mom!”

   "It's really cheap!" Lu's mother glanced at the vegetables her daughter brought back. If bought in a supermarket, four tomatoes would cost more than ten yuan.

   "However, I don't know if the food from the street vendor is good..."

   Soon, Mother Lu felt her face burning hot—she was slapped in the face by herself.

   "Well, this tomato is good! The tomato flavor is so strong!"

   "This lettuce is also good, crisp and raw, it must be delicious when mixed with salad!"

   "The water spinach is so tender, it looks like stubble."

  Lu Yunran covered her mouth and snickered.

  Mother Lu made some comments, then smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, the dishes sold by the small stalls are also delicious."

   "I told Xu Yin that from now on, we will buy all the food from her house!"

   "Okay, okay, whatever you want to eat, you can go to Xu Yin's house to buy it yourself in the future."

  Mother Lu thinks that the policeman is right: let the children go out for a walk more, don’t just stay at home reading and studying, as they get in touch with all kinds of people, their hearts will grow stronger.

  Mother Lu would never look down on Xu Yin, a child in the past, and would even stop her daughter from getting in touch with her, for fear that she would lead her daughter into trouble. If it wasn't for seeing that the other party was her daughter's savior this time, I'm afraid she wouldn't even want to give alms.

   But after close contact with her, she found that the child was not as bad as she appeared on the surface and reflected by her neighbors. On the contrary, she was righteous, optimistic, and filial.

  Sixteen years old, it's still a half-grown child, but which child is like Xu Yin, who rides a tricycle across half of the city in the middle of the night to take her mother to the wholesale market to buy goods?

  Which child would clean up the outside of the house when her mother went out to set up a stall, and even set up a vegetable field in the yard to help the family reduce the financial burden?

  Which child is like Xu Yin—talking to the elders, speaking decently and gracefully, as if the score in the senior high school entrance examination is not 250, but 520...

  After this incident, Mother Lu discovered that although children from the grassroots class did not perform well in cultural subjects, their social survival ability and sense of family responsibility were much stronger than children from better families. The two are simply not at the same level.

Figured this out, and she went to the temple two days ago to ask for a lottery for her daughter. The lottery master said that Ranran will have a death this year, but there is also a glimmer of hope to meet a nobleman, and the future will be bright. can't get over...

  Master didn't speak too clearly, but Mother Lu understood it.

  Death robbery? Doesn't it mean that the daughter couldn't think about that time? Your Excellency? Obviously Xu Yin.

  Mother Lu encouraged her daughter to play with Xu Yin more.

Therefore, Xu Yin’s family has a small guest every morning these days. When Xu Yin loosens the soil for the vegetables, she helps water them; Go back with a bag of fresh vegetables at a friendly price.

  Seeing that her daughter's condition is getting better and better, mother Lu's hanging heart slowly returns to the original place, and she treats Xu Yin better. If there is any delicious food at home, she asks her daughter to bring some to Xu Yin.

  Similarly, Xu Wanping is also in a good mood this week, like eating popsicles in summer and baking in a stove in winter, it is very comfortable!

Because of her vegetable stand, a group of loyal long-term customers have recently emerged. They buy vegetables from her almost every day, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and water spinach. Occasionally, the water spinach is replaced with lettuce. The business of the few vegetable stalls with rich varieties of vegetables in the surrounding area is good.

  It used to take half a day to sell the half-carriage vegetables that I took to the gate of the farmer’s market in the morning, but now they are sold out in less than two hours. I can go home at early eight o’clock, and I can sleep back before lunch.

  The half-carriage of vegetables taken to the night market at night is faster, and they are sold out before six o'clock. The mother and the wife don't have to hurry to make dinner before leaving the stall.

  Xu Yin took advantage of her mother's good mood after earning money, and made an appointment to take her to the hospital for a full-body examination.

  Xu Wanping refused to go at first, saying that she was in good health, so why go to the hospital? It was a waste of money. Xu Yin gave her a few examples, saying that some diseases are invisible in the early stage, and when the symptoms appear, it is already late and it is too late... Anyway, it took her old nose to drag her mother to the hospital.

   Fortunately, a series of physical examination items were completed without any problems. Xu Yin thought that Ms. Xu's stomach cancer in the original article was mostly caused by eating rotten vegetables and fruits in order to save money later.

   If you haven’t got it yet, don’t worry.

But the reminder that should have been given did not fall: "Mom, I heard from the doctor that cancer is most likely to come to you at your age, especially gastric cancer, which is mostly caused by eating. In the future, as long as the vegetable leaves that customers break off are a little bit yellow and rotten, Don’t pick them up and eat them at home. Melons and fruits are also moldy and rotten, which can easily cause cancer. Think about it, which is more, the money for a little vegetable leaves or the money for medical treatment in the future?”

  Xu Wanping couldn't stop laughing: "Of course I know it costs a lot to see a doctor, but some vegetables are really good, so it's a pity to throw them away."

   "If it's intact, the customer won't break it off. You put it away and I'll fatten it up, but don't eat it yourself."

   "Okay, okay, listen to you, can you go home now?"

  Xu Wanping was thinking about the morning market, and she was required to have an empty stomach in the morning for the physical examination. No, she was taken to the hospital by her daughter when she came back from eating, and she hadn't left the stall yet.

In fact, according to Xu Yin, it’s okay not to go to the morning market. There is a cart full of vegetables, and the night market can completely eat, but her mother thinks that the customers in the morning market and the night market are not the same group. .

   "You can't abandon the morning market just because the business is good now, what if the business in the night market doesn't do so well in the future?" Xu Wanping said ahead of time.

  Xu Yin had to let her.

  But she quietly dripped a little spirit dew into the water or soup that the two of them drank from time to time.

  In the past, the spiritual spring water of the Lingxu Sect could improve the body's immunity after taking it a few times, let alone the spiritual dew with rich spiritual energy.

  After Xu Yin's secret conditioning, Xu Wanping's physical and mental state is getting better and better.

  Xu Wanping felt it herself, but she thought it was because of the thriving business of the vegetable stall, saying that people are happy when they have happy events.

  (end of this chapter)

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