Chapter 557 Counterattack! loser! (31)

  Xu Yin glanced at them faintly: "I would like to admit defeat. If I am the one who loses, and I say I don't know how to do laundry, will you let me go?"

   "Of course not!" Liu Wei blurted out.

"Then it's over." Xu Yin spread her hands, "The loser doesn't have the right to pick and choose, come on! There are eight of you here, right? Two people are responsible for binding the dead branches and dry grass that everyone has cleared out. bundle, and two more people will be responsible for transporting it to the corner over there, and the rest will help pull the weeds."

  Xu Yin no longer cares about them after arranging the tasks, and turns around to collect materials for retting ecological fertilizer.

  Lu Gang and others: "..."


   Really let them do farm work?

  The boy who came with Lu Gang said unconvinced: "Isn't this insulting? Why listen to her?"

  Xu Yin turned her head and glanced at them with a half-smile: "What? Can't afford to lose?"



  This is even more insulting!

  Xiao Chu rubbed his arm subconsciously.

  Xu Yin's meaningful smile reminded her of the wrist she had broken not long ago and the 80kg one-handed dumbbell that she easily lifted in the morning.

  She gently tugged Feng Yinuo and gave her a look.

  The two of them weighed 50 kilograms, less than a dumbbell.

  They used to like to fight because they could always win. Now who dares to mention the word "fighting"? This girl can pick them up and throw them out one by one.

   "Hey, what did you two do?"

  Liu Wei just wanted to say something to the two of them, but when he turned around, he realized that there was no one else around. He looked down and saw that the two of them had already consciously picked up hay...

   Lu Gang curled his lips: "Do it! Who made me lose. If you don't want to do it, go back, I will come alone!"

  After saying this, who the **** dares to go back? You have to pretend. Otherwise, what about brotherly loyalty?

  So, when the dining bell rang in the cafeteria, all the dead branches and leaves that had been cleaned up were moved to the composted corner, and most of the weeds in the field were also cleared.

"Not bad!" Xu Yin wiped off the grass clippings on her body, raised her elbow to wipe the sweat off her face, and said to the students participating in the labor: "Let's go! I invite you to dinner! After dinner, each of you will have a bottle of soda! "

  "No, no, no! How can I let Sister Yin pay for it! I'll treat you to this meal!" Xu Tianyi was worried that Xu Yin would go bankrupt, and he was so poor that he had to grow vegetables to support himself. How about a treat?

   "You don't need to please! We are willing to gamble and admit defeat." Lu Gang squeezed out a sentence with a stinky face, and took the lead to walk to the cafeteria, "Since it's over, let's go first. Goodbye!"

   I added a sentence in my heart: Never see you again!

  Xu Yin smiled and shouted at their backs: "Come back after school tomorrow! Our bet is for a month!"


  The senior three stumbled together.

   Just a little bit, the tall nose hit the trunk of the Phoenix tree, the beautiful scenery of the campus.

  Passing a few high school seniors who were in the same grade as them on the road, they couldn't help turning their faces away and snickering muffledly while shaking their shoulders.

  Liu Wei was so angry that he kicked the stones on the ground, turned his head and asked Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo: "Are you two coming tomorrow? I think she is clearly humiliating us, deliberately making us do such a disgusting job."

  Xiao Chuyi and the two looked at each other, wondering if they dare to come? That's because you haven't been squeezed on the wrist.

"I'm not coming!" Liu Wei said angrily, "What can she do with me? Tell the teacher? The teacher is looking for the parents? Cut! If my mother knows that I have been bullied like this at school, she can overturn the principal's office. Lu Just now, what about you? Are you still coming tomorrow? Let’s come one day enough to give her face. Look at my hands, the weeds are pulled out and the blisters have been pulled out, and there are several mosquito bites on my feet. It’s so annoying. !"

  Lu Gang Shun Shun's sweaty and messy hairstyle: "I won't come, I will ask for leave tomorrow to see Cancan go." Only fools come to do coolies.

   What's more, his girlfriend's nose was crooked just after the summer vacation, and she had to go back to the beauty salon for fine-tuning, and she was crying at home on leave for the past two days.

  As soon as they heard that the main character was not coming, the others also reasoned that they had something to do and would not come.

  Anyway, they are graduating soon, and they find an internship unit to interview in advance. It is related to the employment rate, and the school is too late to be happy, so it is much easier to ask for leave than the first and second year of high school. If you can't find it, you have to wait for the school to arrange the internship tasks in a unified manner.

  In the end, only Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo did not ask for leave.

   "When did the two of you become so timid?" Liu Wei gave them a disgusted look, "Why are you afraid of her? Picking you up like dumbbells?"

  Xiao Chuyi: No! She will pretend to accidentally break your wrist, and then break it back, causing you pain twice but you can't find a mistake.

  Feng Yinuo: There is a knife on the head of Ninja. Why don't you just pull a month grass and treat it as a weight loss.


In this way, Xu Yin got eight for herself... oh, she thought it was eight, but only two came the next day, and the other six said they had gone for an interview... just two. I won't come, but it would be nice to have two.

  As for the students in the class, she didn't refuse if they were willing to help.

   To paraphrase Xu Tianyi’s words—tuition fees outside are not cheap. Let's make each other perfect!

  If the students in the class knew what she was thinking, they would surely burst into tears:

  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo They are happy to be free labor!


  At the opening ceremony the next day, Xu Yin received thunderous applause as soon as she took the stage.

Some were conquered by her single-handed 80kg dumbbell, and some heard that some of Liu Wei's high school seniors turned into quails in front of her, and they didn't dare to attend the opening ceremony. Regardless of whether the gossip is true or not, it doesn't hinder Their admiration for Xu Yin: being able to subdue the thorns, this is strength!

   "Huh, huh, huh—"

   The applause got louder.

  Xu Yin was puzzled.

She succinctly said some words of mutual encouragement to her classmates, and finally raised her arms and shouted: "...let us work together and work together. In the next more than a thousand days, keep in mind the ardent hopes of our parents, obey the teacher's teachings, and continue to work together. Enrich yourself, sublimate yourself, and after three years, submit a qualified answer sheet to your alma mater, and sail away through the waves!"

  The students in the audience were dumbfounded: Who am I? where am i Am I not a third-rate vocational high school student? How come it seems to come to a key high school to listen to the speeches of outstanding freshman representatives and take the swearing-in college entrance examination?

Hello! Students on the stage, are you afraid that you may have misunderstood your grades?


   It has been a week since Xu Yin's freshman representative gave a speech. During this week, she lived a very fulfilling life every day.

In September, Yangcheng’s autumn is cool and the temperature is not too high. Every day after school, Xu Yin will come to the farm for a walk, until she sweats a little and goes back to the dormitory to take a shower, and go to the cafeteria to have dinner with her roommates. Walk around the playground twice to digest food, and then go to the classroom for evening self-study.

  In the evening self-study of the first session, she usually summarizes the knowledge points that have been taught in class that day, and answers questions by the way;

  Self-study in the evening of the second quarter, she took everyone to preview the content to be taught the next day;

  In the evening self-study in the third quarter, she sat in front of the podium to manage discipline, while the students did their homework underneath.


  Sister Yin, why don't you... please spare us?

   Woohoo, we are too difficult!

  (end of this chapter)

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