The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 558: Counterattack! loser! (32) (three shifts, ask for the month

  Chapter 558 Counterattack! loser! (32) (Third watch, ask for a monthly pass!)

  At the beginning, there were always people who couldn’t help chatting, and when the chatting became louder, they were laughing and joking. Xu Yin glanced at her lightly, and the boys and girls in the back row who liked to chat immediately sat upright, picked up their textbooks and pretended to look.

   It is easy to get sleepy just looking at it, so I learned from other students and took out the homework, regardless of whether I understand it or not, I can do a little bit.

   Doing, doing... Hey! I will answer this question! Hey! I will do that too! Fuck! There are so many questions I know? Could it be that I am a little genius? Have I misunderstood myself all these years?

   After class, I communicated with other students, and found that the questions in the meeting were basically summarized, sorted out, and explained to them by Xu Yin in the previous self-study class. Well, no wonder I was impressed.

   It seems that it's not that they are not smart, not that they are not good at studying, but that they didn't meet a good teacher like Sister Yin in junior high school!

  After a few days, the teachers also discovered the special features of this class: the class is disciplined, the get out of class is orderly, and the homework is particularly active. The teachers who are used to urging homework are flattered, and it is like digging a treasure.

"Principal, this year's college entrance examination class is really good! Although the scores that came in are not high, I feel that their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for learning are no worse than those of ordinary high school students. They even have the smell of heavy high school students! I'm not bragging You see, there are 40 assignments, one of which is not lost, and the class representatives hand it in to the office on time every day, without us urging. The classroom discipline is also very good, answering questions actively and enthusiastically, in my opinion, students are more conscious than senior three students .”

  Principal Ge was surprised when he heard the teacher's reaction: "Really? I only know that Xu Yin is a good seed in this class. I didn't expect other students to work so hard? You must pay attention! Focus on it! Cultivate it carefully!"

   If this brings out the grades, it will be a living sign of the school!

  The bottom vocational high school in the city, if the students admitted to the undergraduate course can compete with the non-key Pugao, what an honor it would be!

  Ms. Cai went around the morning self-study and returned to the office. When she saw Principal Ge there, she said with a smile, "Principal, why do you think our class is so disciplined? Are you so motivated to attend classes and hand in homework?"

   "Oh? Did you investigate the cause? What is the reason? Can you share it?"

"Hahaha! I'm afraid it's impossible to share, because this is the credit of one person—that is, Xu Yin, the monitor of our class. She leads everyone in the morning reading every morning, one and three Chinese, two and four English, and she will do the reciting on Friday. When I heard that I was going to recite, how dare the students be sloppy, don’t be too **** the recitation. I walked around just now, and many students didn’t notice that I entered the classroom.”

   "Teacher Cai, Xu Yin in your class is simply a treasure girl!"

  Ms. Zhu, the head teacher of the sophomore college entrance examination class, passed by, poked her head in and praised her. She was so envious that she wished to drag Xu Yin into her class.

Speaking of it, there is only one class for the college entrance examination in each grade, like the only seedling in a big family, but those who really want to learn and look forward to the college entrance examination to change the fate of life may not even account for one-fifth of a class, and most of the students are still lazy. , After a day, the monk hits the clock for a day.

  The same is true for the first class of the third year of high school entrance examination, and the same is true for the second year of high school. I think this year's class is not bad even if there are some good seedlings who failed the high school entrance examination. did not expect…

   "Teacher Cai, Xu Yin in your class has strong leadership skills? It's only been a few days since the school started, and this has won the hearts of the whole class?"

"Her leadership ability is really strong!" Teacher Cai nodded with deep understanding, "I didn't know it at first, but I went to the class to watch it the night before yesterday, and all the way I walked, every classroom was chatting, only a little noise in our class None, I was shocked, I thought the whole class skipped class and went out to play, when we got there, guess what happened?"

   "What's the situation? Those who want to learn are doing their homework? Those who don't like learning are sleeping?" Teacher Zhu asked.

   This is what she emphasized again and again in class. If you really can’t read books and don’t want to learn, let’s sleep on your stomach! Anyway, don't disturb other students' study.

  Ms. Cai pursed her lips and said happily: "No, it was Xu Yin who sat on the podium to manage discipline, while the students below were silent and immersed in their homework. Or do you think how our class achieved 100% homework handing in rate?"

  "Is it true or not?" Teacher Zhu couldn't believe it, "There are students in Pugao who don't like to study, love to chat, and just chat for a few self-study classes, let alone here..."

   It’s not that she overwhelms her prestige with other people’s aspirations, but it’s true—the vocational high school is a stronghold for underachievers! Besides, Dongming was still at the bottom of the vocational high school.

"You don't believe it? It's normal and normal." Teacher Cai Versailles said, "I was also shocked when I saw it. And not only that, Xu Yin also gave them lectures for self-study in the first quarter, every day She will sort out the content that has been published before, and then lead the students to preview. There is not much time left for them to do their homework, so of course they must seize the time and bury their heads in writing!"

"What kind of fairy monitor is this! Teacher Cai, you are so lucky! Why is there no monitor in my class who is as dedicated and generous as Xu Yin! Not only is he eager to learn, but he also drives the whole class to learn together. Envious!"

  Ms. Cai laughed and said, "It's really lucky! It's not just my own luck, it's Dongming's luck too! I'm looking forward to the performance of this college entrance examination class three years from now!"

   "How do you think Xu Yin did it? Can I let the monitor of our class come to her to learn from her?" Teacher Zhu turned back after obviously leaving, and asked unwillingly while holding the door frame of the teacher's office in the first grade.

  Ms. Cai: "..."

   Tell me...I'm afraid I can't!

  After all, being able to lift an 80kg dumbbell with one hand is not something everyone can do.

   This is what she overheard when she held a class cadre meeting.

  The thorns in the class, especially Xu Tianyi, the reason why they listened to Xu Yin so much was because of what she showed on the day of reporting. This is probably the humble mentality of the weak when they meet the strong.

  How can such an undisclosed secret be easily revealed to outsiders?

  Ms. Cai said perfunctorily with a haha: "Every class is different. What is suitable for our class may not be suitable for your class. But how to manage it specifically, we can communicate with each other when we have the opportunity."

"There's no need to wait for an opportunity. It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day, let's do it today!" Teacher Zhu glanced at his watch and said positively, "It just so happens that the next class will be a class meeting, so I'll call the monitor over and talk to your class Xu." Yin studied hard."


  Ms. Cai had to call the baby class monitor over: "Xu Yin, do you have time? It doesn't take much, just a few minutes, and you can exchange your class management experience with the class monitors of the second and third year of high school."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Are you serious?

  How can sister have any experience to share?

   Isn't it just that when he made a bet with Lu Gang, he showed his hand and frightened those classmates who were not stingy on the surface, but were actually timid.

  Once people have a sense of awe, they become easy to manage.

  (end of this chapter)

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