Daibel said, and deliberately looked around, lowered his voice, and made an appearance of "I won't tell others".

"I know someone, he has a different flower album, and there are all good girls on it," Daibel said, "I heard that, you know Jasmine from the tailor shop? That young wife. And the beautiful boss of the pastry shop, Mrs. Billing, all these people are on the flower album!"

"Ah? No way?" Lu Lin pretended to be surprised, "How can they..."

"Hey, they make money in this business, who would have trouble with money," Daibel said, "but they do have to have face, so it's not easy for ordinary people to know about this. I just happen to know someone, otherwise there would be no news."

"Oh," Lu Lin nodded, raised the glass, and drank a big sip with Daibel again.

Looking at the angle at which the other person was tilting his drink, Lu Lin estimated that there should be about half a cup left in his glass, so he thought for a moment and said, "But these people may not be as beautiful as the women in high-end brothels, right? Moreover, their skills and services are probably not that good, right?"

"Oh? I didn't realize that Brother Benwei is an expert?" Dai Bie was a little surprised, but then, the smile on his face became even bigger, "Hehe, since you are an expert, then I have to talk to you about this matter. Although the skills and services of these women are definitely a bit worse, they are fresh."

"Oh?" Lu Lin raised his eyebrows and raised his glass to clink with Dai Bie. cup, and then took another big sip from him, and then said, "What's so new about this?"

"Hehehe, brother, the women in the brothel are all obedient to you, and they have long been accustomed to these things," Dai Beier said with a smile, "but these women are different. They will resist this kind of thing, but they can't resist. Moreover, you know who they are. When doing things, you can even mention their husbands and relatives. And rest assured, they can only accept it. Whatever you say is what you say, and what you let them say is what you say. This feeling, can you understand it?"

Lu Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

Can you understand it?

That's too understandable.

Isn't this the Minotaur plot?

That's right, playing with decent women, isn't this what's good?

As for whether there are many people who like this...

It's a joke. Think about the previous life. Although a group of pure love warriors shouted about the gauze minotaur every day, the number of minotaur themes in the book was overwhelmingly high.

If it weren't for the large audience, how could it be like this?

Thinking of this, Lu Lin took a deep breath.

Although he is an iron-blooded pure love warrior, at this moment, he also has to temporarily wear a pair of fake horns.

"Haha, I see, this is really interesting," Lu Lin smiled and raised his glass, "From what you said, brother, you plan to take me to see it later?"

"If you are interested, let's go and have fun tonight?" Dai Beier also smiled and raised his glass.

"Okay! Refreshing! No more words! Come on, drink!" Lu Lin said, clinking glasses with Dai Beier, and then raised his head to drink.

After drinking the remaining half cup of beer in one breath, he even turned the glass upside down and showed it to Dai Beier.

Dai Beier saw this, and he was not hypocritical. At this moment, in his opinion, Lu Lin had completely stepped into his trap. He immediately raised his head and drank the remaining half cup of wine.

"Huh, it's great!" Putting down the empty glass, Dai Beier let out a long breath, and then subconsciously went to get the last glass of wine.

He was very anxious now, just waiting to finish the wine so that he could take Lu Lin to his territory.

However, when he turned around, he found that the place where the wine was originally placed was empty.

He looked again and found that four glasses of beer were placed in front of Lu Lin.

Lu Lin noticed Dai Beier's sight, looked at his side, and immediately shouted in surprise: "Ah! Sorry, why did I take an extra glass."

"Haha, it's okay, this wine was originally bought by you, brother, you drink it," Dai Beier said hurriedly.

"Hey! You can't say that, what's the point of drinking alone?" Lu Lin said, looking at the four glasses, and then took out a glass and said, "Hey, I should have only taken a sip of this glass, brother Reese, you shouldn't dislike me, right?"

"Haha, how can that be!" Dai Beier took the wine without hesitation, "We are all brothers, how can we be so pretentious, come on, let's continue drinking, and go have fun together after drinking!"

"Okay! Let's have fun together after drinking!" Lu Lin also raised his glass and drank with Dai Beier.

Dai Beier drank in a hurry. He had finished talking about what he needed to talk about. Now he just had to wait until he finished drinking so that he could move on to the next step.

Lu Lin also drank in a hurry. The medicine that should be poured into the glass had been added to the glass of wine when Dai Beier just raised his head to drink it. Now he just had to wait for Dai Beier to finish drinking it, and then the effect of the medicine would take effect.

The two drank one mouthful after another.

In fact, when Dai Beier drank half of the glass of wine, he began to feel a little dizzy.

However, he was very confident in his alcohol tolerance. Three glasses of beer would never make him drunk. He just thought that he drank too much, so he was a little drunk.

In addition, he was really eager to swallow Lu Lin, the cooked duck, into his stomach quickly, so when Lu Lin invited him to finish the remaining half of the glass of wine again, he didn't think about it and picked up the glass and poured the rest of the wine into his stomach in one breath.

He didn't feel anything just after drinking it.

But when he put down the cup and wanted to speak, Daibel felt a surge of alcohol and fatigue rushing to his head, his eyes blurred, and he fell headfirst on the table.

Looking at Daibel who fell into a baby-like sleep, Lu Lin slowly put down the cup in his hand.

"Huh, it's done..."

Lu Lin let out a long breath and subconsciously touched his chest.

His heart was pounding, showing how nervous he was.

If it weren't for the alcohol, Lu Lin was really afraid that he would reveal flaws halfway because of stage fright and nervousness.

Or, he should have had a lot of flaws, but he was unintentional, and he was a hunter who appeared as a prey, so Daibel didn't realize his flaws.

In short, no matter what, his plan was already halfway done.

After looking around and confirming that no one was paying attention to this side, Lu Lin reached out from his arms and touched a pair of small scissors, a nail clipper, and a small glass bottle.

"Brother, I won't go to the brothel with you. I'll lend you some things. Just have a good sleep..."

"Sleep for a few more days, and you won't have to wake up again..."

Chapter 13 Look at you, why are you so angry? It's not good for your health.

Three days later, at night.

In Lu Lin's hut.

A head carved from wood was placed on the ground. The head was roughly carved with the outline of the facial features, but there were no eyes, no nostrils, and the lips were tightly closed.

Around the head, the suggested triangular magic circle was carved with animal bone powder.

At the three ends of the magic circle, there was a small bowl, each containing a small amount of poultry blood. In the blood, some nails, some hair, and a small bottle of blood were soaked.

Next to each small bowl, there were three candles of different heights, rippling with strange green flames in the dark night.

This is the spell array arranged by Lu Lin, "Little Lyle's Pain".

Lu Lin looked at this strange spell array and rubbed his shoulders.

Although he set up this thing himself, he still felt ominous and uncomfortable when he looked at it.

He looked up outside the house and saw that it was pitch black. Obviously, it was already dark at night. At this time, Daibel should be searching for his prey in the tavern.

If possible, Lu Lin really wanted to do it during the day, so that this night owl could die quietly in his own home.

Unfortunately, this low-level spell array has many restrictions, one of which is that the array must be activated at night.

Lu Lin sometimes really feels that the spell array "Little Lyle's Pain" is too weak.

There are many restrictions and harsh conditions.

Think about it, you can get a person's hair, nails and blood, and you also have time to set up and activate a complex spell array. If you have these conditions, you can kill people directly.

It would be fine if it could be used to kill some powerful enemies that are invincible, but it can only kill ordinary people.

If you want to say that its only advantage is that it is not easy to be discovered when you take action.

In fact, the formulas in the primary alchemy manual seem to be basically of this strength. The stronger the effect, the greater the limitation. The effect with less limitation is mostly very reluctant. Although there seem to be a lot of formulas, there are not many practical ones.

The destruction formula is okay, at least it can make explosive bombs. As for the undead formula, it sounds good, but the primary one can only make some skeleton rats and the like. The so-called secret formula is just a catalog with few contents. Those few contents are all inexplicable and useless things.

Therefore, Lu Lin is very eager to be promoted to an intermediate alchemist and obtain an intermediate alchemy manual.

When the time comes, he should really have some abilities to gain a foothold in this world.

And the only way to be promoted, at least for Lu Lin now, is to continue to complete the tasks of the mysterious menu.

Therefore, whether for his own future or out of disgust for Daibel, Lu Lin should activate this curse array.

However, this is to kill people, and it is to kill people with methods that have never been used before, so Lu Lin can't help but feel nervous.

He could have actually done it the night before yesterday, but because he was too nervous, he postponed it to today.

Of course, this is not bad, after all, he had just come into contact with Dai Beier the day before yesterday, and doing it the day before yesterday would easily attract attention.

It would be safer to wait until today to do it.

However, it can only wait until today at most.

According to the formula, the fresher the opponent's blood, the better the effect of the spell array. The first three days are the best, and then it may gradually weaken.

And today is the third day.

Lu Lin turned his head and glanced at the girl lying on the bed.

The other party was still sleeping soundly.

Ever since the other party took a bottle of primary gray cloud mushroom drug from Lu Lin as melatonin, Lu Lin prepared more at home.

Since then, this girl would get up for a while almost every day when Lu Lin was cooking, come to get a small bowl of rice, and then go to find the medicine to drink, and then go back to sleep, and this cycle repeated every day.

At first, Lu Lin was worried that his spell array at home might attract her attention and cause some accidents. Now it seems that as long as he prepares sleeping pills for her, this girl can sleep forever.

Lu Lin knew that she must have mental problems, but Lu Lin really couldn't figure out what kind of mental illness would eventually show such symptoms.

PTSD plus narcolepsy?

PTSD must exist, but I have never heard of narcolepsy that the symptoms are caused by taking sleeping pills every day.

Lu Lin couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't bother to think about it.

At this point, he was somewhat used to the unknown mummy in his home. After all, the other party had contributed more than three gold coins to his rent. If he just took care of the other party's food and accommodation, Lu Lin would have no objection.

The time and environment were in place, and the preparations were complete.

Lu Lin took a deep breath, raised his black vine alchemy staff, slowly pointed the tip of the staff to the center of the spell array, closed his eyes, and chanted an obscure spell.

In the dark, the girl lying on the bed opened her eyes slightly.

She turned her head slightly and looked at the top of the spell array, her eyes moved slightly, as if she was looking at something invisible.

But after just looking for a while, she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.



In the town, on the second floor of the tavern.

Dai Beier was holding a glass of beer, a little depressed.

His business has not been very good recently.

Although the matter of the flower book is not a secret, those who have discussed it have never delved into the background.

But this time the situation was different. Mrs. Bilin was very popular in the town and well-known. When most people heard that she was on the list of prostitutes, their first reaction was to inquire about the reason behind it, and naturally his name was involved.

He regretted it a little. His father had told him at the beginning that it was best not to touch those people who were too popular in the town, especially women, because being too eye-catching would not be good for him.

He did agree at the time, but as time passed, he forgot about it.

The result was exactly the same as what his father said. Since Mrs. Bilin was on the list of prostitutes, his popularity has increased by several levels than before. Now it is much more difficult to find a target who doesn't know him in the tavern than before.

"I caught a big fat sheep before, how could I get drunk? Tsk, damn it," Dai Beer cursed in his heart. When he thought about missing the only business he had recently a few days ago, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Even the smile that was always on his face was a little off.

Gradually, he even felt the blood rushing up, and his eyes became dizzy. Then, he felt a faint pain in his chest.

Dai Bieer rubbed his chest, trying to relieve the pain a little.

But the more he rubbed, the more obvious the pain became.

He wanted to take a deep breath again, but when he inhaled suddenly, his chest felt as if it was about to explode.

He immediately covered his heart with his right hand unconsciously, and hurriedly pulled out a chair with his left hand, wanting to sit on the chair to rest.

But before he could move his body weight to the chair, the leg he just stepped on actually felt a sharp pain, and then his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

The sudden noise attracted the attention of many customers on the second floor. Seeing Dai Bieer fall to the ground with a chair lying next to him, the first reaction of the drinkers was that a fool had drunk and fell to the ground.

For a while, there was laughter everywhere.

But after a few seconds, the laughter gradually subsided.

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