The Barn Tavern is the only tavern in Diling Town.

The tavern has three floors in total. The first floor is the lobby, the second floor has private rooms and corridors where you can drink and watch the excitement, and the third floor is the owner's residence and the resting place for employees.

The decoration of the tavern is very ordinary, with a mixed architectural style of stone and wood. The space is large enough to accommodate the drunkards in the whole town for fun. Every night, this is the most lively place in the whole town.

Lu Lin walked into the door of the tavern, and the aroma of wine and food immediately filled his nose.

He had been busy before and had not eaten dinner. When he smelled these aromas, Lu Lin's stomach suddenly growled.

After looking around, Lu Lin went up to the second floor, and then found an empty seat next to the corridor. He greeted Tang Bo on the first floor, and soon the latter came upstairs.

Seeing Lu Lin coming, Tang Bo was very surprised. Before he even came up to him, he shouted: "Hey, have you really changed? Are you willing to come and drink?"

"Yeah, I've said it before, I'm going to enjoy life in the future," Lu Lin didn't explain, and just followed the conversation and said, "Let's have a beer, and then some food."

"Okay, today's set meal is blue mushroom stew with baked potatoes, can I have one for you?" Tang Bo asked.

"Okay, that's it," Lu Lin nodded and said casually, "By the way, the guy you mentioned before, is he here today too?"

"Huh? What, do you want to see what he looks like in person?" Tang Bo asked in confusion.

"I'm a little curious," Lu Lin nodded, "and be careful, in case I get cheated someday."

"Oh, that's right," Tang Bo said, pretending to look around casually, and then said, "It's on the second floor, next to the pillar on the opposite corner, the guy chewing the cheese stick is there, be careful, don't make eye contact, or you'll be targeted."

After that, Tang Bo went downstairs to work.

Lu Lin watched him leave, and then pretended to glance across casually.

Sure enough, at the location Tang Bo said, there was a red-haired earth spirit leaning on the railing, chewing a cheese stick while watching the drunkards who were shouting and drinking in the hall below.

"Well, I found you," Lu Lin thought to himself, rubbing his knuckles to ease the tension in his heart.

In the following time, Lu Lin did not act in a hurry, but fiddled with his cat's eye drops bottle while secretly observing Dai Beier's actions.

He wanted to see what this guy was going to do. He didn't believe that anyone would come to the tavern just to eat a cheese stick.

What Lu Lin didn't know was that he was secretly observing Dai Beier, and Dai Beier was actually observing him quietly.

There were only so many people in the town, and 60% of the people who often came to the tavern were regular customers who came every day.

Most of these people knew Dai Beier and knew what he did. It would be difficult for Dai Beier to set a trap for these people. It would require some coincidences and opportunities to succeed.

The remaining 40% of the guests, most of whom came with friends. For people like this, although they may not know Dai Beier themselves, their friends often know him, and Dai Beier is not easy to start with.

So, Dai Beier's favorite target is still the new face who comes to the tavern alone to drink alone.

And this kind of people often prefer the relatively quiet second floor compared to the lively first floor.

This is also the reason why he is now on the second floor of the tavern.

And Lu Lin, as a new face who came to the second floor of the tavern alone and sat down, naturally attracted Dai Beier's attention.

The two people, each with their own ulterior motives, did not even look at each other, but their attention was always on each other.

Soon, Tang Bo brought up the food and drinks ordered by Lu Lin, and after telling Lu Lin a few words, Tang Bo went to work.

Although he actually wanted to chat with Lu Lin for a while, this was the time when the guests in the tavern ordered the most frequently, and he was really too busy.

When the food was served, Lu Lin temporarily withdrew his attention and began to eat heartily.

Although he did not come here tonight for dinner, he was afraid that he would be distracted by the smell of food at a critical moment if he was hungry in the tavern where he could smell the aroma of wine and food at this moment.

Lu Lin was very hungry, so he ate very deliciously.

Dai Beier secretly observed Lu Lin, thinking.

There is a clear difference between the strangers who came to the tavern alone and the drunkards who came every day at a certain time.

Drunkards come to the tavern because of habit and hobby. As long as they have money and time, they will run here, without any other reason.

But these strangers who come here alone often have their own reasons.

Some people want to drink some wine to relax on a whim, some people come here to get drunk because of bad things, and some people even come here to find pimps.

And Lu Lin...


Looks like he's here to eat.

There are quite a few people like this, after all, at this time, only the tavern in the town still sells food.

According to Dai Beier's experience, people who come to eat often don't stay for long, and they will leave after eating and drinking.

So, if he wants to try to attack Lu Lin, he'd better take action before Lu Lin finishes his meal.

Thinking of this, Dai Beier no longer hesitated, threw the last bit of cheese stick into his mouth, tidied his clean and neat silk clothes, raised the corners of his mouth, and walked towards Lu Lin with a gentle smile.

Then, under Lu Lin's peripheral vision, he twisted his hips and hit his kidneys hard on the corner of Lu Lin's table.

Chapter 11 Who is the little fish and who is the shrimp?


Under Debel's powerful and heavy impact on the waist, the two legs of Lu Lin's dining table actually jumped up a few centimeters, and directly shook out two pieces of Lu Lin's half-eaten stew, and placed them aside. The beer glass he was holding was knocked over, and the beer he had just taken two sips of was scattered all over the table.

Lu Lin fell into silence looking at the mess on the table.

He seemed to be staring at his dinner plate the whole time, but his attention was focused on Dai Beier the whole time. It seemed that Dai Beier accidentally bumped into him, but Lu Lin knew very well that this guy clearly did it on purpose.

But why would he do this?

Could it be that he saw through that he had intentions for him?

Impossible, Lu Lin didn't even look at him. How could he detect in advance that Lu Lin wanted to attack him?

He needs to have some ability to read minds and predict the future, but if he has this ability, how can he be a second-rate person in this small place?

Since the problem does not lie with Lu Lin, then it must lie with the other party.

"Is this guy actually targeting me?" Lu Lin raised his eyes and looked at Daibel, frowning slightly.

Seeing Lu Lin's performance, Dai Beier showed an apologetic smile.

In his opinion, Lu Lin was eating well and drinking wine, and when he was suddenly hit like this, with food spilled and wine poured down, he would definitely be angry. It was a normal behavior to raise his eyes and glare at him at this moment.

And this is exactly the effect he wants.

"Ouch! Ah, it hurts, eh, brother, I'm sorry, I just drank some wine, and I accidentally..." Debel stood up with an apologetic look.

Lu Lin wasn't sure how he was going to make a move. He didn't speak for a while and just looked at Debel quietly.

"Hey, this type seems to be a little more troublesome than those whizzing around..." Debel thought to himself, rubbing his waist and walking to the railing.

He looked down and shouted to one of the clerks: "Gru! Bring me two glasses of wine and a piece of stew!"

Then, he pulled out the chair at the next table and said to Lu Lin: "I'm sorry, brother, I'll pay you for a new meal and drink. Come on, sit here, they will clear the table over there."

After saying that, Debel looked at Lu Lin with a smile, while waiting for Lu Lin's reaction, he was thinking about what other words Lu Lin would use if he refused.

But how could Lu Lin refuse?

He himself was still thinking about how he could get Daibel to have a drink with him, but now that the other party actually came to his door, there was no reason for Lu Lin to refuse.

"Oh, my brother is really a real person," Lu Lin stood up, "Thank you very much."

After saying that, Lu Lin walked to the opposite side of Debel, pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. Then he stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, you can sit down too. I'll also buy you two glasses of wine. Let's have a round."

"Oh? How embarrassing..." Debel said in surprise.

But as he said this, his butt moved extremely smoothly, and landed in the middle of the chair with a plop.

"What's your name? Why haven't I seen you before?" As soon as he sat down, Debel took the initiative to start the topic.

"You can call me Ben Wei. I usually run outside and rarely come to the pub when I come to town, so you may not have seen me," Lu Lin said half-seriously, "By the way, what about you? ? "I guess you're a regular visitor here?"

"My name is Reese, I'm not a regular visitor, I just come here once or twice a week," Debel replied with a smile, his tone was natural, but he didn't say a word of truth.

"Haha, does coming here every week count as a regular customer?" Lu Lin said with a smile.

"Who am I? I'm a regular here. I wait at the door every day before the door is opened." Debel said, pouting downstairs. "Well, those drunkards down there are those guys." Really a regular customer.”

While the two were talking, the clerk named Gru also came up with two glasses of beer and a new piece of stew.

This clerk named Gru is also an old clerk in this store. He is a male earth spirit of some age, but unlike Tang Bo, in Lu Lin’s impression, this guy is taciturn, does not like to talk, and does not cause trouble. But it doesn't matter. It's probably because of this that Debel specially asked him to bring food.

"Your wine," Gru said calmly, put down the food and wine and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute," Lu Lin waved his hand and said, "How can two cups be enough? Four more cups will be charged to my account."

Gru glanced at Lu Lin, nodded, and said, "Come on."

"Eh?" Dai Beier looked a little surprised, "Brother Benwei, you ordered so many?"

"It's just three glasses of beer per person, how much is that?" Lu Lin smiled, "Brother Reese, you are too drunk, right?"

"Haha, that's not the case," Debel smiled and shook his head, "It's just that I saw that you only ordered one meal and one glass of wine before, so I thought you didn't plan to stay long, brother."

"One drink is enough for a person to drink and eat," Lu Lin shrugged. "Now that someone is drinking with me, the situation will naturally be different."

"Well, that makes sense." When Lu Lin said this, the smile on Debel's face became brighter.

He has many tricks to deceive people, but no matter what trick he uses, the first step is to try to find an environment where he can chat with the other person for a long time.

This step is often the most difficult step, but now, Lu Lin saved him this step.

Doesn't this play into his heart?

Picking up the cups, Dai Beier and Lu Lin clinked a glass, and then started chatting with Lu Lin about the household chores.

Originally, Lu Lin was worried that his conversation would be awkward and might lead to suspicion. As a result, Dai Beier was indeed a veteran who had been cheating for many years. He talked one thing after another, and Lu Lin only needed to pick up his words half-truthfully and make up nonsense.

The two people, each with their own ulterior motives, chatted and chatted, and soon, Dai Beier finished his first glass of wine.

He subconsciously took the second glass, and wanted to see how Lu Lin drank. When he looked up, he found that there were three glasses of wine on Lu Lin's right hand at the same time. When he wanted to drink, he picked up a glass and drank it, as if he didn't even look at which glass he grabbed.

This way of drinking is actually not uncommon. Some drunkards drink like this. They put a lot of glasses on half a table and drink whichever glass they grab.

Although it seems a bit strange to drink three glasses of wine like this, Dai Beier, who is now thinking about how to set up a trap for Lu Lin, obviously has no time to think about these things. He has already drunk the second glass, so it's time to get down to business.

"Speaking of which, Brother Benwei, you are always busy with work. Have you started a family?" Dai Beier asked.

"No, I am single," Lu Lin shook his head, "It's hard to support myself, how can I start a family."

"Brother, you are a very responsible person. Come, I'll toast you a glass," Dai Beier said, and raised his glass to clink glasses with Lu Lin.

Lu Lin was not polite and drank a big sip with him.

"Huh..." Dai Beier, who drank a big sip of wine, let out a breath, and then said, "But, brother, isn't your life too bland like this? How about I take you to eat some meat later?"

"Eat meat?" Lu Lin pretended to be confused, "Isn't I eating stewed meat?"

"Hey, not this kind of meat," Dai Beier smiled, "Women's flesh, I wonder if you are interested?"

Lu Lin looked at him, blinked, and then said in astonishment: "Ah? Brother, actually eat people?"

Chapter 12 Lie down

Dai Beier was a little speechless.

He felt that Lu Lin must have drunk too much. He had explained it so clearly, how could he not understand?

Lu Lin looked confused, but he sneered in his heart.

After talking for so long, this sentence was probably the only true word he said.

The man in front of him would eat people without even spitting out the bones.

Lu Lin stared at the ceiling in a daze, then clapped his hands and said as if he had suddenly realized something: "Ah! Are you talking about brothels?"

"Hey, brothels? No, that place is so boring," Dai Beier sneered, "that place is full of stinky meat sticks that have been played with by people."

"Huh? What place are you talking about, brother?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"Of course it's a place for playing with decent women," Dai Beier grinned, "Have you heard of a flower book?"

"I have heard of it, isn't it a brothel flyer that pimps hold? Isn't that still a brothel?" Lu Lin continued to play dumb.

"Hey, you're right. The brothel on the surface is just an advertisement for a brothel, but..."

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