I don't know what she is thinking, or if she is thinking nothing at all.

But at least Lu Lin can be sure that this girl is not as scary as he thought at first.

Thinking about it carefully, she seems to have never attacked him except when she first woke up.

I feel that Lu Lin doesn't need to be so scared to get along with her all the time.

In addition, Lu Lin himself is actually hungry. He doesn't know how many hours he hasn't eaten.

It just so happens that there are ingredients in the things he bought yesterday, so Lu Lin started to cook directly.

While Lu Lin was cooking, he was also secretly observing Li Mi.

She fell into the river yesterday and took a shower. Although the bandages on her body were still dirty, at least her face was washed clean and her hair was a little smoother. She looked like the same person as the terrifying existence who killed in the pool of blood yesterday.

While Lu Lin was cooking, Li Mi was still motionless as usual, with empty eyes, and seemed to have no expectations for the food in the pot.

But when Lu Lin finished cooking and scooped a full bowl for her, she took the initiative to reach out to take it.

Even after taking it, the way she ate was as unbearable as usual.

Although Lu Lin was also hungry, he did not serve himself rice at the first time, but sat next to Li Mi, waiting for her to finish eating.

Now he has obviously offended the Black Snail Gang, but he doesn't know if anyone cares about him except those people last night.

After all, these gangs are actually very scattered, and people are in groups. Although he killed Dai Beier, there may not be many people who care about this matter.

But Lu Lin didn't dare to gamble. If there were a group of people with the same configuration as last night blocking him outside, with his current strength, he would definitely be finished.

So, for insurance, before he was promoted to an intermediate alchemist, he needed a strong bodyguard.

And obviously, the most suitable candidate was here at the moment.

In a few minutes, Li Mi swallowed a whole bowl of food.

As usual, she planned to go to bed directly.

But this time, Lu Lin called her.

"Li Mi?"

Lu Lin's voice was not loud. After all, this was probably the first time he took the initiative to talk to the other party, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Li Mi, who heard this voice, seemed to be frightened and trembled all over.

At that moment, Lu Lin noticed that her eyes looked at him.

There was no unfocused nothingness in her eyes, but an ordinary gaze like that of ordinary people.

However, all this only lasted for a moment, and she returned to her normal appearance.

However, she did not rush to get up, but sat in the same place, facing Lu Lin calmly.

"Well, we can indeed communicate..."

Lu Lin thought to himself, swallowed his saliva, exhaled a little, and then said: "Well, can we chat?"

After saying this short sentence, Lu Lin felt that his breathing was a little trembling, and he looked at Li Mi eagerly, not knowing what he was nervous about.

The answer came faster than expected, but it was also more ruthless than expected.


Only one word.

There was no ups and downs in his tone, no emotions, just a simple answer.

Lu Lin was choked immediately.

The bunch of words he had been thinking about were also held in his stomach, and he couldn't say a syllable for a long time.

After all, no matter how good the words are, at least they must be spoken first. He didn't want to talk when he came here, so what else could he say?

Just when Lu Lin didn't know what to do, Li Mi said again.

"But, I can help..."

Lu Lin was stunned.

Can't talk, but can help?

What does it mean?

Simply don't want to talk?

Is it really like Lu Lin's previous random guess, this girl will feel uncomfortable when talking?


Could it be that she was cursed with a similar curse?

Speaking of which, there seems to be a curse with similar effects in the formula that Lu Lin has mastered, but those are all primary formulas, which are definitely useless for the girl in front of him with monster-like strength.

If Li Mi has become like this because of the curse, then the curse must be something above the advanced level.

Obviously, even if Lu Lin guessed right, it was not something Lu Lin could deal with now, nor was it something he should think about now.

"Well, I do need your help with something," Lu Lin said in a tentative tone, "Can you stay by my side and protect me?"

After saying this, Lu Lin always felt something was wrong.

Thinking about it, he realized that this was not what the weak heroines or princesses said to the hero hero in the story?

Why was it the other way around here?

Just as Lu Lin's thoughts were flying, Li Mi gave an answer.

Just like before, it came much faster and more decisively than expected.


Still only one word.

But this word, it sounded completely different.

Lu Lin immediately felt relieved and said excitedly: "Okay! Then I'll trouble you!"

"Well, when the time comes, wake me up..."

Li Mi said, got up and went back to the room. You don't need to look to know that he went to sleep again.

As for Lu Lin.

With his heart at ease, Lu Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and his face, which had been frowning all night, finally showed a relaxed smile.

Spooning a full bowl of rice for himself, Lu Lin enjoyed his breakfast, which was as big as a full meal. Hunger and good mood made this simple stewed rice a rare delicacy, and Lu Lin ate until he was full.

After the meal, Lu Lin moved around a little and then went back to the house.

In order to be promoted to an intermediate alchemist as soon as possible, he had to start working hard to make money.

Within today, he should be able to make a batch of samples of primary fire dust explosives.

Whether he can make money and get rich in the future depends on this thing.

Chapter 22 It's really like moving bricks to make money, and spending money like water.

Two days later, early morning.

Lu Lin looked at the gradually brightening sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

He woke up at about three in the morning today. As long as he went to bed a little later at night, the jet lag should be reversed.

A batch of primary fire dust explosives has been made. The quantity is not large, and it is now in Lu Lin's backpack.

But to be honest, this thing is really heavy.

Lu Lin has been collecting herbs all year round. Although the baskets filled with herbs, mushrooms, etc. are also heavy, they are nothing compared to this pile of solid explosives.

Before, he naively thought that he could transport the goods by himself. Now it seems that he may need to buy a bullock cart by himself.

If the business is negotiated, he should be able to see if there is a suitable one.

Although a cow is not cheap, a bullock cart for pulling goods may cost dozens of silver coins, but this thing is a rigid demand. With Lu Lin's current ability to make money, this burden is not heavy.

What's more, Lu Lin is a person who is willing to spend money to invest in hardware. When he was so poor, he was willing to invest the only dozen silver coins he had in his body to invest in accommodation and money-making methods.

However, in addition to this; as long as the deal is negotiated, he still has to buy a lot of raw materials, which also costs money.

In addition...

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi, who was lying on the bed with a peaceful face.

The other party was still wrapped in bandages.

It was okay before. Although the white bandages looked like a mummy, they were also clean.

But since the fight with the Black Snail Gang that day, Li Mi's bandages were covered with dried blood, which was really hard to accept.

Now that he knew he could communicate with her, Lu Lin actually wanted to let her change her clothes.

Unfortunately, Lu Lin had lived in poverty before. There were only two sets of clothes at home. He wore one and the other was hanging outside.

What's more, he didn't have any underwear for women.

So when we get to town later, we have to spend money to buy some clothes for Li Mi.

In fact, not only Li Mi, but Lu Lin himself should also buy some clothes, and by the way, buy some daily necessities, mirrors and razors, so that he can take care of his appearance.

After calculating this, Lu Lin suddenly realized that he might need to bring more than a gold coin on this trip.

Fortunately, Lu Lin had found more than 70 silver coins and copper coins on the Black Snail Gang members before. Now his total assets are about 180 silver coins, otherwise the cash may not be enough.

Leaving fifty silver coins as insurance, Lu Lin packed up the remaining money and filled his waist bag.

The money was ready, the goods were packed, and the only remaining problem was...

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi who was still sleeping, and felt a little worried.

He couldn't just take this girl out like this, could he?

He had to find something else for her to wear first.

Lu Lin first thought of his Black Crow Warlock Robe.

But this outfit was really eye-catching. Lu Lin was afraid that if she really wore it to the town, the town guards would come to them immediately to check the water meter.

If this one was not considered, then there seemed to be only one choice left.

Lu Lin looked at the wall next to the door, where he would wear a straw hat and raincoat when he went out on rainy days.

Although it was strange to wear this outfit on this day, it could actually be explained if it was an outsider.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin made up his mind, sat next to Li Mi, and called softly: "Li Mi?"

The girl's eyes slowly opened and looked over.

"As we agreed before, I hope you can come and protect me," Lu Lin said, "I need to go to town now, do some work, and then buy some things. I also want to buy you some clothes."

Li Mi did not answer, but silently got up from the bed and stood at the door.

It can be seen that she agreed, but she really didn't want to talk.

"Ah, but it's not good for you to go out like this. If you can, can you wear these?" Lu Lin said, and went to get the raincoat and hat.

Li Mi looked at Lu Lin without saying a word.

Lu Lin was a little nervous when she looked at him, and asked tentatively: "That... is it not possible?"

Li Mi still didn't answer, and even her eyes didn't stay on Lu Lin as usual.

However, she silently raised her hands to the side.

Although you don't need to raise your hands to wear a raincoat, Lu Lin understood her action.

It seems that she is willing to wear it, but she just doesn't want to put it on herself.

"What's the situation? Was she a big lady who asked for clothes before?"

That's not right, right?

Whose daughter would use the other person's head to bowl when fighting?

I still don't understand the logic of Li Mi's actions.

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