But if you can understand her mental state, Lu Lin himself might be a little bit abnormal.

After helping Li Mi put on her hat and raincoat, Lu Lin stepped back and looked at her.

She looked similar to those travelers who usually wore hats and raincoats. Her bandaged feet looked like leggings at first glance, so she shouldn't attract too much attention.

"Then? Shall we go?" Lu Lin asked.

Li Mi still didn't answer, but just walked out of the door silently and stood outside.

Lu Lin carried the backpack and went out.

He looked back at the house without a door and sighed.

It felt too bad that I couldn't even lock the door when I went out.

It seems that I have to buy some materials and make a new door later.

"How many things do I have to buy this time? I must not forget them later..."

Lu Lin thought and walked towards the direction of Diling Town.

Li Mi was still silent, her eyes were still dull, but she followed Lu Lin silently as she promised.



Half an hour later, a rare treasure underground.

"Hey, Sister A Juan, I'm here."

Lu Lin pushed open the door and greeted Sister A Juan.

The latter had just opened the door and was sweeping the floor in the store. When she saw Lu Lin, she immediately smiled and narrowed her eyes into a line, and greeted: "Hey! Xiao Lu, you are finally here! How is it? Have you made explosives?"

"Of course," Lu Lin smiled and walked in, putting the heavy backpack next to the counter.

At the same time, Li Mi followed Lu Lin in.

"Oh, this guest..." Sister A Juan looked at Li Mi with a little surprise, "Is it a traveler who just arrived here?"

Of course, Li Mi did not answer, but just walked to Lu Lin silently, looking straight ahead quietly.

"Ah, that's it, Sister Ajuan, this is my fellow villager from my hometown. Something happened in my hometown. She knew I was here, so she came to see me recently," Lu Lin hurriedly threw out the prepared words, "She has a little problem with her throat, so she can't speak."

"Is that so," Sister Ajuan nodded, "She looks like a beautiful girl, but she must have suffered a lot along the way, right? Since she just arrived, she should need to buy a lot of things. If you need anything, just tell Sister Ajuan, and Sister Ajuan will give you a 95% discount."

"Hehe, I really have a lot of things to buy later," Lu Lin said with a smile, "But let's talk about the most important thing first."

As he said that, Lu Lin took out an oval primary fire dust explosive from the backpack and placed it on the counter.

"Come, let's see if this stuff is worth the conditions we discussed before."

Chapter 23 Even elementary school students are not as perfunctory as you when taking a bath

Lu Lin is very confident about the bombs he made.

Although the quality of the bombs he made is very ordinary, this formula is what he picked out from a hundred.

It is not the best choice among the primary formula explosives, but at least it has enough advantages and good cost performance.

Sister Ajuan was not vague. She took the sample and went out directly, saying that she would take it to the mine to test the effect directly, and asked Lu Lin if he wanted to go with her.

Although it would be better to go with her, after all, she could see the miners' reactions directly on the spot, which could prevent Sister Ajuan from lowering the price.

But Lu Lin still refused and decisively let Sister Ajuan handle it.

There were many reasons. First of all, he really trusted Sister Ajuan enough. Secondly, the town was so small that it was very easy to find out the actual situation of such things.

Of course, the most important point was that Lu Lin didn't want to take Li Mi around with him now. It was a small matter to attract gossip. If something went wrong and people saw her bloody mummy-like clothes under her straw raincoat, she would inevitably get into trouble.

So Lu Lin simply stayed and picked up some things he needed in Sister Ajuan's grocery store.

About ten minutes later, Sister Ajuan came back.

And from her expression, we can tell that she is very satisfied with the bombs provided by Lu Lin.

Satisfied with the goods and being acquaintances who trust each other, the business will naturally be discussed quickly. Lu Lin quickly got a month's order. After calculation, the profit was 20 to 30 silver coins more than the three gold coins expected at the beginning.

This level of income, looking at the whole town, can even be ranked in the forefront.

Of course, it is limited to the few months when the fire grass is out of stock.

If the two kinds of explosives are available on the market at the same time, the order volume and price here will be discounted. At that time, it will be good to earn one gold a month.

But it doesn't matter. As long as he can work steadily for these few months, it will be enough for Lu Lin to earn ten gold coins.

After negotiating the work, Lu Lin began to purchase supplies.

The first is clothes.

First, he had to get a decent set of clothes for Li Mi, so that Lu Lin dared to take her around.

Since there were no clothes to sell in the underground treasures and Lu Lin didn't want to go out, he chose to tell Sister A Juan about it directly.

Maybe because they had just concluded a big deal, Sister Ajuan seemed particularly enthusiastic. Not only did she agree, she even took out a tape measure to measure Li Mi's measurements, which frightened Lu Lin and he hurriedly stopped her.

Lu Lin now knew that Li Mi would not do anything to him casually, but he could not say for others. He did not want Li Mi to do anything to Sister Ajuan because of the sudden physical contact. Even if she did not really do anything, but just pressed Sister Ajuan to the ground like she did to him, it would be hard to explain.

After talking for a while, Lu Lin persuaded Sister Ajuan to buy clothes based on the data in his memory, saying that Li Mi was afraid of strangers.

Since he had bandaged Numi's whole body before, Lu Lin knew how long the bandage would be to wrap around each part of Numi's body.

Regarding the budget for buying clothes, Lu Lin gave Sister Ajuan thirty silver coins and asked her to help him pick out two decent ones.

As for the time when Sister Ajuan was buying clothes, Lu Lin helped her look after the store here.

I thought I would be able to buy two sets for myself and three or five sets for Li Mi. Who knew that Sister Ajuan came back and bought dozens of various clothes and accessories? Lu Lin knew at a glance that it was definitely over the budget. , and not even a little bit better.

When I asked Sister Ajuan how much she spent extra, Sister Ajuan refused to tell me. She only said that the extra part was treated as a meeting gift for Tanuki.

Thinking about it carefully, when he first came here, Sister Ajuan seemed to have given him something without any reason.

Although they didn't give as many gifts as they do now, it can still be seen that this is indeed Sister Ajuan's exclusive way of hospitality.

In addition, Lu Lin only supplies goods to Sister Ajuan, so Sister Ajuan's profit from this transaction with him will definitely be indispensable.

So Lu Lin didn't insist too much, he just kept it in mind, thinking that if there is an opportunity in the future, he would just reciprocate.

After buying the clothes, Sister Ajuan greeted her warmly and wanted Tanuki to take a bath and change into them now, and expressed her willingness to directly lend her bathroom to Tanuki.

This is of course a good thing. You must know that Sister Ajuan has the conditions to take a hot bath here. This is something that Lu Lin's little shabby house would never dare to think about. It is estimated that Sister Ajuan also knows about this and will bring it up. This proposal.

However, Lu Lin was in trouble again when he thought of giving Li Mi a bath.

Can this person really wash himself?

After thinking about it, Lu Lin pulled Li Mi aside and asked in a low voice: "Li Mi, can you take a bath by yourself?"

Tanuki nodded slightly.

When Lu Lin saw this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that if she shook her head, Lu Lin would have to wash it for her.

Lu Lin really didn't know how to explain this to Sister Ajuan.

Lu Lin and Li Mi went to the second floor of the store together with the clothes that Sister Ajuan helped buy and some sundries purchased in the store.

This is where Sister Ajuan lives, and Lu Lin has been here a few times. Sister Ajuan helped arrange the bathroom, explained the usage of some things to the two of them, and then went downstairs to continue looking at the store.

Then, Tanuki went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After Lu Lin washed his hands, he sorted out the clothes bought by Sister Ajuan outside, selected what he would wear for a while, and then put the rest into his suitcase.

Lu Lin specifically told Sister Ajuan that she didn't bring any clothes with her when she came, and the clothes she wore before were very worn out and would probably have to be thrown away, so she asked Sister Ajuan to buy as many items as possible.

As for his own clothes, now that he has money, Lu Lin doesn't plan to wear two pieces until death as usual. He also asked Sister Ajuan to buy them all.

Sister Ajuan lived up to her trust and bought Lu Lin two pairs of good soft leather shoes, several pairs of socks, and even several pairs of close-fitting shorts. In addition, she bought a vest and short-sleeved shirt. A few pieces, including two pairs of trousers and shorts for outer wear. For tops, I bought a cotton coat, a windbreaker and a soft leather coat.

As for the clothes bought for Li Mi, that's even more exaggerated.

Five or six sets of underwear, four pairs of shoes, and several types of socks. I bought three pairs of each type. Shorts, short skirts, long trousers, long skirts, all kinds of tops and jackets, at least two of each. I just tried to put together all the clothes for the four seasons of the year. Everything is fully furnished.

In addition, there are also many accessories such as hair accessories, hats, pendants, and bracelets.

Lu Lin couldn't help but sigh. He really had the right person to buy clothes.

If Lu Lin were to go shopping by himself, it would be great if he could pick out two sets of decent changes of clothes. He might find that he forgot to buy something later.

After helping Li Mi pick out a set of clothes suitable for the season and put them aside, Lu Lin began to put Li Mi's clothes into the suitcase by category.

Lu Lin picked this suitcase from Sister Ajuan's shop. He bought two in total, one for clothes and one for other things. In addition, Lu Lin also picked out a lot of things he needed. Things, in short, since Sister Ajuan said she would get a 50% discount, Lu Lin tried his best to buy the things that could be bought from Sister Ajuan.

Just as Lu Lin was arranging his clothes, suddenly, there was a clicking sound from the mechanism, and the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Lu Lin was immediately stunned.

Hasn't it only been three minutes since Tanuki entered the bathroom?

Is this done?

For a moment, Lu Lin had a bad premonition in his heart.

And the next second, he saw a picture that was very consistent with his premonition.

I saw that Numi had wet hair on her head, and her body was still wrapped in the messy half-tight bandage. The bandage was completely soaked in water at the moment, and the blood stains were more mottled than before.

Rumi looked like a water ghost in a horror movie. He walked out of the bathroom with the same emptiness on his face as usual, leaving a trail of water behind him that looked like the footprints of a water ghost.

Chapter 24: What level of cadres are needed to withstand such a test?

Lu Lin felt that he must be stupid to believe that Li Mi could give him a bath by himself.

How could this sister be able to take a bath normally even if she eats like that?

Seeing this situation, Lu Lin couldn't care so much and pushed Li Mi back to the bathroom.

Sister Juan must not see this, or she will have a heart attack.

But, after entering the bathroom, Lu Lin was stunned again.

Yes, he brought her in, and then what?

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi.

The latter looked straight ahead, still in a daze as always.

It looks like...

It seems that there is no other choice except for him to help Li Mi take a bath?

To be honest, Lu Lin did not expect that he was a virgin all his life and did not even have a girlfriend, but he was forced to take the job of bathing a beautiful girl.


Although Lu Lin also saw Li Mi naked once, the other party was scarred after all, and he only felt distressed and synaesthesia when he saw her.

But now Li Mi's injuries have healed. This time, it is unlikely that Lu Lin can keep his calm mind like last time...

But now, it seems that there is no other way.

"Li Mi, how about I help you wash?"

Lu Lin asked.

Although he knew it was a last resort, Lu Lin still felt his heart pounding when he asked.

Li Mi didn't answer, but just raised her hands naturally.

It was so natural that it seemed that asking Lu Lin to help her take a bath was not a big deal at all.

Looking at her empty eyes as usual, Lu Lin suddenly felt that his wild thoughts seemed a little ridiculous.

It's just a bath, how big a deal can it be?

Could he really do something to Li Mi?

First of all, he is not a person who will take advantage of others in distress.

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