"This is very clever. If they, as the mayor's men, deal with these people, the local gangs will definitely join forces with the local forces to cause trouble, making it impossible for the mayor to step down."

"But if it is a foreign gang, the nature of the matter is that the gang will seize power. In this way, the local gang will not ask for help from local forces, because asking for help is tantamount to admitting defeat in the gang war, and they cannot afford to lose this person."

"And the way to grab the boss is also very simple and crude. Just 'set up the ring and fight one on one. Whoever has the strongest fist will be the boss. This is also the easiest way to convince these people."

"It seems that this is how the tradition of deciding gang leaders through duels has been established? These former local gangs are now the Yeshu sect, right?" Lu Lin touched his chin, "But it has been so many years? What is the difference between the two sects? Is it still this big? Even though they have all been taken back, the Zhengwo Sect and the mayor just let the Yewo Sect continue to behave like this? "

"No matter how long time passes, the essence remains unchanged," Lan Jie said helplessly, "Behind the Zhengwo sect is the mayor, supported by the power of the lords, while behind the Yewo sect are local snakes, chambers of commerce, and wealthy families, who are local As long as both forces exist for a long time, Zhengwo Sect and Yewo Sect can only coexist. "

Looking at Lan Jie, Lu Lin held his chin in one hand and fell silent for a moment.

He had never realized that this seemingly inconspicuous town was so complete.

The core of the conflict between the Night Snail sect and the residents seems to be due to the lord's inaction, but unexpectedly, the real root cause is class conflict.

The Yewo Sect is a powerful sword in the hands of the big businessmen, and a weapon used by the local powerful class to oppress the people at the bottom.

The conflict between the Zhengwo Sect and the Yewo Sect is the conflict between the lords' power and the local power. It is a pure struggle of interests. Although the two sides will continue to fight, they will not really fight to the death.

"I suddenly felt that my price was too low," Lu Lin said abruptly, "It seems that what I have to deal with is not as simple as a group of local ruffians..."

"Haha, the price has been negotiated, but there is no reason to change it," Lan Jie smiled, "Besides, the situation is not as complicated as you think. Those local forces are by no means monolithic. There are also struggles between them. This time In addition to helping the Yewo Sect seize the position of gang leader, I am afraid that he also wants to increase his influence in the Yewo Sect. This is not only suppressing us, but also eroding the power of other local forces. We will attack him. , other forces will not take action."

"Okay, what you said makes sense," Lu Lin nodded, "Then, will our Lord take action against our actions?"

"It's a pity, probably not," Lan Jie shook his head slightly, "According to the usual practice, he won't help us with things, but when the things are done, he will help us block the trouble later."

"If you do it well, you can help me a little. If you don't do anything wrong, it has nothing to do with him. Haha, it's quite similar to that," Lu Lin smiled.

, "Things are more troublesome than expected. However, I was worried before that you would deduct my wages after the work is completed. Now it seems that since I am working for the official, I should at least not worry about you defaulting on the bill."

"It's natural," Lan Jie said solemnly, "Moreover, this is not only to do things, but also to avenge my elder brother. Just for this reason, it is impossible for me to default on the bill."

"Okay, I see you are a man, I believe you," Lu Lin nodded.

"Very good, let's get down to business," Lan Jie said, "all the information about this curse..."

"Don't worry, I will tell you even if you don't mention it," Lu Lin said. "After all, we still have to find clues from these things."

With that said, Lu Lin began to explain all the details about the blood crystal vine curse-killing potion.

Although Lu Lin only mastered the primary formula, the core material Blood Crystal Vine should not change. Since it is a spell potion, the method of casting the spell should also rely on the voodoo doll as a medium.

Common types of voodoo dolls include straw figures, paper figures, wood carvings, etc. Each type of production requires different media. Lu Lin listed all the possible media and asked Lan Jie to analyze the clues.

I thought that by listing all these things, I should be able to find some clues.

But the damn thing is, they followed the clues and searched for a whole day, but found nothing.

"I have asked at the barber shop, but there is no information about hair being purchased, and there is no mention of a large amount of blood. The belongings... I have not found any missing, and my elder brother has not mentioned anything similar."

Lan Jie looked at the survey results on a table, like an eggplant beaten by frost, his whole body was wilted.

"I've also checked on people who may have the ability to cast spells." Lu Lin put down the empty rice bowl and spoon, and wiped the rice grains from the corners of Li Mi's mouth with a towel. "That witch doctor in town is just a magician. It was said that there could be some kind of curse, but it turned out to be some trick. As for the other rumored pale witch who never saw the light of day, it turned out to be an unlucky child with albinism.”

Hearing Lu Lin's words, Lan Jie covered his face in despair.

Lu Lin frowned as he looked at a table of interview records.


Is this what people who professionally cast spells on others do? It’s so different from my own situation where I was easily exposed...


Something is wrong.

Almost no one here understands curses. How did he slip up in the first place?

Was it really just because the spy in the pub noticed him?

If you don't understand the principle and mechanism of the curse at all, can you really do it?

"Could it be..." Lu Lin murmured unconsciously.

"What?" Lan Jie asked.

"Let me ask you a question. The last leader of the Black Snail Gang is the one who has been rumored to be missing in the town. Which sect is he from?" Lu Lin asked.

Hearing this, Lan Jie was stunned at first, then gritted his teeth and said: "He... is from the Night Snail Sect. When he was elected, the leader of my Zheng Snail Sect was old, and my eldest brother was still young, so..."

Lan Jie's tone was quite awkward. It can be seen that he is quite concerned about this matter.

Unfortunately, Lu Lin has no interest in the things he cares about.

What Lu Lin cares about is...

"The other party can cast a curse so flawlessly, he must have been operating in the local area for many years," Lu Lin touched his chin and analyzed slowly as if talking to himself, "If I'm not mistaken, he may have been in contact with the previous leader of the Black Snail Gang. Therefore, he must be very familiar with the internal affairs of the Black Snail Gang. As for this matter, I'm afraid he has been planning for a long time..."

At this point, Lu Lin looked up at Lan Jie.

"I thought of it," Lu Lin said, "Use all the methods you can use to help me find out one thing as much as possible."

"From the death of Dai Beier to the disappearance of the previous leader of the Black Snail Gang, what did the previous leader of the Black Snail Gang do during this period? Who did he meet?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, the answer we want is here."

Chapter 47 Hello, Earth Cat Cult Recruits People

Lu Lin took Li Mi home.

It is not an easy task to thoroughly investigate the last whereabouts of the former leader of the Black Snail Gang. Lan Jie said it might take some time. He originally wanted to let Lu Lin live directly with them, but Lu Lin declined on the grounds that his alchemy equipment was at home.

After a day of investigation and getting along, Lan Jie trusted Lu Lin a lot and let him go.

In the next few days, Lu Lin was refining all kinds of messy gadgets. He didn't know what kind of person he was going to deal with next, so he could only make himself as well prepared as possible.

He was just a junior alchemist. Compared with the imaginary opponent, his only advantage was probably the number of formulas he mastered.

He had to refine as many things as possible, especially those combinations of items that could play a far greater effect than a single primary item.

However, as he refined more things, Lu Lin gradually found that he could not carry some of these things on his body.

After thinking about how to improve it for a long time, Lu Lin finally found that the best way was to change into the Black Crow Alchemist robe.

This alchemist robe given by the system can not only help increase the strength of mental power during refining, but also pay special attention to actual combat. There are many tailoring designs in the robe that can be hung with alchemy props. The alchemy props that can be hidden in a robe are enough to fill an entire ordinary-sized travel backpack.

However, this robe looks too evil after all...

Lu Lin thought for a long time, and suddenly, he thought of an idea.

Since the robe is only problematic in appearance, why not slightly change its appearance?

For this reason, Lu Lin ran around the town to find out if there is anything that can help him modify the appearance of the clothes.

Don't say it, he really found it.

A Diling clothing store called "Dai Shan Clothing Workshop" sells something called "Magic Patch".

In this world, the clothing industry is still in the handicraft stage. Although there are alchemical creations and magic creations as auxiliary means to make some clothing with quality and craftsmanship comparable to modern industrial products, it is difficult to reduce the overall price of clothes.

The pile of clothes that Lu Lin and Li Mi have now also cost a lot of money to prepare.

In this small town where ordinary people only earn a dozen or twenty silver coins a month, for ordinary people, a good piece of clothing is not a luxury consumption, but also a big consumption.

Under such conditions, if the clothes are torn or cut, it is naturally impossible to throw them away directly. Sewing and mending is the norm, and patches are naturally very common.

And the "magic patch" is a magical product born in this environment.

It is actually just a piece of cloth. The cloth, color and pattern can be selected by yourself, but the price is different.

As for why it is called "magic patch", it is because the owner of Dai Shan Clothing Workshop will help you use a little magic to directly integrate this piece of cloth with the cloth of your clothes.

In other words, the product "magic patch" is not actually selling patches, but the service of this little magic.

Don't underestimate this little magic that seems to just replace the sewing process. As long as there is cloth with the same material and color as the clothes, it can repair the damaged clothes to the same as new ones.

Even if there is no identical fabric, you can cut off a small section of the sleeve and use it as the same fabric.

Not only that, relying on this magic, as long as you cut the fabric of various colors to a certain extent, Dai Shan can directly print all kinds of prints or decorations you want on your clothes, and even help you add another layer of fabric to the outer layer of the clothes to thicken the clothes and replace the outer color of the entire clothes.

Of course, the price of these services will not be as cheap as patching.

This Dai Shan boss is just a magic apprentice, and she only knows a few magics, but relying on this little magic, she has established a unique clothing workshop in the town.

With the black crow robe, Lu Lin found Boss Dai Shan.

Boss Dai Shan also knew Lu Lin, but in her memory, Lu Lin was still a rustic collector who lived a hard life all day long.

She was really shocked when she saw Lu Lin now.

"Wow! Lu Lin, are you getting rich?" Boss Dai Shan said in surprise.

"Haha, maybe it is. I was lucky before. I met a noble man who taught me something," Lu Lin said with a smile. "Later, I relied on these skills to do business with Sister Ajuan. Now my life is much better."

"You can see that everyone is different," Boss Dai Shan nodded, "Sister Ajuan can take care of you, so you have to work hard for her."

"That's natural," Lu Lin smiled and nodded.

"By the way, did you come to my store today to buy clothes? Your clothes are good, but they are a bit too plain. It's a handsome guy who is tidying up. Don't you want to be more individual?" Boss Dai Shan asked.

"Ah, really, is it too plain?" Lu Lin looked at himself.


He is just a straight man, and his clothes are really just like that...

"Haha, maybe it's a bit haha, but that's not why I came here today," Lu Lin said, putting the suitcase he brought with him on the counter.

Under the curious gaze of Boss Dai Shan, Lu Lin opened the suitcase and took out the black crow robe.

Looking at this high-end robe decorated with black feathers and attached with a unique crow mask, Boss Dai Shan opened his mouth wide.

"Wow, this robe, this material, this craftsmanship..." Boss Dai Shan said in shock, "Oh my God, is this a custom-made product from a high-end clothing workshop? How much did you spend on it? The price of this one is Isn’t it just a few gold coins?”

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard Boss Dai Shan's words.

He knew that the robe was high-end, and he thought it should be worth dozens of silver coins, but he didn't expect that the price Dai Shan thought would be ten times higher than what he thought.

It seems that he underestimated the value of the mission reward.

"Ah, ahem, this dress was actually given to me by the noble man I met before," Lu Lin joked casually, "I didn't know it was so expensive..."

"Oh my God, this kind of clothes are just given to you?" Boss Dai Shan swallowed, "Damn it, I can't help but be jealous of you. No, I am very jealous of you now, especially jealous. I and I Tell me, if you don’t spend more money with me today, I’ll tell Sister Ajuan that you came to my store to show off your wealth.”

"Ah, don't do that," Lu Lin said hurriedly, "I came here today really to ask you to change my clothes."

"Huh? Change clothes?" Boss Dai Shan was stunned, "This is the one you don't want to change, right?"

"Yes, ah, but to be more precise, I want to decorate it a little with magic patches," Lu Lin said, hanging the black crow robe on a cross hanger nearby that is specially used for customized clothes.

"Hmm... But, I think this dress is very cool. There is no need to change it," Boss Dai Shan stroked her chin and looked at the robe in front of her.

"Haha, Boss Daishan, you are a fashion designer after all. In your opinion, this dress is unique in style at most," Lu Lin said, "But if I really wear this dress on the street, what do you think? , what will other people think of me?”

After hearing this, Boss Dai Shan closed his eyes and imagined for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Ah, it will look like a wizard from somewhere, really, it is eye-catching in itself, and with such a style, it is easy to get into trouble. …”

"Right, so I want to change it a little bit," Lu Lin said, "But actually... well, I don't have a good idea. After all, the style of this dress is like this. I'm thinking, if I add a layer of fabric to the whole , do you think it’s possible to change it to different colors?”

"Not very good," Boss Dai Shan shook his head, "For customized clothing of this level, if the fabric is made a layer thicker, the impact should be quite large, and the sewing parts of the fabric can be changed, and the feather decoration and But the metal accessories cannot be changed. If the color is changed to a smaller size, it will be meaningless. If it is changed to a larger color, it will look strange and it will probably look more suspicious..."

"Ah, that's it..." Lu Lin put his hands on his hips and looked at the robe, imagining that he had just changed the fabric part to white, leaving a lot of black feather parts.


Damn it.

It feels a little too wet.

I guess the impression given to people will only change from a suspicious person to a suspicious person who is a slut...

"Then, how do you think it can be improved?" Lu Lin asked.

"Well..." Boss Dai Shan pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think of this idea of ​​overwriting the original impression with a stronger impression?"

"Huh? What should I say?" Lu Lin asked doubtfully.

"Wait a minute..." Boss Dai Shan said, going behind the counter and turning around.

Not long after, she pulled out a bright yellow handkerchief and opened it to Lu Lin to look at.

In the center of the handkerchief, there is a very cartoon image of a cute cat head.

"For example..." Boss Dai Shan said, "What do you think about putting a huge cute cat head like this on your back?"

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