Chapter 48 Bad news, the clues are broken, good news, people did it themselves

Lu Lin felt that he was really risking his life in order to bring more alchemical creations with him.

Although he felt a little bad after seeing the design drawings, he did not expect that the final effect would be so bad.

The black crow robe, which originally had an ominous atmosphere, has been completely changed by Boss Dai Shan's design, and is filled with various cat elements everywhere.

The originally pure black Crow Feather cloak had a huge gray and white cartoon cat head on the fabric part of the back.

The sleeves and hem of the robe are decorated with gradient colors with patterns that look like cat hair patterns.

The cat's pads and footprints are added to the pockets near the shoulders and both sides, as well as some detailed areas.

Even the hood on the head has two pieces of black cloth that look like cat ears.

Looking at the whole thing, I am afraid that except for the black feathers and the mask hanging in front of the neck, the other parts have completely changed from the black crow theme to the gray cat theme.

Still a cute cartoon gray cat theme.

Lu Lin felt that these clothes were definitely a hundred times more suitable for Li Mi than for him to wear them now.

"But... you don't look suspicious anymore," Boss Dai Shan put her hands on her hips with a proud smile on her face, "Everyone will probably think you are cute when they see you."

"Don't you really think it's weird that I'm obviously a grown man wearing such clothes?" Lu Lin felt helpless.

"Of course not! What are you thinking, men can't like cats? How can this make sense," Boss Dai Shan said, "If you don't believe me, just go for a walk and come back to me if you have any questions."

"Uh, no, that's no need..." Lu Lin looked at the mirror.


Although it is still eye-catching, it does not look scary at all.

Maybe he will get a very high return rate, but no one will come to him to check the water meter.

It has to be said that cartoon cat elements, even if they are all in plain colors like gray and white, will be devastating to the serious and gloomy temperament of the Black Crow Robe.

It even feels like wearing this set of clothes can make the enemy relax a little more vigilant against him when encountering him.

After thinking about it, Lu Lin still didn't suggest any modifications. He paid for the modification and went home wearing the modified robe.

Needless to say, the number of people turning back along the way was quite high, and it especially attracted the attention of young women. Moreover, almost everyone who looked over had a smile on their face. It was not a mockery, but a smile that expressed surprise and novelty. .

As far as the results are concerned, although it seems to be somewhat different from what he thought, Lu Lin's goal can be regarded as achieved.

After returning home, Lu Lin couldn't wait to hide all the alchemy creations he had prepared in the past and these days into his robe.

After placing it, he began to simulate the usage scenario, and then began to adjust the placement of various things. After going back and forth for several hours, Lu Lin finally adjusted everything to his satisfaction.

Now, although he can't tell from his appearance, he is actually fully armed.

Just as Lu Lin continued to browse the recipe list, thinking about whether there was anything else useful that he could add to his weapon list, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Lin immediately became alert.

After all, what happened after someone knocked on his door last time was not a good thing.

Just as Lu Lin reached for his waist, Lan Jie's voice came from outside the door.

"Brother Lulin, are you here?"

Hearing this voice, Lu Lin felt relieved and said, "I'm here! Come out right away!"

Afterwards, Lu Lin once again confirmed the location and use of the items on his body before walking out.

When he went out, he saw that there was only Lan Jie alone outside the door, and a stack of paper in his hand.

As soon as he saw Lu Lin, Lan Jie's eyes suddenly widened and he kept scanning Lu Lin's clothes up and down with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Here, your clothes..." Lan Jie hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Lu Lin rolled his eyes, "Do you have any objections to my Holy Fire Meow Meow Cult-style clothing?"

"Ah?" Lan Jie was stunned, "What kind of teaching is that?"

"Oh, forget it if you haven't heard of it," Lu Lin waved his hand, "Let's get down to business. Have you finished investigating what you mentioned before?"

"Ah, oh, yes, the reports are all here," Lan Jie said, his eyes still looking at Lu Lin's clothes, "But... at least I think this information may not be of much use..."

"What do you say?" Lu Lin walked over, took the report and read it.

"There were only three days between the death of Debel and the last sighting record of the former gang leader," Lan Jie said. "During this period, he rarely went out, and basically only moved around the Yewo Sect's main hall. He did not find anyone. No suspicious person was encountered, and no outsiders were found entering the Yewo Sect main hall to come into contact with him.”

"What about the possibility of relying on other people to communicate?" Lu Lin asked.

"It's very small. If there is such a person hiding in the town, his identity should naturally be known to as few people as possible. If the former gang leader has contact with him, then there is a high probability that he will contact him directly," Lan Jie He shrugged and said, "But that being said, we still tried our best to check the people who have been in contact with the Night Snail Sect in the past three days. Most of this investigation report contains these contents, but to be honest, the value is very limited."

"How do you say this?" Lu Lin asked doubtfully.

"Because in the past three days, their people seem to be looking for someone," Lan Jie said. "The places they focus on monitoring include taverns, material purchase stores, underground rare grocery stores, and..."

At this point, Lan Jie seemed hesitant to speak.

Seeing his expression, and combined with the three place names he just mentioned, Lu Lin probably guessed what Lan Jie was thinking. He smiled and said, "Speak directly if you have something to say, no need to be coy."

"Okay," Lan Jie crossed his arms, "The last witness report of the former gang leader said that he led a few people out of the town and came downstream, but he never went back. I think he came to your place. Did you kill them?"

"Well, well, they accidentally fell into the river and drowned," Lu Lin said. "And, uh, about the one named Debel, uh, his death was purely accidental..."

"Hell, I won't arrest you," Lan Jie rolled his eyes, "Although our Zhengwo faction has contact with the mayor, we are not real guards. Besides, under the current situation, even if we are town guards Even if I come here, I won’t hold you accountable. Please understand that now you are helping the mayor.”

"Well, that's the truth, but it's a bit uncomfortable to surrender to an official." Lu Lin spread his hands, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I killed Debel, and they found out, and they After finding the door, I can only kill them all. The reason why I asked you to investigate who he has contacted this time is because I think they can find me because there is someone behind the scenes who also understands the curse. people."

"Well, that's true," Lan Jie nodded, "So I said that there probably won't be anything found in the investigation data this time, because they should have been looking for you for the next three days..."

"You mean, the person who knows curses is originally from the Yeshu sect?" Lu Lin frowned.

"The possibility is extremely small. If so, they would have started using the curse to cause trouble a long time ago," Lan Jie said. "And the most important thing is that according to some guests in the tavern that day, on the day of Debel's death, the former The gang leader did not take his body back to the main hall of the Yewo Sect, but went in another direction. As for where he went, it was late at night and no one knew. "

"In other words, he was probably the person he went to meet at that time?" Lu Lin's brows furrowed deeper. "Hell, no one knows where he went. Doesn't that mean our clues have been broken again?"

"Yes, at this point, I thought the clues were broken again, but..." Lan Jie said, taking out a letter from his arms, "Just this morning, I received this..."

"This?" Lu Lin took the letter, glanced at it, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

There is only one line in the letter.

"Do you want to know how your eldest brother died? If you want to know, you can come to my shop alone late at night to talk about it."

"——Buqun Sebuike"

Chapter 49 Lan Jie: "What can I do?"

"Buqun Sebuike, a man from the Earth Spirit Tribe with a quarter of the blood of the Light Spirit Tribe."

"More than ten years ago, he traveled here and lived in the town."

"It is said that when he first arrived here, he was in a very miserable state. He only had his first meal with the help of the Holy Church."

"But his miserable life did not last long. Soon, people learned that this seemingly down-and-out foreigner turned out to be an intermediate alchemist."

"This is also the first time an intermediate alchemist appears in this town."

"When the mayor learned about this, he immediately treated him as a guest and used his hands to help solve many problems in the town."

"Various chambers of commerce and big families have also extended their olive branches to him and started various cooperation with him."

"Even the two factions of the Black Snail Gang have high-level officials who have close contacts with him."

"Because of this, he started a business very quickly and bought a shop in the city, which he named 'Sebuike's Alchemy Workshop'."

"In the following years, he even got in touch with the Holy Church, handling some local specialty resources for the Holy Church, and then transporting them to the nearby Holy Church."

"And the Holy Religion allowed him to change the name of the alchemy workshop to 'Sebuike's Sacred Alchemy Workshop'."

"Don't look at it. It's just the word "sacred" in the name of the store. These two words mean that he has the establishment of the holy religion. From then on, he has completely established a foothold in the local area. He also has connections with those big businessmen and even the mayor. Qualifications for equality."

"After that, although he would still do things for the town, the price became more and more expensive, and he would often ask for some remuneration other than money, including but not limited to members of some local businesses, or members of the various chambers of commerce. special status.”

"Now, he has vaguely become a third party force besides the mayor's force and the local force. But because he is only one person and nominally represents the Holy Religion, even though many people are unhappy with him, No one ever did anything to him."

Having said this, Lan Jie picked up the water in his hand and took a big sip, then let out a sigh of relief.

"This is probably what I know about this person, but I really didn't expect that I would receive a letter from him."

Lu Lin touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said: "No wonder you came to me alone, you are smart... Speaking of which, this Sebuike, will he curse related things?"

"At least on the surface, I have never heard of him using any forbidden techniques," Lan Jie said, "But... he sent me this letter, which means that he is definitely not involved in this matter, or he has found out. The murderer behind the scenes, or... he is the murderer behind the scenes."

"Well," Lu Lin nodded, "then what do you think the two possibilities are?"

"What do you want me to guess?" Lan Jie said with a wry smile, "How about I go meet him and I'll know then."

"No, I think we can guess these two possibilities without meeting each other. I would conservatively estimate them as September 1st," Lu Lin said.

"Uh...which way is nine?" Lan Jie swallowed.

"Of course, there is a 90% chance that Sebuike is the murderer. The reason... you can think about how much money Sebuike can make from the whole thing," Lu Lin smiled, "Also "Why do you think he sent you this letter? You don't naively think that he is really here to advocate for justice, right?"

Hearing this, Lan Jie frowned slightly, as if he finally realized something, but it seemed that he still hadn't straightened out the internal logic.

Seeing Lan Jie's appearance, Lu Lin took a sip of water and continued directly: "The purpose of his writing to you is nothing more than to win over the Zhengwo sect. Now that your brother is dead, you are the deputy leader of the Zhengwo sect. As long as he can help If you avenge your brother's murder, you will naturally be able to be used by him. Therefore, after you go there, no matter whether it was done by him or not, he will say that someone else did it, and then he will help you avenge him as a condition. You trade."

"But if he is the murderer, shouldn't he side with the Yeshu sect?" Lan Jie asked confused.

"Huh?" When Lu Lin heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Why do you think so? How could he side with a certain side? You yourself said that he is now a third party independent of the local forces and the lords' forces. , What he wants is to expand his influence. If he first helps the Yewo Sect to seize power, and then helps the Zhengwo Sect to avenge it, won’t the entire Black Snail Gang become his? "

"He plans to eat both ends?!" Lan Jie raised an eyebrow, "How dare he do that? Aren't you afraid of being buried without a burial place if we find out?"

"Haha, why don't you dare? The one behind him is the Holy Religion," Lu Lin smiled, "Of course, you can naturally not care about the Holy Religion and go out to show off your courage, but you have to find out. "

"Your eldest brother has been successfully killed by them, and the Night Snail Sect is already a grasshopper on the same rope as him. They will never dare to betray that bastard."

"Otherwise, once the news is leaked, the gang members below will not care about it for the time being. The high-level officials involved in this matter will definitely receive your desperate revenge."

"When the members of the Yeshu sect know the truth, if they don't help them, they will all die."

"Even if their gang members are loyal and insist on working hard for their boss, your entire gang will have to fight to the death."

"And this kind of thing is something that the Night Snail faction absolutely does not want to see. They have just won the position of the next leader. If they fight to the death now and the gang splits, they will suffer greatly."

"But this thing is destined to happen," Lan Jie gritted his teeth, "I have decided that those bastards, I will not leave any of them behind."

"Nonsense, isn't it because you know what they want to keep secret?" Lu Lin rolled his eyes.

"Ah... that's right," Lan Jie finally realized, "What about the Zhengwo Sect? To be honest, even if you don't tell me this, I actually doubt him in my heart."

"Come on, that's because you were lucky. I happened to pass by during the election and was surrounded by you," Lu Lin curled his lips, "otherwise you could really see the curse on the spot? Impossible, right? As long as you didn't. It can be seen that even if I assume that you realize something is wrong later and even find me here, according to the characteristics of the Blood Crystal Vine potion, the crystals in the blood will have already dissolved by then. Even if you bring him here, I will do nothing. Can't even tell."

Hearing Lu Lin's words, Lan Jie's eyes opened wider and wider.

He suddenly realized that the facts were exactly as Lu Lin said. If Lu Lin was not at the scene at that time, then he would probably go directly to Sebuike as soon as he got the letter.

"Wait, what will happen if I really go to find him?" Lan Jie asked.

"Although he will definitely not tell you that he is the one who killed your brother, you are a member of the mayor's faction after all. Compared with the loose local forces behind him, the mayor's power is concentrated, so he will definitely not be willing to win over you. The information is known to the mayor," Lu Lin said. "So, there are only two results for you, either you cooperate with him, or he will kill you."

"Hell..." Lan Jie's face suddenly turned ugly. "Let me guess, even if I reach a cooperation with him, he should leave some back-up to prevent me from betraying him, right? For example, he can make me be like my brother at any time. A thorn in the blood?"

"Not bad, it's quite spiritual," Lu Lin nodded.

"Damn it, what should I do now?" Lan Jie looked a little panicked.

"The first way is not to go, just kill him and it will be over," Lu Lin said. "But you have to do it quickly, because if you don't go, it doesn't mean you are safe. He can collect enough for you without knowing it." The medium that the elder brother used to cast the spell may quietly collect the medium that is enough to cast a spell on you, so you must kill him before he takes action.”

"This... but he is a member of the Holy Church," Lan Jie looked embarrassed, "If I want to kill him directly, even the mayor will not agree, and the Night Snail Sect will stand on his side. This road is almost impossible to take."

"Then we can only choose the second way," Lu Lin said, "Listen to him and go find him at night."

"But doesn't that mean I'm going to die?" Lan Jie's mouth twitched, "Or do you want me to go to his house and kill him alone?"

"No, don't even think about it. If you do it in the hometown of an alchemist, you won't have enough lives. We have to use other methods," Lu Lin shook his fingers, "You know, this guy seems to have calculated everything, but the only thing he didn't expect is that I and you are actually connected. This is our chance."

"Do you have a way?" Lan Jie immediately became energetic.

"Well," Lu Lin nodded, "Just do as I say, not only can I guarantee that you will be fine, maybe we can let this guy kill himself."

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