④ "This..." Lu Lin hesitated for a moment, and finally did not choose to tell the truth, but said, "I am trying to treat you."

"Really? Thank you for your hard work," the old man smiled, "but, is my old bones really worth your trouble?"

⒌ "Of course," Lu Lin smiled, "Although I don't know who you are, you must be a hero who has fought for a lifetime to protect the people of this world, right?"

⒍ "Hero... Haha, yes, only this point, the old woman has a clear conscience in her life," the old woman raised her head slightly, as if recalling something, "You should have just come to this world not long ago, and you should actually be considered a 'capable person', right?"

4 "Ah, about the same," Lu Lin nodded.

"Haha, that's no wonder," the old man said with a smile, "Remember, my name is Yana Fafna, at our age, you can call me Grandma Yana..."

"Okay, Grandma Yana," Lu Lin agreed with a smile.

"Well, you can ask about this name later," the old man said, "My story is still very exciting. If there were no other things I want to ask you, I would like to tell you my legendary story in this world."

The voice was three parts proud, three parts self-satisfied, three parts kind, and one part sad.

Lu Lin could hear that she was really proud of her life's battles.

But who would have thought that behind all this, it was just a scam and exploitation...

Seeing Lu Lin's expression getting more and more sad, the old man's voice gradually became smaller.

She looked at Lu Lin for a long time, then asked, "Child, tell me, what disease do I have... I can feel that what I said is not the 'disease' you mentioned."

"Well," Lu Lin nodded gently, "You...⑨si粑[+児死锐№shirt0⑸SOUSuO:... lost control."

"Lost control?" Granny Yana was stunned, "What?"

"Don't you have a similar impression? Losing control of your body, starting to indiscriminately attack nearby targets, etc." Lu Lin chuckled, "I was almost killed by you."

The old man was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

At this moment, Lu Lin knew that he had made the right move.

For a brave man who really thinks he is a hero and is proud of it, indiscriminately attacking "his own people" is definitely intolerable.

What's more, this was something she did, which should be enough to attract her attention.

"You...are you serious?" The old man's voice trembled a little. The impact of this incident seemed to be greater than Lu Lin expected.

"Ah, she was there at the time," Lu Lin said, looking at Li Mi on the side, "If it weren't for her, I'm afraid I would have died."

The old woman followed Lu Lin's line of sight and looked at Li Mi. She looked Li Mi up and down, and then her expression became even uglier.

Before, she was still lucky, thinking that since she did it herself, Lu Lin would definitely die with her small body.

But if it was said that Li Mi saved Lu Lin, the possibility was much greater.

Although Li Mi was not in combat at the moment, she could see that Li Mi was very strong.

Moreover, her power did not belong to this world.

There were two people from other worlds at the scene, which made her more certain that this was the area related to the Holy Church. As for the elf next to her...

It should be a great elf priest.

After all, there are many great elf nuns and priests in the Holy Church.

Then, doesn't this mean that Lu Lin did not lie to her search reason?


"Why did I lose control?" Her eyes were dazed for a while, and suddenly, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, she said anxiously, "Oh, right! The dungeon! Is it because of the dungeon? Am I cursed by something?"

"No, Grandma Yana, calm down first, calm down and listen to me, okay?" Lu Lin said with a smile.

Grandma Yana was stunned for a moment, looking at Lu Lin's serious look, and finally nodded, trying to calm herself down as much as possible.

"Granny Yana, maybe you have never thought about this, but... now that things have come to this, there are some things I should tell you," Lu Lin said, "How many times do you think you have died since you came to this world?"

As soon as these words came out, Granny Yana froze in place as if the still key had been pressed.

Her eyes were dull, and she stared blankly ahead for a long time before she recovered.

Then, she asked blankly, "Uh... where were we just talking about?"

Lu Lin's brows suddenly frowned, and he turned to look at the Night Elf Queen beside him.

"It's the control left by the mental magic," the Night Elf Queen raised her hand, "I can handle it, wait a minute."

Accompanied by the soft chanting, a soft moonlight sprinkled on Granny Yana.

After a long time, the moonlight dissipated.

"It's OK," the queen looked at Lu Lin, "Try again."

"Yeah," Lu Lin nodded, then looked at Grandma Yana and said, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh...better," Grandma Yana nodded, "I feel a little clearer, I just..."

"Well, we'll talk about this later," Lu Lin said, "Let's continue talking about it! ^㈣cedar ⑹ Death and swelling,＀Redirect: The previous topic, do you remember how many deaths you have had since you came to this world? Time?"

"This..." Grandma Yana was no longer stunned like last time. Instead, she raised her head and blinked, as if she was really lost in memories.

After a long time, she said: "Hundreds of times? Thousands of times? Thousands of times? Or more... I can't remember. It's been too long. The dangers in the dungeon are different every time. No matter how strong the person is, they may Died inside for various inexplicable reasons..."

"Well," Lu Lin nodded, "In other words, do you remember why you died every time?"

"Of course," Granny Yana nodded, "If you don't remember, wouldn't your death be meaningless?"

"So, do you still remember the pain before death?" Lu Lin continued to ask.

"The pain before death? Haha, it does hurt a bit, but often you are resurrected when you wake up," Granny Yana said, "It's not a big deal."

"Really?" Lu Lin smiled, "Grandma Yana, have you ever studied medicine?"

"I know some simple treatments, but I don't know much about medical treatment," Granny Yana shook her head.

"That's right," Lu Lin nodded, "Let me tell you some medical knowledge. You may not know that if a person dies due to cardiac arrest, after his heart stops beating, his brain does not actually It will stop functioning immediately, but it will remain active for a while, and eventually the consciousness will gradually dissipate.”

"This process could last a few hours, but of course, that would be ideal."

"If he died in battle, it probably wouldn't be possible."

"But... there are many kinds of death in battle."

"For example, he was injured too much and lost too much blood, or he was poisoned, corroded, suffocated in a swamp, etc."

"If you think about it carefully, how many of these ways of death can really result in a person losing consciousness simply and neatly?"

"Do you think that after you have died countless times over the years, you can really feel like you said every time, it just hurts for a while, and then you wake up, and you are resurrected. ?"

Grandma Yana looked at Lu Lin and froze on the spot.

This time it wasn't because of the magic of mind control, but because she was really stunned.

Yes, how is that possible?

She herself said that almost every dungeon has different dangers, and almost every death has a different reason.

But how could she not have any memories before her death?

And why had she only noticed this until now?

At this moment, this old warrior with terrifying strength and brilliant record suddenly felt shuddering.

"Why..." she asked slowly.

"Because, they erased your memory," Lulin said. "Not only that, they also controlled your mind so that you would not doubt it."

"They..." Granny Yana opened her mouth, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Wait, you mean them? Then who is 'us'?"

"Then you still need to ask," Lu Lin said. "Didn't I say in the first sentence of self-introduction that 'we' are all people from another world?"

Grandma Yana looked at Lu Lin blankly. Lu Lin could feel that she seemed to have realized that Lu Lin was not a member of the Holy Religion.

The response was indeed fast enough, but she was probably too confused right now, so she was stunned for a moment.

This cannot be allowed to continue.

Otherwise, Lu Lin was not sure whether her spirit would choose some extreme ideas to deceive herself and others in order to save herself.

8 For example, attribute all this to Lu Lin's conspiracy.

⒌Then, it’s time.

⑺ "Do you want to know the truth?" Lu Lin took out the Soul Resurrection Potion, "Although I can't let you recover all the lost memories, and you can't bear the pain of countless deaths, but... it just passes by. If you have memory fragments, I can help you find them. Do you want to see them? "

Lu Chapter 490: Chongzhi’s dark turn = QUN: Jiu Ji? Four "£8≡\u0026si2± Jiuling Wu conspiracy, cannot cover the glory of the hero

Liuhunxi potion.

3. The special medicine developed based on the core principle of the operation of the Shishi tree can also be regarded as the patent of the White Miko.

4Looking at the entire world, it is estimated that no other person can make the same thing.

Its effect is to extract some past records from the human soul, which is similar to memory, but subtly different.

If memory is the data recorded in the human brain, then what the Soul Xi Potion extracts is the data recorded in the soul.

It is also part of the so-called soul.

When these things are extracted and people feel it again, the effect is different from the pure memory playback like recalling memories, but it allows people to truly experience the same feeling again as before.

It's similar to the effect of Xishi.

It’s just that what people experience in the past is intoxicating beauty and happiness.

However, the fragments evoked by the Soul Xi Potion are often filled with terror and despair.

Lu Lin originally thought that when Granny Yana was injected with the Soul Resurrection potion, she would have a big reaction, and even be a little nervous, fearing that she would lose control again.

But what Lu Lin didn't expect was that she behaved extremely calmly.

He was so calm that Lu Lin couldn't help but start to doubt whether the Soul Removal Potion was effective.

Until Grandma Yana suddenly laughed.

Looking at the old man's sad smile as if he had lost something, Lu Lin was a little confused and asked tentatively: "Um... what are you doing?"

The old man shook his head slowly, and then said: "It's nothing, I just suddenly realized how stupid I was in the past... Haha, I am obviously old, and I have died countless times, but until now Only now do I know what death, which I thought was insignificant, actually looks like..."

"You...what did you see?" Lu Lin asked. uncle

"Two deaths, just two," the old man said. "One was the first death I experienced after coming to this world. I didn't even die in the underground city, but on the way to the underground city. .”〇

"They told me at that time that I was a brave man summoned by God and destined to save the world, so I really regarded myself as the savior." 4

"On the way to the underground city, we met the robbers who blocked the road. They were local gangsters there, and the entire road was their territory."⑻

"Originally, according to the rules, if we pay some tolls, they will let us pass. And because of their presence, there will be no other robbers on that road."

"In this world, there are actually quite a few places like this. With such a big empire, it is impossible for the Holy Church to control every road. In some remote places, it is these mountain kings who are the actual managers of local order." two

“I didn’t know about this until after the resurrection.”⑨

"The first time I went there, I attacked them directly. As a result, I was stabbed with a spear several times in my body. I fell to the ground. I watched them coming and thrust the spear into my heart..." Zero

"Ha..." Wus

"You know, kid, I almost never told anyone about this in the past." o

"I have always felt that this matter is a stain on me, a stupid mistake I made when I was young." U

"I just thought it was an embarrassing little thing, and I even forgot about it for who knows how long." S

"But..." u

"Haha, they erased this memory, right?" O

Lu Lin nodded and added: "Not only that, similar memories should have all been erased...":

Of course, what Lu Lin did not say was that the Holy Religion might not only erase memories, but might even fabricate and modify some memories. Two

As for why I didn’t say it…⑨

Compared with simply losing memory, discovering that the memory in one's mind is unreliable is actually a more frightening thing. It will completely plunge people into a vortex of suspicion and difficulty in distinguishing true from false, and even the understanding of self will begin. Suspect. Si

Lu Lin didn't want the old man to fall into this situation, so he didn't intend to say any unnecessary words. ridge

The old man didn't realize that Lu Lin was hiding something from her. Her cloudy eyes were still looking ahead, as if she was still immersed in memories. ④

"Haha...what a precious memory." Umbrella

she murmured. vase

"That feeling of despair as life passes, that fear of experiencing death for the first time, that powerlessness, that pain, that fear..."

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