"They shouldn't have taken it away. If I can remember that feeling, I will never forget it for the rest of my life..." Shao

"However, I do understand why they want to erase these memories."

"If this memory can be regarded as a treasure that reminds me of the taste of death, then I really want to forget about the other death..."

Looking at the old man's face, Lu Lin felt a little worried. Er

Lu Lin began to hesitate whether to interrupt the old man. After all, it was definitely not a comfortable thing for others to reveal the wounds in his heart. ㈨

Seeing Lu Lin's hesitation, the old man seemed to have read through Lu Lin's thoughts. He showed a gentle and kind smile on his face and said, "My child, have you ever experienced death?" 4

"Me? I don't, but..." Lu Lin was stunned and subconsciously glanced at Li Mi next to him. zero

At this moment, Li Mi was still on alert, but at some point, she had closed her eyes and seemed a little uncomfortable. 4

Under the influence of the Night Elf Queen's magic, she could also hear the old man's voice. Three

Those recounting of memories of death may have brought back some of her memories, making her also a little uncomfortable. ⒌

The old man followed Lu Lin's gaze and seemed to realize something. He smiled and said, "Okay, I won't say it anymore. It's really uncomfortable to recall that time carefully... Let's get back to the topic. Well, you said that I went crazy before, does it have something to do with these memories? "㈥

"Yeah," Lu Lin nodded. 4

"That's not surprising," the old man sighed. "After all, methods of interfering with memory and spirit have never been reliable..."

"No, that's not because of this," Lu Lin shook his head. "It is true that a single method may not be reliable, but they have a complete process in hand."

"At the beginning, they will not erase your memory, but will choose to provide you with normal psychological counseling first."

"But as the number of deaths increases, this method will gradually become ineffective, and then they will start to use some hypnosis and spiritual guidance methods."

"Only when these more gentle measures have failed do they proceed to try to erase the memory."

"At the beginning, they will only erase the memory of the death..."

Lu Lin recalled the memories he saw in Melens' mind, and slowly recounted the mental control methods used by the Holy Religion on Rumi.

The old man listened carefully at first, with a polite and kind smile on his face.

Gradually, her smile became stiff, her face gradually became expressionless, and finally her face turned livid.

It's no wonder she had such a reaction. No one likes the feeling of being manipulated by others, especially the whole process of the Holy Religion, which does not treat the braves as human beings at all.

No matter how painful the brave men are after death, they will always find a way to make the brave men "voluntarily go on the road obediently."

Yes, every brave man sets out based on his own wishes, so in the old man's memory, the Holy Religion has never forced her.

But what if these so-called "own wishes" are all fabricated?

2 The nature and servitude of the flow ̄⊥qun: ⑧∵≥五⑦±LU. ≡㈥⊙【What is the difference between 3Si and 四②.

Jiu no...

⒋Worse than slavery.

0If this is the truth about "hero" and "pride"...

"Where did you hear all this?" the old man suddenly asked, "Why do you know so clearly? How can I know if you are lying to me?"

③ Lu Lin stopped talking. After a moment of silence, he said: "I can assure you that what I said is true. If you want me to swear, that's fine, but..."

Wu "Maybe you will think that verbal emphasis and oaths are meaningless. In fact, I am such a person."

"So, all I can do is be as sincere as possible, tell you everything, and let you decide for yourself whether to believe me or not."

4 "So..." The old man looked directly into Lu Lin's eyes, "What are you going to tell me?"

"This matter is very complicated. I have two plans," Lu Lin said. "One is that I will tell you the key points directly. If you have any questions, you can ask them later."

"Sounds good," the old man nodded, "What about another plan?"

"The other one..." Lu Lin let out a long breath, "Do you want to hear a story about me?"

"Well... I think I know which one to choose," the old man smiled again. "Just right, I also want to know who you are."

"Then it looks like we have something to talk about next," Lu Lin said, pulling up a chair and sitting down, "You may not believe it, but I was supposed to be a lonely ghost in the wild." Waste products are coming..."



Lu Lin was not joking with Granny Yana. He really put his own experience after coming into this world, except for things related to his unique mission system. Everything was told to her completely.

Even the Night Elf Queen didn't know that much about Lu Lin. Even Li Mi knew nothing about Lu Lin's life when he first came to this world, and the fact that he was abandoned by the Holy Religion at the beginning.

Taking advantage of this today, Lu Lin also told them all these stories.

Although Lu Lin always felt in his heart that he had not been in this world for a long time, but slowly telling the story of the past, the content was much longer than imagined.

But don't mention it, this experience is not boring at all, or Lu Lin won't talk about the boring parts.

When Lu Lin talked about the fight with Melens, the old man finally knew how Lu Lin came to understand the internal processes of the Holy Cult.

Listening to Lu Lin describing the changes in the memory of Melens, and looking at the girl sitting silently aside, Grandma Yana's face looked ugly.

Although there are many things that Lu Lin can talk about later, but just by talking about it here, the sky outside has already darkened.

Moreover, at this point, what Lu Lin needs to explain has actually been explained.

Although Granny Yana still doesn't understand where she is now and why she appears here, it seems that she is not in the mood to care about this for the time being.

Now her mind was filled with past perceptions and beliefs, and the huge separation from the Holy Religion in Lu Lin's words.

Which side is true, which side is false...

In fact, it is easy to judge. The hints in the spirit have been removed. Once some hazy things are revealed, many unreasonable things will surface one after another.

However, for many years of understanding ㈡★涶3③〇wusearch″∝search∪ˉ: knowing needs to be reshaped, even if one realizes the truth, it is still a painful thing. ZhongqUun:㈡㈨㈣∑~燯死-《三⑤鲁泀

After all, Granny Yana needs some time to calm down.

Lu Lin was not in a hurry. By chance, the cook from the Baiyao Club brought dinner, and Lu Lin, together with Li Mi and the Night Elf Queen, took care of the dinner.

Her Majesty the Queen is not picky about food. Even though it is just home-cooked food, she still eats it with gusto.

Li Mi didn't seem to have a good appetite. The topic we talked about today also involved too many bad memories for her, and she also suffered from mild PTSD attacks several times during the process.

Just because her condition has improved now, she carries it through silently.

He was shocked during the previous battle, suffered a loss at the hands of Granny Yana, and suffered another PTSD attack today, and Rumi's current condition is also quite bad.

Lu Lin also saw it and felt distressed, but he was really unable to do anything at the moment.

I don't know how long the "calming" effect will last. Although I have told Her Majesty the Queen that I may need to prepare two more bottles as backup, but after all, it is an addictive medicine, so it is best to keep it within one bottle. Get things done.

After the meal, the night elf queen went to make the potion, while Lu Lin held Li Mi, touched her head, and comforted her for a while.

Although it was just an ordinary pat on the head and a hug, I don't know whether he was coaxing Li Mi or whether Lu Lin was taking advantage of him, but as a result, Li Mi did gradually calm down.

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about whether to ask the cook to give Rumi some more sweets as a midnight snack, he heard Grandma Yana's voice again.

The little magic left by the Night Elf Queen was still working. Under the same magic, the old man's voice seemed much older and weaker this time.

"Child, can you answer a question for me?"

she asked.

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, then patted Li Mi's head gently, then stood up and walked to the old man.

Looking at the old man's face, which seemed to be several times more haggard than before, Lu Lin felt even more uncomfortable. Zheng Yue quN:郃]俉qiliulu;shansisi⒉ nodded, and then asked: "You Whatever you want to ask, just ask.”

"Well," the old man nodded slightly, "Do you think...am I a hero?"

Lu Lin was slightly startled.

Looking at the old man in front of me, I felt a twinge in my heart.

Is she a hero?

A question that seemed a bit pretentious and vain, but behind it was all that was left of this old man who had spent his whole life fighting for his identity as a brave man.

She has searched like this|QUn:9≡/〇+si∩∏⑻4↓佴∑★玖. 】〇Things are getting old.

He was summoned to a different world far away from home and devoted his life to endless battles. In the end, all that was left was the glory of being a hero.

The word "hero" in her mouth is even heavier than a child's dream.

If you deny these two words, it is almost equivalent to denying the old man's life.

Denied all her value.


Is she really a hero?

The rooster trapped in the cage held its chest high, flapped its wings, endured the pain all over its body, and enjoyed the glory of pride.

But in the eyes of the crowd watching the cockfight, it was just a chicken, not even a human being, so how could it be considered a hero?

In the eyes of the higher-ups of the Holy Religion, aliens from other worlds have never been treated as human beings.


"I think you are not a hero in the eyes of the Holy Religion."

Lu Lin said softly.

The old man's pupils suddenly tightened, and a look of despair suddenly appeared on his face.

But Lu Lin's words did not end there.

"But, in my opinion, you are a hero."

"Not only that, but you are a hero to those whose homes have been compromised by the Underworld."

"You are also a hero to the children who grew up hearing your stories."

"Yes, you searched! ∵: ㈨〇∝4⊥㈧×—死㈡鸠〇俉 is a hero created by conspiracy, and you are a hero controlled by strings."

"But you're still a hero."

"No one can deny your glory. Not only you, but every brave man, their glory and dedication will not be denied, nor should they be regarded as foolish."

"It's the Holy Church."

"Those bastards who tarnished and manipulated these glories will pay the price one day."

"And this place exists for this."

After saying that, Lu Lin looked up at the old man in front of him again.

At this moment, the old man was also looking at him, in a daze.

After a long time, the old man smiled.

The smile was full of relief, as if he had finally put down a certain burden on his body.

"Child, tell me," she whispered, "what do you want me to do."

"I don't ask anything from you," Lu Lin said, "I want to help you, just because we are compatriots with the same experience."

"Really?" The old man was still smiling, but the smile had changed a little, reminding Lu Lin of the proud smile on her face when she was fighting.

But compared to that time, the smile on the old man's face now no longer has the madness of painful struggle.

"Well, let me put it another way," the old man said, "What do you plan to lead us to do? To seek revenge, or to save more compatriots?"

"Well," Lu Lin touched his chin, "Which do you want to hear, an abstract statement or a direct statement?"

"Both," the old man replied.

"Okay," Lu Lin smiled.

"Abstractly speaking, I want to remove the shadow of the Holy Church that has shrouded the world, and give my compatriots a bright and clear world..."

"Of course, if others hear me saying this, I'm afraid they will think I'm being arrogant. In fact, it's too early to say such bold words now."

"So I prefer to search◎∨qqun±《:矣《粮思鲮∷∝俬¢彡≯∧五·liu4⑧∏,逜⒎±§LU〓Fei/qun√→: direct statements."

"Since the Holy Church likes to make trouble for us, and also wants to enslave us and control us..."

As Lu Lin said this, a sneer appeared on his face.

"If they want to cause trouble, I will become their trouble."

"If they want to treat the wolf as a dog, then I must at least bite off a piece of their flesh."

"This is a place without a home, and I want to make it a new home for all those who cannot return to their hometown."

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