"At first, they didn't think it was a big problem. After all, their army was invincible. At that time, both the Empire and the Holy Church were extremely confident in their own strength."

"But soon, a basin of cold water was poured on their heads. They found that the creatures in the dungeons from other worlds had the same nature as the foreign slaves."

"The souls engraved in both worlds allow these dungeon creatures to be resurrected without limit."

"Especially those powerful dungeons with strong aggressiveness and expansion desires. These dungeons with undead armies pose a greater threat to the empire than the armies of other powerful countries. "

"In order to deal with these threats, the Holy Church had to withdraw its army and began to try to deal with these troublesome dungeons."

"But they soon found that even if they transferred the main force back, they still couldn't destroy these dungeons. Fighting outside the dungeons was fine, but once they went deep underground, the narrow and changeable environment inside the dungeons would greatly limit the army's performance, and the enemy's endless rebirth made it difficult for the army to advance. "

"With no choice, the Holy Church could only change its thinking. "

"Since the army is not easy to use, it can only rely on strong individual combat power. "

"And the 'brave' is the solution they finally came up with. "

Chapter 104 A world that is particularly unfair to the brave

"When you were summoned, you should have heard the Holy Church who summoned you mention 'parameters'."

"What they call parameters are controllable variables that affect the target world and individual strength of the summon."

"It is said that the madman who created this formation left a series of restrictions on 'parameters' and stipulated that the parameters set by the church must be within a certain range. Once exceeded, it may cause a disaster that destroys the world."

"And under this layer of hard restrictions, there is also a layer of soft restrictions, one of which is about the restrictions on the individual strength of foreign slaves."

"According to the parameters within the soft restrictions, the strength of the individuals summoned can be easily controlled by the church."

"And if the soft restrictions are broken but within the hard restrictions, it is possible to summon individuals with strong strength or huge growth potential."

"In the past, the Holy Church summoned foreign slaves. The purpose is to expand the army, so they have always summoned according to the soft limits set by the madman. "

"Later, in order to deal with the dungeons, they began to desire undead high-combat individuals, so they began to try to use parameters above the soft limits. "

"In addition, they also greatly reduced the number of summons, so that they can concentrate resources to control elite individuals, while also reducing the total number of summons and the frequency of dungeon appearances. "

"It was also from that time that the foreign slaves were classified. "

"Strong but brainless savages are used as "rare beasts" to continue to form the undead army. "

"Foreign slaves without combat effectiveness are like by-products. Those with special abilities are defined as "capable people" and are arranged to suitable positions to make full use of them. Those without special abilities will be treated as "waste" and thrown away at will. "

"And those who have wisdom, potential and strong strength will become "brave men." "

"They will be given false missions by the church, and gain status, fame, and material, and the price is to repeatedly attack those dangerous dungeons with countless deaths. "

"By resurrecting countless times, they can finally figure out everything in even the most complicated dungeons."

"By crossing death countless times, their strength can always grow at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people."

"Then one day, they will become the "heroes who successfully conquered the dungeon" in the eyes of the world, but at the same time, their souls will become riddled with holes."

"You ask, what is a dungeon..."

"It is the punishment brought by the Holy Church, the price that the Holy Church should have paid, but in the end it became the nightmare of the heroes. Even after the heroes conquered the dungeon, the resources in the dungeon will all become the nutrients of the Holy Church."

"So in my opinion, dungeons are nothing, they should not exist at all, and their existence is meaningless. If you must give them a definition..."

"Perhaps, the word "pollution" should be closer. "

Speaking of this, although the White Witch did not open her mouth throughout the whole process, she seemed to be very thirsty. She picked up the tea and took a big sip.

"Pollution..." Lu Lin supported his chin and chewed on these two words.

Born in the ambition and rapid development of the superiors, it was the inferiors who suffered first. If it is not managed, it will destroy the world sooner or later.

It is a good metaphor, but there is still a major difference from the pollution that Lu Lin knew in the past.

That is, the responsibility and cost of managing these pollutions are all pinned on the heads of the heroes.

The summoned heroes are already victims, but they have to solve the remaining problems left by the perpetrators.

"It's so fucking unfair," Lu Lin said gritting his teeth.

"Yes, it's so unfair," the White Witch put down the teacup with a sad smile on her face, "Well, let's talk about something else. Do you have anything else to ask? "

"Yes, but maybe I need to digest it first," Lu Lin sighed, turned to look at Lan Jie and asked, "Lan Jie, do you have anything to ask?"

"Ah, I do have it," Lan Jie scratched his head, "but, after all, I don't quite understand what you are talking about;'|, what I want to ask is... what exactly is 'Xishi'?"

Hearing this question, the white witch was obviously stunned for a moment, and then the expression on her face became even sadder.

"Xishi... it is my sin, the sin that I will eliminate one day..."

The ethereal voice sounded again, but this time, the sadness in the voice was even greater than before.

"It is the worst tool of exploitation, and it is also the most dreamy food. It is the basis for the existence of Erga City, and it is also my only hope..."

Speaking of this, the white witch took a long breath, and then slowly asked: "Have you eaten Xishi?"

"No, I heard some rumors before, saying that after eating Xishi, you will lose all your memories of Xishi and Erga City, and your soul will be trapped in Erga City forever in this life," Lu Lin said, "so we didn't dare to eat it all the way... But, this rumor may be a little bit biased, right?"

"There are some deviations, no, it should be said that there are many deviations," the white witch raised her head slightly He raised his head and looked at the flower ball hanging in the center of the room. "Eating the fruit will not take away the soul and memory."

"What will really take away these is the giant tree that bears fruit."

"Moreover, it takes away not only the memories of the fruit and Erga City, but also all the beautiful marks in the human soul."

"Every fruit is a wonderful experience for this person. A small fruit represents the beauty of daily life, while the largest fruit represents the happiest moment in a person's life, or the most precious experience."

"How could it be..." Lan Jie's pupils trembled.

"Take away the soul..." Lu Lin swallowed his saliva, "I heard a beggar say that someone in the casino offered him a deal. As long as he was willing to pay a little soul, they would help the beggar forgive all his gambling debts. Not only that, they could also give him enough money to go home and do business..."

"Yes, this is my sin," the white witch sighed, "The so-called giving of souls is actually to let them come here and let them turn all the beautiful marks in their souls into past reality. From then on, they will lose all the beautiful memories and experiences of this life, and these past reality containing their beautiful experiences will become the most delicious food sent to the plates of princes and nobles."

"But, if all the beautiful memories are lost, won't this person go crazy?" Lan Jie asked.

"Yes, so they often feed this person some past fruits," said the White Witch, "so that these beautiful experiences and memories that return to their bodies will be linked to past fruits and Erga City, and will become their lifelong concerns."

"This is what is called...'the soul will be trapped in Erga City forever'."

Chapter 105: The sin of people is not the sin of things

Erga City.

A well-known city of money and entertainment.

It is synonymous with squandering money and living a life of luxury.

But few people know how such a city was built.

As Lu Lin once questioned, although this world has magical magic and powerful warriors, as well as talented people such as alchemists and wizards, its development trajectory is very different from industrial civilization, and the upper and lower classes are greatly divided. Princes, nobles and wealthy businessmen can enjoy themselves in Erga City, an amusement park that is more prosperous than modern cities, while the productivity and living standards of the people are not even up to the level of the early industrialization.

In terms of infrastructure, the development of various parts of this world is also extremely unbalanced. Those large cities with a large number of talents can rely on various master alchemists and master-level architects to build wonders in the city, while ordinary small towns may be no different from towns in the Middle Ages.

As for the construction of road traffic, it is often despised by nobles everywhere because of the existence of various special mounts.

Public transportation infrastructure such as trains, in fact, with the high-end creation level of this world, it is not impossible to build similar things, but no one is willing to study it.

The final result is naturally high transportation costs and high logistics costs.

High transportation costs are not conducive to increasing the flow of people in entertainment cities, and high logistics costs are not conducive to maintaining the supply of luxurious materials.

Under such conditions, for a city like Erga City to be established, it must have a very profitable business to transfuse blood for it to maintain its operation.

And this business is Xishi.

The Saint Tors Empire is the most powerful country in the world with the largest territory and the greatest influence of the church.

This huge empire has countless wealth, and naturally there are many dignitaries and wealthy businessmen who own a lot of wealth.

But it is not easy to make money from them. This group of people almost enjoy the highest standard of material supply in the world. Pure luxury and high-end have long failed to impress them.

But the past reality can make them crazy.

Imagine that you are a nobleman, and today you have just participated in a banquet for nobles. At the banquet, you tasted the food cooked by the top chef, and drank the fine wine from the first winery of the empire with other nobles. Then, you danced with a young and beautiful lady with a little status, and spent a wonderful time with her in the inner room.

After all this, you returned to your home, lit a cigar, and let out a long breath, but you still felt a sense of emptiness in your heart.

Because you have lived too many days like this. A day that is extremely envied by the world is just an ordinary and extravagant daily life in your eyes.

At this time, your servant brought you a round cigar. You put down the cigar in your hand, took it, and sucked it into your stomach.

At this moment, you became a young boy from a farm, lying on the golden wheat field, squinting your eyes, hanging wheat ears, and basking in the sun comfortably.

Then suddenly, you saw a young girl with a red face walking to your side and slowly sitting down.

You immediately felt your heart pounding, and immediately put away your sloppy appearance, sat up, patted the grass clippings stuck on your body, cleared your throat, and greeted the other party.

The other party did not respond to you, but just sat quietly.

You were very nervous, with some thoughts in your mind, but you still didn't dare to believe it.

Until you felt a soft and warm touch on the back of your hand, and then the shy confession of the girl rang in your ears.

At that moment, you felt like you were the happiest person in the world. You held the other person's hand tightly, and kept holding it until the sun went down, and you couldn't bear to let go.

Then, the noble opened his eyes, already in tears.


This is the best he has ever experienced, and the throbbing of the teenager still makes your heart pound.

He stood up and walked to his wife's room. Tonight, you especially want to relive the beautiful memories of your first love.

This Xishi is simply the best evening dessert.

You are thinking, as expected, it was not a waste of money to spend thousands of gold coins to join the Supreme Club...

But, perhaps you have never cared that your evening dessert was once the most precious memory of an ordinary person's life.

Xishi is the worst tool of exploitation.

It is also the best-selling product in Erga City.

Nobles who have tasted it will be obsessed with it for the rest of their lives.

The only way to resist its temptation is to keep eating it, until they think they have seen the prosperity of the world and experienced endless beauty, and then their desire for Xishi will slowly decrease.

But, even if; "they really eat to that extent and feel that nothing can give them surprises anymore, then they can come to the Colorful Forest in person.

The Xishi tree will take away everything they have enjoyed and give their souls a new life.

Then, they can taste all the beauty in the world again.

They will be moved and happy like the first time they tasted it all, and even more intoxicated than the first time.

This is the true face of Erga City.

As for the countless entertainment projects, they are just tools for people to produce more Xishi, and traps for people to sell their souls after spending all their wealth.

And the one who created all this is not someone else, but the white witch in front of Lu Lin!;' and Lan Jie at this moment.

"But... why are you doing this? "Lan Jie couldn't figure it out, "You said before that this tree is your last hope, but a tree like this... I really don't understand..."

Faced with Lan Jie's question, the White Witch did not answer immediately, but looked at Lu Lin again, as if she wanted to hear some thoughts from Lu Lin.

Lu Lin looked at the White Witch, and inexplicably, he felt that the other party seemed to be eager for him to say a few words of questioning.

"Is it because of guilt that you feel better when being accused..." Lu Lin touched his chin.


He didn't want to blame the other party.

Because the crime of exploitation and oppression, from The tools should not be the ones to bear all the responsibility.

The sin is not in the tools, but in the people.

The quality of the tools depends on how people use them.

Just like opium, people can make it into drugs or medicines.

It seems to be a sin, but if you think about it carefully, the research value of plants that can accurately remove a part of the human soul is self-evident.

Those who use it to exploit the souls of others are the real culprits.

"I actually want to know who is behind the city of Erga," Lu Lin asked.

Hearing Lu Lin's question, the White Witch remained silent.

After a long time, she stood up.

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