"Come with me," she said softly, "Let's go to another place and I'll tell you a story."

"But..." Lu Lin looked at Li Mi.

"Don't worry, let her sleep for a while," the white witch smiled, "For the brave, the beautiful part of the soul is their most important spiritual support. Instinctively, they will have great hostility towards this tree. Since you stepped into this forest, her nerves should have been very tense. Now, she needs time to sleep well."

"Is that so? No wonder..." Lu Lin recalled Li Mi's reaction along the way and finally knew why.

"Come on," said the white witch, "let's go see someone first, a... great fool."

Chapter 106 That year, she was born, and that year, she was buried

Dim corridor.

Lu Lin and Lan Jie followed the white witch and walked all the way down.

They didn't know how long they had been walking, nor where they would end up.

There were no windows in the corridor, only the small white flowers on both sides would emit light to illuminate the road. Lu Lin only knew that he should be walking down inside the giant tree, but he could not judge where he was in the giant tree at the moment, nor did he know whether they were above ground or underground.

Just when Lu Lin was wondering if the corridor would never end, finally, a door woven by countless vines and flowers appeared in front of the three people.

The white witch picked up a light yellow lavender from the basket and gently passed it in front of the door.

Accompanied by the rustling sound of branches and leaves colliding, the door slowly opened.

Behind the door was a huge hole with a whole sea of ​​flowers.

The white witch stepped into the door, and the flowers under her feet actually made way for her.

Lu Lin and Lan Jie looked at each other and followed.

I have seen all kinds of trees before, and it seems nothing strange to see moving flowers at this moment.

The hole was dark, with only some fluorescent flowers in the sea of ​​flowers providing little light.

Lan Jie saw almost nothing at first glance, but Lu Lin, wearing a crow mask, saw the structure of the entire space clearly.

This was a hemispherical hole. Except for the soil on the ground, the walls and the top were made of the same wooden structure as before. Obviously, they were still inside the giant tree.

In the center of the hole, there was a thing wrapped in white branches, like an oversized amber.

Lu Lin looked at the amber carefully and felt that there was a phantom like a human figure in it.



That's not a figure.

It was clearly a person trapped in amber.

It was a naked man.

He had well-proportioned limbs, a body of muscles that didn't look exaggerated but full of strength, long black hair fluttering, a handsome face, eyes closed, not like a corpse, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

The White Witch stood beside the amber and turned to look at Lu Lin and Lan Jie.

"This is..." Lan Jie walked closer and seemed to finally see the scene in the amber clearly. He immediately took a breath, "Oh my God! There is a person inside?!"

Lu Lin did not speak, but just looked at the White Witch, waiting for her to speak.

The White Witch took a deep breath, and then her voice slowly sounded in the ears of the two.

"You said that when you were in Gaoya City, you met an old beggar who kept talking about the colorful forest and had my portrait on him..."

"Yes," Lu Lin nodded.

"His name is Dai Billings, and he is also a brave man. I am sorry for him and did not fulfill my promise..."

The White Witch's voice was extremely sad.

"At least he didn't lose hope until his death," Lu Lin said, "I buried him, he will rest in peace."

"Well, thank you," the white witch nodded, "Now, what you see is the 'he' he was talking about. I promised Dai Billings that I would definitely cure this guy, but... I still haven't been able to do it until now."

"So, who is he?" Lu Lin asked.

"His name is Yaen Queldis," the white witch said softly, "He was the strongest hero a hundred years ago, the only hope of the heroes a hundred years ago, and the only light in my life..."



A hundred years ago, in a small village in the southern border of the empire, in an ordinary family, a somewhat special girl was born.

It is said that when she was born, her whole body was pale, her lips were tightly closed, she didn't cry or make a fuss, and she didn't even breathe.

The midwife who delivered her at the time was shocked and thought she had delivered a dead baby.

Not only the midwife, but also her biological mother had the same misunderstanding when she saw her child in this state. She thought that the child she had carried for ten months and suffered through childbirth had died as soon as he was born, and she fainted on the spot.

After learning the result, her biological father also lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

It was not until the midwife took the child out later that the child struggled and turned over in her arms, and everyone realized that the child did not seem to be dead.

At that time, everyone was relieved, and the child's biological father was overjoyed. He immediately stepped forward to take his child, wanting to see what his lovely baby looked like.


What he saw was not the cute face he imagined, but two empty eye sockets.

Yes, this child was born without eyes.

Her father was so frightened that he shuddered and threw the child out. The midwife caught the child with her quick eyes and hands.

But after catching the child, the midwife was also shocked. She loosened her hands and let the child fall directly to the ground. Then she rolled and crawled back several meters while shouting "monster".

Just when the child landed, everyone finally heard the child's cry.

However, although the child had his eyes closed, held his hands, and looked painful, his mouth had never opened from beginning to end.

As for the cry, it didn't sound like it came from the child's mouth, but it sounded directly in everyone's heart.

Moreover, the cry was so ethereal and sharp, and it didn't sound like a human voice at all.

The villagers were terrified, and someone immediately shouted: "Quick! Go and ask the old witch doctor to come and have a look!"

This village is not small, but the land is barren, so it is very poor. Although it is within the empire, there is not even a church of the Holy Church.

If the villagers get sick on weekdays, they can only rely on the village witch doctor to make some herbal medicine.

In addition, as a witch doctor, his knowledge is naturally much broader than that of ordinary villagers, so naturally, this witch doctor has become a symbol of authority in the village.

Even though he is actually a low-level witch doctor who was born in the mud and has never met a famous teacher in his life.

When the old witch doctor was called, he thought it was just another deformed child born in someone's family. This world does not taboo inbreeding, and there are not a few children born with deformities or intellectual disabilities.

So, he didn't take it seriously at first, and thought about comforting a few words, selling some amulets, and then doing what he should do.

But when he really heard the ethereal cry in his heart.

Looking at the empty eyes filled with tears.

Looking at the pale skin without any blood and the tightly closed lips, the old witch doctor was shocked.

Where had he seen such a thing before?

"Evil! There is evil!" The fear of the unknown made him shout without thinking.

To be honest, this behavior is no different from the villagers who were scared and shouted monsters next to him.

After all, he is just a junior witch doctor, how different is he from an ordinary villager?

But the villagers don't think so.

In their hearts, what the old witch doctor said is 90% true.

So the villagers panicked and began to surround the old witch doctor, asking him what to do now.

The old witch doctor also realized that he had spoken out of turn at this time, but looking at the panicked expressions and eyes of the crowd asking for help, listening to the harsh and ethereal voice in his ears, the old witch doctor also knew that at this moment, he was afraid that he could not get off the stage.

"Don't worry!" He shouted, and his brain began to work rapidly.


Pale skin.

Like a dead baby.

Ghostly cry.

Empty eye sockets like a mummy...

That's right!

That's right!

He understood!

"This, this is a ghost transformed from a dead baby!" The old witch doctor shouted out the answer he had desperately thought of, "Yes, that's right! We should bury her under the sacred tree! Let her rest in peace!"

Chapter 107 Ignorance, Disaster, Outrage, Prejudice

In this world, almost every village has something that is worshipped by villagers for various reasons.

For example, a big tree with rich magic power, a spring with magic ore under it, or a huge rock with a strange shape, may be given a name like God or Saint by the villagers to worship as a psychological comfort when they don't know what to do in the year of famine.

And the so-called sacred tree in the village is actually just such a tree.

It grows on a nearby hilltop, and there is a magical vein passing under it. The tree nourished by magic grows bigger than other trees. Various precious plants often grow under the tree. Over time, it is regarded as a so-called sacred tree by the villagers.

Once a thing is crowned with divinity, people will instinctively think that it has the effect of exorcising demons and exorcising evil spirits.

As a result, the poor little girl who was identified as the ghost of a dead baby was buried under the sacred tree as soon as she was born.

Her mother thought her child was dead and knew nothing about it.

Although her father was a little hesitant, he finally believed the witch doctor's statement and did not stop it.

After that, the witch doctor led the villagers to kneel under the sacred tree for a whole day and night, constantly chanting the only requiem spell that the witch doctor knew, praying that the ghost baby they thought could sleep peacefully.

At first, they could still hear crying, but in the second half of the night, they never heard crying again.

The witch doctor and the villagers thought that the ghost baby should really rest in peace, and then they breathed a sigh of relief and left with the villagers.

But what they didn't expect was that after a few months, the ghost baby they thought had rested in peace actually crawled out of the ground again.

After all, this is a world full of magic and miracles.

There is magic, witchcraft, and various mysterious powers.

In such a world, there will always be some special things that appear by chance.

It may be related to blood, or to the region, or it may be that certain conditions are met by chance.

If this happens to plants, it becomes what people call exotic flowers and plants.

If this happens to animals, it becomes what people call rare and precious animals.

And if it happens to humans...

What will happen then depends on luck.

Obviously, this girl's luck is not particularly good.

Born in such a small village, it is almost inevitable to be regarded as a freak or evil spirit, and she was even buried alive on the day of her birth.

But her luck does not seem to be completely bad.

Because she has a special body between humans and plants, she survived even though she was buried underground.

Not only did she survive, but because she was buried above the magic # ;'force vein, she lived very well.

Her body was obviously better developed than children of the same age, and her hair grew out, but unlike humans, she grew snow-white slender branches on her head.

She still closed her eyes. Although she had a mouth that could eat normally, she was more accustomed to absorbing nutrients directly from the soil.

Although her head came out of the ground, it was not to leave here, let alone to find her parents.

After all, she was still so young.

In her world, she didn't know that she was born by humans. In fact, she felt more like a tree.

A slightly different tree.

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