She came out of the ground purely out of instinct to bask in the sun.

It was fine for the first two days, after all, people don’t come to the sacred tree at any time.

Until the third day, a family came to the sacred tree to pray for the crops in their fields to grow better.

As a result, before they even got there, they saw a girl with her head out to bask in the sun.

This scared the family so much that they ran back to the village immediately.

When the villagers heard the news, they were immediately furious and ran to find the old witch doctor to ask him why the ghost babies had all rested, but they came out again.

The old witch doctor was also dumbfounded when he heard it.

How could he know.

Wasn’t he also talking nonsense?

But now that things have come to this point, he can’t say that the method he said before was just his assumption, right?

However, that weird little thing actually came out again.

What can we do?

If that thing is really a ghost, will it eat people in the future?

If the ghost wanted to eat people, the villagers would definitely ask him to find a way to subdue the ghost, but how could he do that?

Thinking of this, the old witch doctor made a decision.

No matter what that thing is, anyway, he should run away.

As for now...

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a statement.

"That's right! The sacred tree must have subdued the ghost baby!"

He said loudly.

"Now the ghost baby should have become a witch serving the sacred tree, and there is no threat anymore! You can rest assured!"

The saying of the witch serving the sacred tree is indeed circulated in some small places in the southeast of the empire.

Hearing this statement, although the villagers were still a little nervous, the old witch doctor's reputation was there after all, and they finally accepted this statement.

Although the old witch doctor didn't know where he went a few days later, this statement formed a consensus and has been passed down.

And such days have passed for ten years.

By the way, although a year in this world is nearly three times longer than the world where Lu Lin used to live, it seems that the growth and aging of animals and humans are much slower. People of the same age in the two worlds seem to be surprisingly close.

Perhaps it is for this reason that individuals in this world have more time to grow their abilities.

The girl was called "Bone Tree Witch" by the villagers ten years later.

The reason why she was called this is that since the girl appeared, the leaves of the former sacred tree have become fewer and fewer every year, the bark has been falling off, and the wood inside has become paler and paler.

After more than ten years, the former sacred tree has only bare pale branches left. From a distance, it looks like a bone tree made of bones.

And under the tree, the surrounding grassland that was once full of flowers and plants has also become a wasteland.

The villagers said that the Bone Tree Witch was not a witch who served the sacred tree at all. On the contrary, she absorbed the power of the sacred tree and turned the sacred tree into a dead tree.

Therefore, the villagers always kept their distance from the girl.

In their view, the girl was simply an ominous witch.

Therefore, whenever something bad happened in the village, someone would always put the blame on the "Bone Tree Witch".

This phenomenon is not uncommon. Many villages have similar unlucky people. There are many people in this world who cannot accept inexplicable disasters and losses. When they don't understand the reason for the disaster and can't find someone to take the blame, these people always have to find a punching bag to vent their anger.

And the Bone Tree Witch is the punching bag and scapegoat in this village.

In their mouths, any misfortune seems to be caused by the child who is only ten years old.

Chapter 108 I have a high emotional intelligence and usually speak my mind.

It's a pity that although they dare to scold, no one really dares to do anything to the Bone Tree Witch.

Half of the body is originally a plant, which is a typical phenomenon of partial body elementalization.

The emergence of this situation shows that the girl is born with a far greater affinity for plant magic than ordinary people, which also means that she has a terrifying talent in the field of plant magic and witchcraft. She can even learn simple magic without a teacher, and she has some inexplicable talents.

Therefore, although the bone tree witch has never received education, she can still use a lot of plant magic. With these means, no one in this small village can do anything to her.

However, this does not mean that the bone tree witch lives a happy life.

On the contrary, she has never had a happy day since she was sensible.

In the first year, she knew nothing. She basked in the sun every day and absorbed nutrients from the soil. That was all she had.

But in the second year, as her brain and body continued to develop, she began to find such a life a bit boring.

She has no eyes, but flowers, plants and trees are her eyes. With them, she began to observe everything nearby, first flowers, birds, insects and animals, and then the scope gradually expanded to the nearby villages.

Just like an ordinary human child, she used her slightly unique senses to constantly observe and learn.

With this observation method that is significantly more efficient than ordinary people in obtaining information, as she grew older, she gained a mind far beyond her peers, and also found out about her own life experience and the attitudes of the villagers towards her.

But sometimes, understanding everything is not necessarily a good thing.

Her intelligence far surpassed that of ordinary people made her understand why her biological father was frightened by her appearance when she was born, and why the villagers regarded her as a ghost.

She knew how different she was.

But she just couldn't figure out why she was so different.

Why could other children grow up under the care of their parents, while she could only stay alone on the hill outside the village to guard this old tree.

Why could other children play in groups in the village without worries, while she would be regarded as a monster by everyone as soon as she appeared.

Why did everyone only curse her when they mentioned her?

Why did all the misfortunes have to be attributed to her?

Why did everyone want her to die?


She didn't do anything, why did she have to be different from others?

Why did she have to live like this?

Loneliness, confusion, confusion, sadness...

A lot of negative emotions almost filled her whole world, making her every day so muddle-headed.

But even so, fate still didn't seem to let her go.

When she was eleven years old, a group of monsters they had never seen before attacked the village.

They were a group of monsters that looked like bats, but each "bat" was as big as a rooster raised in the village.

They feed on blood and flesh, whether it is livestock and poultry, or people in the village, they are all their targets.

That night, many livestock in the village died, more than a dozen people were injured, and three people died.

The villagers didn't know why these monsters that had never appeared before appeared, so naturally, the blame was put on the bone tree witch.

That would be fine.

After all, she had long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

But the problem is that this group of monsters has come once in a while since then.

And every time they come, the number will be more than the last time, no matter how many the villagers kill, it will be useless.

The continuous attacks of the monsters made the whole town overwhelmed. A large number of livestock and poultry died, a large number of villagers were injured, and almost every attack had villagers killed.


The bone tree witch, who was outside the village and should have been attacked first, seemed to have never been attacked.

The village had a tradition of putting the blame on the bone tree witch. Now that the monsters only attacked the village but not her, the suspicion was almost naturally focused on her.

After the attack one day, the angry villagers finally lost their minds under high pressure, holding torches high up on the mountain, vowing to burn the bone tree witch who constantly brought disaster to the village alive, and hypnotizing each other to convince each other that this would save their village.

Seeing the villagers coming to ask for punishment in a threatening manner, listening to their insults and abuses that were more vicious than the other, and looking at the torches thrown at her one by one, the girl finally couldn't help it.

She couldn't figure out why.

She clearly did nothing, why did she have to suffer this?

She cried.

Hysterical screams exploded in the minds of every villager. The girl opened her eyes again after ten years, but this time, her eyes were no longer empty and dark, but shone with dazzling golden light.

At this moment, a tree species called Xishi sprouted in the girl's heart.

Her life was full of darkness.

There was not a single moment of beauty in her life.

She was hungry and thirsty for beauty.

In an instant, countless pure white vines broke out of the ground, like thick long whips, venting her grievances in the crowd.

In this battle, the villagers' losses were greater than the losses in the fight against the monsters for so long.

Almost everyone was injured, and more than a dozen villagers died on the spot.

Among these dead people was the girl's so-called biological father.

After that, the villagers never dared to trouble the girl again.

But that day, the girl's heart was completely dead.

She sat under a pure white dead tree, hugging her knees, with small yellow fruits in front of her.

There seemed to be a faint taste of happiness in those fruits.

But the girl knew that none of this happiness belonged to her.

The girl buried her face in her knees, and white vines slowly grew out from the ground, and finally wrapped her whole body completely.

And the girl's consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

She thought that she could sleep for a long, long time.

But unexpectedly, just a few days later, accompanied by the sound of the blade cutting the vine, the dazzling sunlight interrupted her sleep.

"Is this the source of the monster you said?"

A strange voice she had never heard of sounded.

The girl "looked" at the owner of the voice.

It was an outsider she had never seen before, who looked about 20 years old, wearing a black leather armor, with long black hair casually tied behind his back, a slightly ruffian smile on his handsome face, and a black long knife in his hand.

"Yes! It's her! Just kill her! Those monsters won't come back!"

The villagers' hysterical voices rang out.

The girl froze immediately, and grievance and anger surged into her heart again.

However, just when she was about to open her eyes again, the outsider squatted down and put his hand on her head.

The hand gently stroked her head, and the ruffian voice also sounded at the same time.

"Huh? Just this little girl? Did you really think so all along?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

"I'm a straightforward person, so I asked directly..."

"Aren't you all ▉▉?"

Chapter 109 The brave man who never died

The man holding the black knife is named Yaan Qildis.

He is a "brave".

In this world, once a large number of monsters appear inexplicably and cannot be killed no matter how hard they are killed, there is no need to think that there must be a dungeon nearby.

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