There are even brothels.

As for what kind of people are in the brothels, I think there is no need to say more.

If it were in other places, such a market might be called a "black market" or a "stolen goods den".

But in the Land of Chaos, it seems to be no different from an ordinary market.

It is open and officially managed, and everyone can come, and there are even guards patrolling.

Now, Lu Lin also understands what Si Li meant when she said that there are many things here that cannot be bought outside.

Things like people or corpses that are difficult to deal with outside are no different from goods on the shelves here.

Walking here, Lu Lin's brows are always a little frowned.

But at the same time, he can understand why this place exists.

This is the Land of Chaos.

This is not a peaceful and kind world, and the Land of Chaos is the representative of chaos and chaos in this world.

As long as you leave this city, there are wild gangs everywhere, burning, killing and looting can be seen everywhere, and the lives of the weak are as cheap as dogs.

Let alone what will happen to the civilians who are unlucky enough to fall into the hands of the wild gangs, even the members of these wild gangs, if they fall into the hands of others, they will probably be sold here.

If there is no such transaction, it seems abnormal.

But then again, with such a place, if Lu Lin needs materials for necromancy in the future, he doesn't have to worry.

Not only that, the price of "stolen goods" here is not very expensive, it is a good place to collect materials.

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about these things, suddenly, Lu Lin heard a crazy roar, followed by the sound of something hitting metal crazily.

Lu Lin looked over and found that the source of the sound was actually a person locked in an iron cage.

The man was muscular, nearly three meters tall, with dark black skin and messy hair scattered behind him. He looked more like a humanoid monster than a human.

At this moment, the beast-like man was staring at the direction where Lu Lin was, roaring and hitting the cell with red eyes.

"Damn, what race is this? Why does it look like Uncle B?" Lu Lin couldn't help but mutter.

Hearing Lu Lin's muttering, the big-faced man who was also attracted by the movement said: "That, that is not a race, that thing has a great origin, it is the undead army of the Holy Church."

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Undead army?

That is, the so-called "rare beast" type foreign slave?

The "savage" summoned by the Holy Church from another world?

The appearance does fit the characteristics described by the White Witch. The body is powerful and terrifying, but it is more like a beast than a human.

In this case, in a sense, is this guy also a miserable person who has suffered the same fate as Lu Lin?


It's hard to say.

First of all, this man doesn't look like he can communicate. Lu Lin couldn't tell whether he should be regarded as a human or a brave gorilla.

Just as Lu Lin frowned and thought about this, Pancake Face patted his shoulder and said, "Hey, brother, don't study that thing, we're here."

Lu Lin turned around and found that they had actually passed the busiest area. Now in front of them were rows of fully enclosed secret rooms.

Lu Lin watched two gang members laughing and leading a female slave into the next secret room, and frowned slightly.

But think about it, there are so many secret rooms in this place...

Lu Lin suddenly felt that his previous understanding of the Land of Chaos was too superficial.

When he got here, he really realized what the Land of Chaos was.

Sighing, Lu Lin pushed open the door of the secret room in front of him and waited for Li Mi to walk in.

And the pancake-faced man stood by the door with a smile.

As if by coincidence, as the door of the secret room closed, the "rare beast" in the distance gradually stopped his howling and struggling.


No one noticed that two tears flowed from the corners of the eyes of this terrifying beast staring at the door.

Chapter 147 A big cunt forgot the psychological damage in the middle


The door of the secret room was closed,

The smell in the room was very pungent, which made Lu Lin frown.

After putting on the crow mask, the scene in the dark secret room finally became clear.

To be honest, it was cleaner than expected. There was almost nothing else except some torture instruments placed on the wall.

It looked like a torture room, probably used by the Yanfeng Gang to serve prisoners and captives. The source of the pungent smell should be the blood and excrement left by the prisoners.

Although the floor had obviously been cleaned, the place had not been ventilated for a long time, so the smell could not be dispersed, which was why it was so pungent.

"Forget it, there is nothing to choose from a place like this, just finish it quickly and leave quickly..."

Lu Lin thought to himself, took off his backpack, took out the materials from it, and began to prepare.

Draw a circle on the ground with powder that can bind demons, and then put some materials that can restrict the movement of demons.

If you are dealing with just an ordinary howling demon, this is enough.

But since his own one had mutated, Lu Lin had to make some preparations to prevent curses, as well as stronger means of restraint and suppression.

After two hours of tossing and turning, Lu Lin almost painted all over the floor and walls of the house, and then he stopped.

After all, it was a mutant creature, so he could be said to have handled it as carefully as possible. If it still didn't work, he would have to consider finding helpers.

After getting ready, Lu Lin stood in the position reserved for himself and turned to look at Li Mi who had been following behind him.

The latter also looked at him and blinked.

"Well... since it has been refined into a demon spirit, it should be okay to leave Li Mi here, right?"

Lu Lin touched his chin.

It felt like there should be no problem.

The previous time, Li Mi acted very calm, and even Lu Lin himself relied on Li Mi's reminder to calm down.

In this case, he might as well worry about himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin no longer hesitated, took out the pendant that sealed the howling demon spirit from his arms, held the alchemy staff in his hand, took a deep breath, and then raised the pendant forward.

The next moment, an ominous black gas emerged from the pendant, accompanied by a piercing howl, and a hideous black shadow appeared in front of Lu Lin.

The black shadow retained a clear human face, and looked exactly like Merens, but the smooth skin that he had when he was a great elf was now a dark and dry skin, and the eyeballs could not be seen in his pupils, only the deep black, which looked extremely creepy.

Her hands turned into rugged and hideous claws, and the lower her body was, the more broken it was. The position where the legs should have been was completely collapsed into a broken black shadow.

She opened her claws, stared at Lu Lin with her black eyes, opened her mouth to an angle that a normal human could not open, and let out a heart-wrenching scream at Lu Lin.

Lu Lin gritted his teeth, took a half step back, bent his knees slightly, and raised the alchemy staff against the scream, ready to activate the arrangement in the house.

However, before Lu Lin could do anything.

There was a crisp sound, and a big slap hit the face of the howling demon spirit.

Lu Lin was stunned.

The howling demon spirit was also stunned.

Lu Lin forgot how to recite the spell that was about to come out of his mouth.

The howling demon spirit's chin was even crooked, and the sound of the shouting stopped abruptly.

The man and the ghost looked at the figure between the two.

I saw Li Mi standing quietly, looking at the howling demon spirit expressionlessly as usual.

Then, Lu Lin actually heard Li Mi speak.

"Shut up."

These two extremely short words, not like orders, not like scolding, no emotional ups and downs at all, two completely plain words.

Lu Lin couldn't remember how long he hadn't heard Li Mi speak, and he didn't expect to hear her speak in this situation today.

But obviously, the howling demon spirit can't understand human language.

Although it still has the face of this Merens, and is also a monster born from Merens' soul, it is now a completely different individual from the past.

It can't be treated as a human, and naturally it can't be expected to understand human language.

Its dark eyes looked at Limi, and then the ominous curse power began to riot again, as if it was about to make that terrifying howl again.

And at this moment, there was a snap, and another big slap hit its face.

Lu Lin couldn't even see how Limi did it, and saw that the head and chin of the howling demon spirit were tilted in another direction.

This time, Limi didn't say anything.

I don't know if he realized that the other party couldn't understand human language, or he just didn't want to say more.

The howling demon spirit, who was slapped twice, didn't seem to be very convinced, and turned his head back.

But this time, before he had time to accumulate power, he was slapped in the face again.

This time, it seemed to be furious, and it suddenly turned its head back, and then it was slapped again.

If you still don't obey, I will slap you again.

If you dare to move again, I will slap you again.

Listening to the loud slaps echoing in the secret room, Lu Lin stood there with the alchemy staff, watching Li Mi slap the howling demon spirit in the face one by one.

After countless slaps, the howling demon spirit was actually subdued by Li Mi, and remained in the same position when it was slapped, not daring to move.

Lu Lin looked at the scene in front of him and felt that the knowledge in his brain was impacted.

This is a howling demon spirit?

This kind of creature is composed of resentment and grief, and has been cursed a lot, purely for venting pain and casting curses.

Her existence is for howling and cursing.

She has no brain and can't think, so she can only act according to instinct.

But it was just such a thing, Q group: 543659389..., that was actually defeated by Li Mi's slap?

Is this a bit un-alchemy?

No... But it seems good?

At least it's convenient for him to do it.

Lu Lin immediately raised the alchemy staff and planned to extract the magic essence from the howling demon.

But as soon as he cursed, Lu Lin suddenly felt something was wrong.

The other party seemed to be really scared, and was so scared that he didn't dare to resist at all.

This means that he can now even leave a mark in the body of the howling demon to control it.

In this way, this howling demon spirit will be completely controlled and enslaved by Lu Lin in the future, and it will be no different from the cursed ghost or puppet refined by other means.

Lu Lin naturally would not miss this opportunity, and began to use magic to engrave the mark without hesitation.

As long as this demon spirit is completely controlled, not only can he extract the essence of magic power at will, but he can also have an additional demon spirit with curse power as combat power.

After the engraving was completed, Lu Lin felt that he was in control of this demon spirit, and even felt a little unreal.

This result really exceeded his expectations.

The process was also completely beyond his expectations.

As for Li Mi.

She seemed very satisfied that the demon spirit was subdued by her, and walked away slowly with the killer whale doll in her arms.

Lu Lin reached out and touched Li Mi's head, trying to thank Li Mi.

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