The latter did not respond as usual, but just stood beside Lu Lin holding the killer whale pillow.

Lu Lin was a little helpless about this.

In fact, Li Mi has helped him many times so far.

But every time he wanted to thank Li Mi or reward her, he didn't know how to do it.

"Anyway... let's have a richer dinner tonight," Lu Lin could only think so.

It seemed that apart from this, he really didn't know what else he could do to reward Li Mi.

Chapter 148 Friends... Help...

After controlling the demon spirit, the next thing was much easier. He only had to extract the magic essence and put it into the crystal bottle used to store the essence.

After that, Lu Lin worked for about an hour.

It didn't take him too much time to collect the magic essence. Most of the time was actually spent on cleaning up the unused arrangements.

It was also quite embarrassing. He took the trouble to arrange a lot of things, but in the end, they were of no use and only caused trouble for himself.

But overall, Lu Lin was very satisfied with the result today.

Now we have the most important substitute material to complete the Black Magic School mission. Next, we just need to purchase the rest of the materials and go back to complete the refining.

Taking off the crow mask, Lu Lin left the secret room with Li Mi.

As soon as he went out, he saw Pancake Face squatting at the door, holding a plate of noodles that looked like pasta and eating it wildly.

"Hey, are you eating?" Lu Lin greeted him.

Pancake Face saw the two people coming out, glared, and quickly swallowed the noodles in his mouth, grinning and said, "Ahaha, you two are done, it's not lunch time yet, I thought you would spend more time, so I ran over there to buy a plate of noodles, by the way, let me tell you, this noodles..."

Pancake Face didn't finish his words, and a sudden roar directly covered his voice.

The three of them immediately looked at the source of the sound at the same time.

Sure enough, it was the wild brother from before.

"Still yelling..." Lu Lin's mouth twitched, "Is his voice okay after yelling like this all day?"

"No, he didn't make any noise before," Pancake Face said with a frown, "Why did he suddenly start yelling again? What a ghost."

Listening to Pancake Face's muttering, Lu Lin was slightly stunned, as if he realized something, and looked at the savage again.

Sure enough, the other party's eyes were clearly looking straight in his direction.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that he hasn't made any noise since we went in?" Lu Lin asked.

"Huh? Ah... it seems so," Pancake Face nodded, "I didn't notice it before anyway..."

"With such a loud voice, if he makes a noise, you will definitely have an impression," Lu Lin said, "You didn't notice it, which means he didn't make any noise before."

"Ah... so that's the case," Pancake Face scratched his head, "Strange, so it seems that he didn't yell as soon as you went in before."

Lu Lin touched his chin and looked back at Li Mi beside him.

At this moment, Li Mi also seemed to be looking in the direction of the savage, but his face was still the same as before, and no expression could be seen.

"Hmm..." Lu Lin thought for a while, patted the shoulder of Pancake Face, and said, "Brother, you eat first, I'll go over and take a look."

As he said, Lu Lin led Li Mi to the direction of the savage.

"Hey..." Pancake Face wanted to say something, but after looking at the scary savage and the noodles on the plate, he swallowed his saliva and squatted back to his original place silently.

Anyway, people told him to eat first, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to listen to the arrangement and eat noodles honestly, right?

Pancake Face started to deal with the noodles again, and over there, as Lu Lin and Li Mi continued to walk towards the savage, the other party's howling gradually became smaller.

Lu Lin became more and more certain that this guy was howling specifically at them.

But... why?

Did he feel that they were the same kind?

With doubts, Lu Lin walked all the way to the front of the other party's cage.

Lu Lin looked up at the blood-red eyes of the savage, and the savage also looked at him.

At the same time, the savage's roar also stopped completely.

"Hello?" Lu Lin tried to speak.

The savage looked at Lu Lin, opened his mouth, and then said: ""

The syllables sounded very awkward, and even such simple syllables, the pronunciation was still a little stuttering.

But Lu Lin heard it very clearly.

The "savage" in front of him was indeed speaking.

And Lu Lin could actually understand it.



Think about it carefully, people who are summoned to this world seem to have no language barriers with each other.

Then as long as this savage has a certain ability to express himself, he can naturally communicate with them.

"You mean, you want us to rescue you?" Lu Lin tried to ask.

The savage blinked his eyes, seemingly not understanding what Lu Lin meant. He just squatted down, pointed at Lu Lin's chest, and then continued to speak in that strange accent: "White, white flower... friend, friend... help..."

Lu Lin was slightly stunned, and then looked at his chest.

There was a small white flower pinned there.

That was the small flower that the White Witch pinned on him. It was a pass to the inside of the colorful forest and a token for contacting the White Witch.

And from what the savage said, he actually recognized this white flower?

And he said that the person with the white flower was his friend?

At that moment, Lu Lin suddenly remembered something.

The White Witch once mentioned that before them, some heroes had found her for help, and they should have been sent to the land of chaos.

However, according to what the White Witch said, the conditions of these people were much worse than that of Li Mi, and she only helped them escape. She didn't know what would happen to these people in the future.


It is said that those who were sent out were all "heroes", right?

How could there be a "rare beast" here?

Could it be a mistake?

In fact, this person is also a "hero"?

It's just that the soul is too deeply injured that it has become like this?

No, that's not right...

Lu Lin found that there were many traces of blood and flesh stitching on this person's body, which is a feature of "rare beasts" or "immortal army".

The injuries of the heroes are generally not treated in this way. They are either directly cured with advanced healing crystals and ointments, or they are resurrected directly after death.

Only the Undead Army would use the characteristics of the undead slaves to save treatment costs and seal the flesh and blood directly, without even bothering to remove the thread.

Then how did he recognize this flower?


It seems that after becoming a high-level alchemist and getting in touch with the White Witch, Lu Lin will have to ask about this matter.

As for now...

Looking at the pitiful eyes of the big guy in front of him, Lu Lin sighed.

What to do?

Should I take him away?

Taking him back and letting him squeeze with Jack Zhengyi would be considered a place to sleep. Now anyway, he will not go far away, so the storage space requirement is not that big.

But Lu Lin is not sure if he can control this guy if he really takes him away.

After thinking about it, Lu Lin decided to communicate with him first.

"You, want to, go with me?" Lu Lin tried to ask syllable by syllable.

The big guy stared at Lu Lin seriously. After listening, he thought about it and seemed to understand the meaning. Then he nodded vigorously and said, "Friends... Let's... Save together..."

"Well..." Lu Lin touched his chin and then said slowly, "Let's go together. I, the leader, you, listen to me, okay?"

Lu Lin spoke very slowly, and the big guy listened very attentively, but it seemed that the sentence was still too long and there were too many words. He looked confused.

After a while, he said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "You... Leader... I... listen, save, save..."

Chapter 149 If nothing unexpected happens, there will be an accident

Looking at the anxious and expectant big guy in front of him, Lu Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

He decided.

Since the other party has tried so hard, Lu Lin will help him.

Anyway, if he doesn't listen in the future, Lu Lin will have a way to control him.

And it just so happened that Lu Lin had felt that the store was short of manpower before. Although this big guy looked a little silly, since he was a human who could understand language, it should be okay for him to help with some simple physical work in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin looked to the side, wanting to find out if there was anyone in charge of this prison.

He remembered that according to the introduction of the pancake-faced man, all the prisoners here could be bought with money.

Turning his head, Lu Lin frowned.

He realized that he had been surrounded by people wearing the same style of clothing, most of them were men, and they all had patterns of burning spears on their bodies.

That was the gang logo of the Flame Spear Gang, one of the four major local gangs.

"Boy, have you finished chatting with the savage?" At this time, a red-haired man who looked about 20 years old and looked sloppy spoke first.

"Hello," Lu Lin looked at him, "Nice to meet you, my name is Ben Wei, may I know who you are, brother?"

"I am the boss of this small area, and I am in charge of all the goods here," the man put his hands in his pockets, and walked up with a smile, "You don't know me, but I know you, brother Ben Wei, the stray dog ​​that old thief Yan Feng has just taken in, hehe, what, do you want to come here to pick some brothers for your Paw Patrol?"

Hearing this, Lu Lin frowned and understood.

Good guy, it turns out that he met someone who was looking for trouble.

Lu Lin was not surprised. When they were discussing cooperation, the old leader of the Yan Feng Gang reminded Lu Lin that cooperating with the Yan Feng Gang would have both advantages and disadvantages for him.

The advantage is that it is tax-free, not to mention that it can also let people know that his store is protected by the Yan Feng Gang, so that no one in the whole city will dare to go to his store to make trouble

The disadvantage is that as long as he is outside the store, he may encounter people from the remaining three gangs looking for trouble with him.

Especially since Lu Lin's cooperation with the old gang leader this time will severely target the three gangs, their hatred for Lu Lin will be huge.

Moreover, it seems that this area should be the base of the Flame Spear Sect in the underground prison. Lu Lin came here by himself, so it would be strange if he was not troubled.

Glancing at the direction of the pancake face, Lu Lin found that the latter had put down the plate and started to eat. He thought he was going to call for help.

"But... these people said they were here to pick a fight with me, but in essence, it was still a fight between local gangs," Lu Lin thought secretly.

In this case, let them solve it themselves. Now he just needs to stall for time and wait for people to come.

After making up his mind, Lu Lin spoke.

"Paw Patrol? No, no, no, as the saying goes, Q group: 543659389*Paw Patrol, go to jail, I am not a Paw Patrol," Lu Lin said, turned around, showed the big-faced cat behind him to the other party, and said, "Holy Fire Meow Meow Cult, do you want to know?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent for a moment.

The gang members looked at Lu Lin's expression as if they were looking at a fool.

Lu Lin didn't care. It was good for them to be stunned, and it would be better to be stunned for a while. Anyway, his purpose was just to delay until someone came to rescue him.

Unfortunately, Lu Lin's plan did not succeed.

But after a few seconds, the man's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you kidding me?"

Hearing this, Lu Lin was also stunned and asked: "Ah? How did I kid you?"

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