For something special like Lan Jie's knife, he can also see its effect and manufacturing materials.

In addition to being used to identify items and materials, the omniscient lens can still provide great help in alchemy.

With it, Lu Lin can monitor the reaction of various materials throughout the process, and can know the problems and causes of the refining at the first time. Not only can he greatly improve his learning efficiency of new alchemy formulas, but also greatly improve the success rate of alchemy.

As for the task of collecting advanced magic stones, although the rewards are not as exaggerated as the omniscient lens, they are also quite good.

"Kadi Serens's Forbidden Touch", you may not be able to tell what it is from the name, but it is actually a black glove.

It is pure black and the material cannot be seen. After wearing it, it fits the palm very well, and there is almost no sense of obstruction.

There are complex dark patterns carved on the gloves. These dark patterns seem to be self-circulating, and they will automatically absorb the magic in the air to maintain a permanent magic covering the entire surface of the gloves.

This magic has only one effect, which is the so-called "forbidden".

As long as the magic is still in effect, the surface of the glove is actually always isolated from the surroundings.

No matter you touch, grab, or even put your whole hand into the liquid, the surface of the glove will not actually touch these things, and the transfer of temperature and energy will be completely isolated.

In other words, as long as Lu Lin wears it, he will be fine even if he puts his whole hand into the magma.

This is actually a very scary effect, which can ignore almost all magic attacks and provide a certain defense against sharp weapon attacks.

But unfortunately, Lu Lin's skills are not good enough. It is just the coverage area of ​​a glove. It is not realistic to expect Lu Lin to use this thing to fight.

But this thing has a better use-in alchemy.

There are many kinds of materials in this world. Some materials are very safe. You can touch, play, and even eat them.

But there are also many materials that are very dangerous, such as poisonous, corrosive, and even constant high or low temperatures.

These materials naturally cannot be directly touched by the skin. The convenient ones can be taken by magic or other tools, and the troublesome ones even need to prepare other things to suppress their properties before they can be collected.

But with this glove, Lu Lin can also grab these troublesome materials directly with his hands in the future.

Lu Lin looked at the new gloves on his left hand and was very satisfied.

However, he then looked at his empty right hand.

Sure enough, gloves are like this, it is better to wear a pair, right?

According to his understanding of his task system, it is estimated that the right hand gloves will be matched with him soon.

Then, things did not go beyond his expectations. He turned around and saw what he wanted written on the next stage of the task reward.

[Harmony Touch of Kemi Serens].

From the name, you can tell that this must be another glove in the same series as the gloves on his hand.

However, judging from the names, the effects of the two gloves should be different.

As for the tasks of the second stage, it is also a very common material collection task.

Lu Lin is used to it. Every time the task system asks him to do something, the pre-task is basically to collect materials.

The task objectives list a bunch of very common magic array layout materials, but the quantity is very large.

In short, it is another task that costs money.

Lu Lin was also convinced. He thought he could save some money this time. Now it seems that the task system is still uncomfortable with him having some money and has to make him make it.

But it seems that these things are indeed what should be used to refine the familiar, and Lu Lin can't complain, after all, the task system is well-intentioned.

It just wants Lu Lin to use the best, what's wrong with it?

So although it hurts, Lu Lin still spends the money, and in two days he has collected all the materials needed for the task.

The other rewarded glove was naturally obtained, which is a gray-white right hand glove, the style is exactly the same as the left hand, but the magic attached to it is different.

It is a kind of magic that can force unstable materials to settle down. Although this effect seems insignificant, only Lu Lin knows how practical this effect is when refining difficult formulas.

With this glove, Lu Lin feels that he can probably handle some simple advanced formulas.

However, having said that, two consecutive tasks are rewards that are of great benefit to alchemy, and Lu Lin is more and more certain that the difficulty of refining this task will definitely not be low.

"Now that we have the magic stone reserves and the materials for setting up the formation, then the next step should be to collect the materials for refining, right?" Lu Lin thought so and looked at the task list again.

At one glance, his eyes suddenly widened.

He did guess right, and the next thing to collect was indeed the materials for refining.

But he never expected that the materials would be this kind of thing.

Even more unexpectedly, the rewards were as outrageous as the materials.

The task list reads:

[The Way of the Sage·The Way of Sailing: The Loyal Guardian Escort Beast·Stage 3]

[Final goal: Refining the first familiar]

[Stage 3 goal: Obtain the Philosopher's Stone·Sequence No. 17·The Netherworld Crystal that Devours Ten Thousand Souls (0/1)]

[Task reward: The origin formula of the ancient elves - the mocking ancient spirit of false life and death]

Chapter 155 It's not random, it's well prepared

The Philosopher's Stone.

The pinnacle of alchemy in legend, the ultimate pursuit of alchemists.

In addition to the name of the Philosopher's Stone, it has many other names, such as the Philosopher's Stone, the Fifth Element, the Universal Medium, the Elixir of Life...

Of course, these are the legends circulating in Lu Lin's previous world.

Lu Lin doesn't know where these legends came from, but in this world, these legends are actually true in a sense.

The Philosopher's Stone is indeed the pinnacle of alchemy.

In this world, the Philosopher's Stone is the name of the legendary alchemist's greatest masterpiece in his lifetime.

Each Philosopher's Stone has different effects and forms.

Perhaps they are not a stone, but they are indeed very similar to the legendary Philosopher's Stone that Lu Lin knows.

For example, the three most widely circulated Philosopher's Stones in alchemy legends.

[Philosopher's Stone Serial Number 1 · Gendas's Philosopher's Stone] is said to have the ability to change matter at will.

[Philosopher's Stone Serial Number 2 · King Gulan's Immortal Fountain] is said to give people eternal life.

【Philosopher's Stone·Serial No. 3·Hertis's Formless Mist】, it is said that it is a universal medium that can make all things blend together.

Philosopher's Stone, Elixir of Immortality, Universal Medium, all of which just fit Lu Lin's cognition of Philosopher's Stone.


He actually only knows these three Philosopher's Stones.

Philosopher's Stone is the pinnacle of alchemy after all. Now he is just an intermediate alchemist, and it is naturally impossible for these things to be included in the alchemy formula.

These three Philosopher's Stones were learned when he read Si Li's alchemy-related books in his spare time.

He thought that Philosopher's Stone was an unattainable legend for him, and it would take at least a few years, ten years or even decades for him to get in touch with things of this level.

But he didn't expect that his task system would give him such a big task to get Philosopher's Stone.

He also didn't expect that the first familiar assigned to him by the task system would be an ancient elf.

According to the knowledge he knew, ancient elves were basically things that only appeared in the myths and legends of this world.

In some myths, people directly regard ancient elves as gods.

Lu Lin was really convinced.

He just wanted a smarter groundhog to help him be a trader, but this side directly gave him the top configuration.

Although he also knew that his task system has always had this problem, but this time it was a bit too outrageous?

Asked to get the Philosopher's Stone, how could he do it?


Wait a minute.

In fact, Lu Lin always felt that although his task system often gave Lu Lin problems, if he thought about it carefully, he would find that it never gave tasks randomly.

He actually discovered this from the first task.

At that time, the only better alchemy cauldron in the entire Diling Town was the obsidian alchemy cauldron, but there were countless alchemy cauldrons of the same level in the world.

And his task did not require anything else, nor did it require a level, but just asked him for that obsidian alchemy cauldron so precisely.

Rather than issuing a task, it was more like finding the thing first, and then ordering Lu Lin to "Go, get that thing."

It was obviously not a random task, it was well prepared.

As for why he always likes to give Lu Lin some difficult tasks...

Who made someone so brave at the beginning and directly chose the most difficult path.

And if we follow this logic, I am afraid that the Philosopher's Stone required this time may also be found.

[Philosopher's Stone·Sequence No. 17·The Netherworld Crystal that Devours Ten Thousand Souls].

Look at the name of this Philosopher's Stone...

"No way..." Lu Lin suddenly had a guess in his mind.

Speaking of the Netherworld, it is very likely related to that group of people...

Opening the door of the alchemy room, Lu Lin brought Li Mi to the first floor. After saying hello to Jack Zhengyi, he took Li Mi out of the door and went to Si Li's wizard tower.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Si Li playing chess with Lan Jie.

This is not a rare thing.

Since the resurrection of the stew, Sili's wizard tower has resumed normal business, but her business is not as busy as Lu Lin's, and she seems to be quite bored a lot of the time on weekdays.

It just so happens that Lan Jie has nothing to do every day during the normal business hours of the store, so he will be grabbed by Sili to play chess with her when he has nothing to do.

It's just that Lan Jie's chess skills are really limited. Looking at his scratching face, you know that this game is probably going to be lost again.

Seeing Lu Lin and Li Mi coming, Sili waved and greeted them very naturally, and asked: "Hey, hello, how do you have time to come to my place today?"

"I have something to ask you," Lu Lin said, "I don't think it will bother you too much?"

"No, I'm free," Sili shrugged.

At this moment, Lan Jie also noticed Lu Lin coming, and hurriedly said: "Hey, boss, come and help me see how to do this step."

"I can't see it at all. You don't think I can beat her, do you? You should figure it out slowly."

Lu Lin said, and sat next to Lan Jie. Li Mi also sat down next to Lu Lin, and picked up the snacks on the table and started eating.

Fortunately, the sofa for entertaining guests is relatively long, so it doesn't seem crowded even if three people sit down.

Si Li waved to Stew Meat to serve tea to the two people, and then she also took the black tea and asked: "Speak, what do you want to ask?"

"Well, it's like this, I want to find something," Lu Lin said, "I feel like you may have a clue here."

"Well, so what is it?" Si Li said, raising the teacup to her lips.

"Philosopher's Stone No. 17," Lu Lin said.


The black tea sprayed all over Lan Jie's face, just as Lu Lin expected.

He had this hunch when he saw Si Li holding the teacup, but he didn't expect it to be so standard.

"Ahem... Damn, sorry, stew! Quick! Bring some tissues!" Si Li shouted hurriedly.

"Ahaha, it's okay, I'm not that particular," Lan Jie said, wiping his face casually with his sleeve.

"Don't take your sleeve... Ouch," Si Li took the tissue handed by Stew, and fumbled around on Lan Jie's face, finally wiping the tea off his face.

Then, she looked at Lu Lin with some resentment and said, "Mr. Benwei, can you stop making such jokes when others are drinking water?"

"No, I'm not kidding," Lu Lin said, "I really want to find that thing."

"Do you know what you are talking about? That's the Philosopher's Stone," Si Li said in disbelief, "and number 17... number 17, wait a minute! Dark Crystal!"

Hearing Si Li's tone suddenly rise, Lu Lin's eyebrows moved.

Sure enough, there is a clue.

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