He knew that his mission system clearly had a purpose.

"Do you know anything about it?" Lulin asked.

"Of course I know!" Silly said excitedly, "I don't know anything else you ask, but how could I not know about the Nether Crystal! That thing is the root of the existence of the Nether Beach Walker, and it is the suppressor of the Nether Sect. What a treasure of teaching!”

Chapter 156 As we all know, a licking dog will not keep the house


A treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Nether Sect. Q group: five four three six five nine three eight nine,

According to legend, the appearance of the Underworld Crystal is actually very ordinary. From a distance, it looks like a black translucent ball, no different from a large black glass marble.

But if you get close to it within a hundred meters, you will feel a feeling that your soul is being sucked away.

The closer you get, the stronger this feeling will be.

It should be noted that this feeling is not an illusion. If the mental power and willpower are not strong enough, the soul will really be taken away and the whole person will be turned into a soulless shell.

The blond knight named Yes was trying hard to resist this weird sucking feeling.

Although the skinny old man was still dozens of meters away from him, his nerves were already tense to the extreme, fearing that if he relaxed, his soul would immediately leave his body.

He could feel that the legendary gem was under the old man's strange mask.

But even so, he still had no intention of retreating, but kept gritting his teeth and holding on, kneeling on the spot.

He has been kneeling here for a long time. He comes here to kneel at dawn every day and does not leave until the sun sets. He only eats and drinks when he gets up and before going to bed, except when he needs to go to the toilet. Time, all motionless.

He just kept waiting like this, waiting for a reply.

He is also waiting for the only chance he can get to revenge his sweetheart.

Beautiful Miss Mellens, that is always the most beautiful white moonlight in his heart.

When he first became a Crusader, he was punished by the instructor during training due to his weak body. As a result, he fainted on the training ground from exhaustion.

When he woke up, he saw the face of Melens who was taking care of him, and saw the extremely gentle smile on the other person's face. At that moment, he thought he saw an angel.

At one glance, he fell in love.

love at first sight.

It's a pity that he is just an ordinary knight, and the other party is a distinguished great elf priest. He knows that he is destined to be unable to get together with the other party.

But even so, it doesn't matter. As long as he can guard the opponent from a distance and silently be the knight who defends the opponent, he is already satisfied...


The results of it?

When he didn't know anything, the person he wanted to protect died in the mission of recovering the Holy Church's property.

He risked his precious life for a foreign slave who was as humble as a domestic animal.

But he, the knight, knew nothing and could do nothing.

Even if he wanted to avenge Melens, he didn't know how to do it.

The place where the incident occurred was a place of chaos. If Lord Melens was not dead but captured, the Holy Church might take action.

But Melens is already dead, at least considered dead by the Holy Religion.

A dead person has no value.

Based on his understanding of the Holy Religion, it is absolutely impossible for those big figures who are only interested in profit to send out the Holy Religion Army for a dead person, let alone spend resources on such things as revenge.

So, he came here.

A place called the "Netherworld Branch".

But he knew very well that this was not a so-called branch, but the territory of a "captive sect" called the Nether Sect, which was taken over and protected by the Holy Religion.

This time, there was also a Netherworld Walker from the Netherworld Sect who died in the Land of Chaos together with Melens. Unlike the ruthless Holy Sect, the Netherworld Sect was a sect that valued hatred very much.

This can be seen from the fact that they fought to the death with the night elves back then.

Therefore, if he wants revenge, this is his only chance.


Since the battle that severely damaged their vitality, the Nether Sect has been much more low-key than before.

Faced with Yes's request, although the leader in front of him did not refuse immediately, he never gave an answer.

Therefore, Yes could only wait.

As long as there is hope, he will never give up

He stared hard at the old man in front of him.

Then, he saw the old man's hands moving.

As a complex seal was formed, an old voice sounded in his heart.

"Young knight..."

"I feel your determination..."

"But I still need to ask you a question..."

"You would be willing to take revenge..."

"Give your soul?"



"In other words, this stone is now embedded in the forehead of the current leader of the Nether Sect?" Lu Lin's mouth twitched, "The only way to get it is to destroy the entire Nether Sect?"

"Ah, it can't be said to be the only way," Silly said while holding her chin, "If you have a way to succeed as their next leader, maybe you can get that old guy to take the initiative to pluck out the stone from his forehead and give it to you. "

"Awesome, this method is even more unrealistic than the last one," Lu Lin's mouth twitched.

"No, I don't think the first method is completely unfeasible," Si Li shook her finger, "The Netherworld Sect back then was indeed a powerful force with strong strength and strange means, but now they are just a group of sparrows struggling to survive."

"But aren't they attached to the Holy Church? They should have been doing well these years, right?" Lu Lin asked.

"Come on, the Holy Church took them in just because they coveted their heritage," Si Li shook her head and said, "According to tradition, all the survival resources of any gang kept by the Holy Church must be exchanged for the knowledge inherited from its internal heritage."

"One day, they will sell all their knowledge and heritage to the Holy Church in order to survive."

"As for recuperation and then making a comeback, this kind of thing has become a captive force of the Holy Church, just think about it in your dreams."

"But even so, they are still under the protection of the Holy Church," Lu Lin spread his hands, "If it's as easy as you say, shouldn't the night elves have attacked them long ago?"

"Of course, it's basically impossible to take the initiative to attack them. The Holy Church protects its most pets tightly," Si Li said, "but just because we can't get through, it doesn't mean they can't."

"Don't, they can't just die because one person died Even the leader is coming, right?" Lu Lin curled his lips and said, "Even if he really comes, we can't beat him, right?"

"That's not what I mean," Si Li explained, "The Nether Shore Walkers have a special tradition. Anyone who becomes a follower of the Nether Shore Walkers will leave a fire connected to their souls near their altars."

"In an emergency, they can use this fire to teleport themselves directly back to their altars."

"The Nether Shore Walker we killed before also planned to use this trick to get away, but he was stabbed through by Lan Jie when he was casting the spell, so he couldn't run away."

"And this fire can't only be used by them. The current Night Elf King of my Night Elf tribe can also use this thing to open a road leading directly to the headquarters of the Nether Shore Cult."

"In other words, as long as we can catch a living Nether Shore Walker, we can kill them directly in their lair."

Chapter 157 Damn it, I can't stand it, I'm going to fight with the Netherworld

Although Lu Lin knew that the night elves and the Netherworld had a blood feud, he was not in the game after all. He just knew it, but he didn't really understand what the so-called "blood feud" meant.

He also didn't know how far the two sides in the game would go because of this so-called feud.

After listening to Si Li's thoughts, he finally realized the weight of the so-called "death feud".

Si Li's plan is divided into three steps.

The first step is to accumulate strength.

She wants to accumulate enough power to directly destroy the entire Netherworld with one blow. To this end, she plans to borrow the power of two large forces.

The first is naturally the power of the entire night elf tribe. In her words, if the night elf king knows that there is such an opportunity, the entire night elf tribe will definitely go out without hesitation.

The second is the support of the Tianri Cult. With Jack Zhengyi and his master, they have the conditions to hold this thigh.

The combination of the two forces will surely destroy the remnants of the Netherworld Cult in one fell swoop.

The second step is to lure the snake out of its hole.

The Netherworld Sect is very vengeful.

A Netherworld Walker died here. Although they have not taken any action yet, it is because they don’t know what happened specifically.

But if the information related to the dead Netherworld Walker spreads widely, with Si Li’s understanding of the Netherworld Sect, they will definitely send people.

And now the spiral stick in Si Li’s hand is a very suitable thing to make a fuss.

At that time, as long as the people sent by the Netherworld Sect can be captured, there will be a way to open the road to the Netherworld Sect’s headquarters, and there will be conditions for a surprise attack on their base camp.

As for the third step, it is to destroy the entire Netherworld Sect in one fell swoop.

This step must be fast. Although they can teleport directly to the Netherworld Sect’s hometown, the other party is under the protection of the Holy Church after all. They must kill the leader of the Netherworld Sect before the Holy Church reinforcements arrive.

Once the leader of the Netherworld Sect dies, the Nether Crystal will naturally fall into their hands.

In this regard, Si Li also made a promise that as long as Lu Lin Lin helped her implement the plan, she would definitely help Lu Lin get the Nether Crystal.

As for whether her words had such weight...

Just kidding, if the Nether Sect was really destroyed at that time, then she, Si Li, would be the hero of the entire night elf clan. As long as she was willing to give up all other rewards, it would not be difficult to get this Nether Crystal.

Si Li was very excited throughout the whole process of telling the plan.

During the narration, she even took out banknotes, took notes and revised them, and kept discussing details with Lu Lin.

Lu Lin could see that she was really serious.

She wanted to destroy the Nether Sect very seriously.

This was their blood feud. As long as there was an opportunity to destroy the other party, they would immediately pounce on it and use all means to seize this opportunity.

Lu Lin had to admit that Si Li's plan did sound feasible and could help him achieve his mission goals.

But this matter is really not small. Lu Lin and others have to rely on their insignificant power in the entire chaotic land to leverage several major forces at the same time, and finally they can accomplish this task.

So, Lu Lin did not agree to Si Li at the first time, but chose to go back and think about it before making a decision.

Lu Lin subconsciously thought that he should not have only such a risky choice, there should be other ways to go.

But in the end, he went back and lay down for a night, and finally found helplessly that his way was really blocked by this.

Yes, he can continue to run the store to make money, but money is only a thing outside of the body after all.

The foundation of his livelihood is still his own ability.

He is an alchemist, and he has no other ability in this world.

His current goal is still to become stronger and strive to become a high-level alchemist, even a master or even a grandmaster alchemist as soon as possible.

To achieve this goal, he currently has only three ways to go.

The first way is naturally his task system, which is also his greatest reliance.

But at present, this road must obtain the philosopher's stone called "Nether Crystal" to continue.

The second way is the way of the Black Magic Sect.

To put it bluntly, it is not to rely on the task system, but to take the right path that most alchemists in this world would take.

Relying on transactions with the Black Magic School, he can obtain the knowledge, formulas, equipment and other resources required to become a high-level alchemist.

But to take this path, he must first be able to trade with the Black Magic School.

Although he now has the status of a formal member of the school, he can also ask Si Li to help him conduct some transactions with the school.

But this kind of thing is okay once or twice, if he really relies on Si Li to help him act as an intermediary, it will probably take a long time for people to be unbearable.

Moreover, with a person in the middle, it is actually not convenient to select the transaction items. If he really wants to trade smoothly with the Black Magic School, he still needs his own familiar.

This is back to the first path, he still has to get the "Nether Crystal" first.

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