The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Ways to regain strength

"You guys, go and clean up this surrounding environment."

"You two, go find all those little guys who are hiding, and bring them to see me."






Following Wang Musheng's order, the spirit beasts that were originally violent were gentle like cats.

He quickly screamed and ran away, and began to execute Wang Musheng's orders.

This is the gap, for others, it is to take care of the spirit beast.

However, on Wang Musheng's side, various spirit beasts rushed to serve him.

You know, in this world, the most sensitive to all kinds of auras are these beasts.

What's more, here, Wang Musheng didn't conceal his breath specially.

From now on, as soon as the coercion belonging to the saints came out, the spirit beasts in the 63rd beast stall were all crawling and shivering.

Then a magical nectar curse.

A magic spell.

After a Ling Ling curse.

All the spirit beasts immediately looked at the horse head with Wang Musheng's order.

Compared with human beings, their pursuit of power is purer, and they constantly feel the pressure of terror from Wang Musheng's body.

I also felt countless benefits.

Become smarter.

Become more powerful, powerful method.

All of this is their most urgent pursuit.


"Master, you'd better not use your strength at will, otherwise your body balance will be broken, and it will be difficult for me to handle it then."

Seeing what Wang Musheng did, Yu Qingyang couldn't help but said seriously.

"Do not worry!

I thought about it in my heart that these magic techniques don't use much power. "

"That's fine, otherwise, although I can take you out of here successfully, but I cannot guarantee the success of the plan at the same time."

"By the way, Qingyang, what do you think of me re-cultivating?"

"Your current physical condition should not be able to store too much cultivation power at all!"

Yu Qingyang looked at Wang Musheng suspiciously and said.

"Well, it is true. Once the cultivation strength in my body exceeds a certain limit, it will quickly drain away and be absorbed by other clones and incarnations.

However, in this case, my spirit is indeed not affected.

Although because of his body, he didn't dare to use it too much.

Since the spirit doesn't affect me, then I specialize in cultivating the power of the spirit and use another method to strengthen my own power. "

"You are talking about animal repair."

"Yes, they contract spirit beasts and control spirit beasts to fight. This does not have any mandatory requirements for their own cultivation.

But the requirements for spiritual power are extremely powerful.

However, this is just right for me.

And through this method, I can completely store the power of my cultivation level in the bodies of those spirit beasts, and I need to use it to extract from their bodies.

In this way, I can perfectly avoid my physical problems now. "

Wang Musheng explained.

"Although this kind of cultivation system is overly dependent on foreign objects and has many shortcomings, it is indeed feasible if it is only used for a short time to gain a certain strength and form an effect similar to an external golden core.

It’s just that you have to be careful, your current situation is very strange.

Although, as far as the deduction is concerned, there is no problem with you, but the specific situation is completely uncertain. "

"Do you care about me?"

Wang Musheng looked at Yu Qingyang with a smile and said.


Yu Qingyang didn't hide anything, and directly confessed, "I was born because I dominated you. You have the authority to exist or not, and now you have chosen to restrict this authority.

Let me have the possibility of becoming an independent individual creature.

However, your state cannot be destroyed.

But every time you die and resurrect, it will undoubtedly accelerate your probability of being assimilated into this world.

And once you are assimilated by heaven and earth, then this authority will return to heaven and earth.

I am not sure whether heaven and earth will allow a heterogeneous existence like ours.

I don't want to disappear. "

Yu Qingyang said seriously.

"Okay! In fact, you can say such things euphemistically, and it will make people very heartbroken."

Wang Musheng shook his head helplessly and said.

"By the way, why do you want to exist as an independent individual life?"

Wang Musheng asked curiously.

"There is no reason, it's just a pure desire to exist. Perhaps this comes from the desire for life!"

Yu Qingyang thought for a while and said seriously.

"There is no reason, just want to exist, but does it exist?

By the way, can you tell me, you are half awakened this time, what is the awakening today? Or, what did you see this time? "

"human nature!

What I have seen this time is human nature.

A very complex, distorted, and chaotic existence that I simply cannot understand.

People can't believe that the foundation of a wise creature is boundless chaos, depression, distortion, and chaos.

Confused, seductive, wanting to sink people, UU reading fell.

It looks like a small Netherworld.

Be ready to swallow all the beauty and hope in this world at any time.

It's hard to believe that such creatures show wisdom, reason, and rich emotional changes.

This is very confusing. "

For the first time, Yu Qingyang's face showed a complex, tangled, and confused expression.

"So, you have been studying this human nature during this period of time."

"Yes, I think that if I can thoroughly study it, I can completely become a real creature."

"If I remember correctly, your body should have been human!" "Well, but that thing is too messy and too evil. He is constantly corroding my will and tarnishing me. Really.

Therefore, at the first moment of my awakening, I instinctively eliminated it completely. "


Khan, Wang Musheng said, why is this guy less and less like a human?

It turned out that he took his humanity as a harmful substance and directly eliminated it!

"By the way, Master, do you need me to get you a powerful spirit beast?"

"No, at this point, I have my own ideas!"

Wang Musheng does have his own ideas.

The spirit beast he needs doesn't have to be so powerful.

But it needs to be able to store the most power of cultivation, which is equivalent to an external high-power charging treasure.

Nothing else, as long as you can meet your normal casting needs.

Therefore, this spirit beast must be able to quickly absorb heaven and earth aura, quickly refining, and be able to store more heaven and earth energy in its body.


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