The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 543: Create life

Even storage, external cultivation power.

And such an existence is obviously impossible to be nurtured in nature.

Even if it does, I don’t know how long it will take to find it.

And this was obviously not what Wang Musheng wanted.

and so.

Since there is no ready-made one.

He is ready to make one himself.

And Wang Musheng did have such power.

Open spirit curse, cross spirit curse, speak spirit curse, life curse, spiritual cultivation curse, return to yuan curse, transformation curse, soul life curse, heavenly mantra

Emperor God Nine Curses.

Among them, the opening spell can activate the wisdom of any spiritual item.

Crossing the spirit curse, supernatural powers, wisdom, world sentiment, everything can be crossed.

Ling Ling curses give any life existence the ability to speak.

The life spell can make any spiritual life grow a **** body.

The curse of cultivating spirits can give artificial creation the ability to breed offspring.

Guiyuan Mantra can be deprived of the talent, aptitude, and potential of a life, and it can also be given.

The transformation mantra can change any spiritual existence and external image.

The Life Soul Curse can even create a real soul out of thin air.

The final destiny curse can give some artificial life, aliens, and give destiny to become a real race, life.

Have such a heaven-defying method at hand.

Even if it is just a handful of ordinary clay for Wang Mu, he can create a living life for you.

"Sure enough, people will become, and they will also change. Every time they use the Nine Emperor Gods, they will be weird, and they will be frightened, and they will always be inexplicably entangled.

Are you the father of these guys?

Or mom?

Flesh and flesh life, I never touch it.

But now, when he picked up the Nine Emperor God Curse again, the danger turned out to be that there was no more grudge.

It turned out to have accepted this strange setting.

Unbelievable! "

In the following time, he entered a relatively peaceful time.

Yu Qingyang is still constantly in a daze, thinking, and studying issues of human nature.

Wang Musheng was still in the realm of gods, in the forbidden zone of life, constantly researching, tossing, and creating a lot of strange creatures, but the spirit beast he really wanted was not successfully produced.

More importantly, the restricted zone of life is really fascinating.

Wang Musheng found that he was a little addicted to it, feeling uncontrollable.

"This is the power of knowledge!"

As for the little fat man, it is still the same, except for coming here from time to time, in front of Wang Musheng and Yu Qingyang, talking about his beautiful master.

It's all kinds of appearances, how well you mix yourself, and how well you live.

However, one thing is true.

Although the little fat man is a little uncomfortable, he is after all an old monster who has not known how many years he has lived.

I don’t know too many strange things.

In addition, I, that shameless character, and a fairly neat mouth.

Of course there is the beautiful master behind him.

It is true that in this Thunder God Sect, it is very open.

Don't talk about friends everywhere.

However, at least some guys who have a head, a face, and a little name are familiar.

And thanks to this guy, they finally learned a lot of information.

For example, some legends of the Thunder God Sect.

For example, the Thunder God Sect mastered a special secret realm, in which all kinds of thunder were endless, and thunder was everywhere.

As long as you enter it, with the help of those Lei Ze powers, whether it is to temper the body or condense the power, it has an inestimable effect.

The reason why the Thunder God Sect is so powerful is precisely because of this mysterious realm of Heavenly Thunder.

There are some unreliable legends.

For example, legend has it that the first-generation suzerain of the Thunder God Sect was a terrifying existence cursed by the whole world.

Because it was too terrifying, Heaven and Earth used all kinds of terrifying thunder to bombard the Sect Master continuously, and this bombardment was forever.

However, no matter how terrifying these thunders are, there is still nothing to do with this sovereign.

Moreover, according to legend, the Sect Master of the Thunder God Sect, who was afraid of even the world, was still alive until now, in that terrifying sky thunder secret realm.


Although it is still not completely certain, at least it is certain that the guy who does not return to the mountain does have a mysterious connection with this sky Thunder Sect.

Of course, this is not, just because of the name Hong Lei Ya, but also because of the kind of energy aura in those powerful monks in the Thunder God Sect.

This is also the reason why Little Fatty thought of this Thunder God Sect at the first time.


Chiyan Peak.

This is a mountain that belongs exclusively to Chi Ruyan, an emperor-level alchemy master.

On this mountain, apart from a few simple houses where Chi Ruyan lived, there were also Chi Ruyan's disciples.

All the rest are servants.

And the precious medicinal field on one side.

In addition, everyone knows that Chi Ruyan, the peak master, has a violent temper, so if nothing happens, no one will come here.

Even if something goes wrong, I won’t come here as a last No way, who can let this bad temper, he is particularly powerful, plus being an emperor-level alchemy master , All kinds of guys who beg her, or owe her favor, simply don't have too much.

Regardless of reason, no reason.

It doesn't make sense.

I can't afford it at all!

Therefore, compared to the other peaks, Chiyan Peak has a better geographical location, but it is rarely seen, making it extremely deserted.

"Little fat man, you are playing and you are lazy again. I'll go tell the master and let the master train you with Phoenix Immortal Flame."


"Sister, please spare your life!

I'm not being lazy. I just practiced the pills that the master had just laid out. Isn't this taking a break? "

"Hmph, courage is fat!

Now even the senior sister dared to cheat.

I passed by your pill room just now, but there was no aura of pill fire. I haven't opened the pill furnace for at least three days. "

This is a small courtyard without a name, but the lack of a name does not hinder the exquisiteness of this small courtyard.

Here is the residence of the little fat man Jiang Hongfei on Chiyan Peak.

Because there were not many people on Chiyan Peak, plus Chi Ruyan, plus the little fat man who got five disciples, and excluding those servants, there were only six people.

So the place to live is relatively looser, and every disciple has a yard.

And the beautiful girl talking, named Bai Yuchan, Chi Ruyan’s fourth disciple, is sixteen years old this year, but she already has it. She has become a senior alchemist with her cultivation base during the Golden Core Stage. A proper little genius one.

At the same time, in name, this is the senior sister of the little fat man Jiang Hongfei.


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