The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Dan Dao

"Senior Sister's opinion, I just kept taking a break. Three days ago, I managed to complete the task of the master, because the shortfall was so terrible. Isn't this a three-day break after a break?

Don't believe me, look, Sister, this is the Qianyuan Pill I practiced. All the tasks assigned by the master are here. How many more? "

As Jiang Hongfei said, with a dogleg expression, he handed the two purple gold gourds filled with medicine to the little senior sister.

"Well, it's really Qianyuan Pill, and this quality is actually the best pill, and the quality is quite perfect.

Fatty you have broken through to the best alchemist. "

"Uh, um, on a whim the other day, I made a little breakthrough in this area."

"Hehe, fatty you're done.

If you are just being lazy, the master can use Phoenix Immortal Flame to train you for a few days at most.

But do you know how she treats those guys who dare to deceive her?

At least it was in her alchemy furnace, closed for several years.

You know, the big brother back then deceived the master and refined the pill with taboo techniques. Now hundreds of years have passed, the big brother is still locked in the master's pill cauldron and not released? "

"Okay! Sister, you won.

Talk about it! Your condition? "

Hearing this, Bai Yuchan's mouth finally evoked a slight smile, and said with a right expression on his face.

"How did your true pill come from?

to be frank.

The refining techniques of these pills are definitely not our Chiyanfeng technique. "

"Senior Sister is really amazing, everything is because of this guy."

The little fat man thought for a while, and handed a little bunny-like beast with a green body and the size of a fist to Bai Yuchan.

"what is this?"

"I call him Baoyao Beast.

If you look closely, there is a small nursery bag on the belly of this little guy.

It can purify and synthesize all kinds of elixir, spirit fruit, and powerful pill, as food, and store it in the nursery bag.

When necessary, it can be used as food.

Or used to nurture offspring.

And only need to feed the Qianyuan Pill, all kinds of herbs that he needs, to this little guy, and through the condensing of this little guy, then he can get a finished Qianyuan Pill. "

"You didn't lie to me? You know, cheating Senior Sister is a great sin!"

"Even if I cheat someone, I can't lie to you, Senior Sister!

These are the elixir for refining Qianyuan Pill, unfortunately you can try it. "

"it is good!"

Bai Yuchan responded with enthusiasm.

Sure enough, when she put these spiritual plants in front of the little guy, the little guy squirmed his three-petal mouth, and quickly ate the elixir.

After a while, a perfect quality Qianyuan Pill appeared in the little guy's nursery bag.

It seems extremely magical.

"Sister, how is it, I didn't lie to you!"

The little fat man said smugly.

"This is mine."

Who knows, when the little fat man hadn't reacted yet, Bai Yuchan grabbed this one, was named by the little fat man, the little guy of the treasure medicine beast, and ran away.


"Does it need to be like this? This is not a rare thing in the first place. The one that I took out was originally intended to be given to you. Do it need to be like this!"


The words are divided into two ends.

On Bai Yuchan's side, after successfully obtaining the Treasure Medicine Beast, he did not show any happy expressions. On the contrary, a solemn color was revealed on his small face.

At the same time, Bai Yuchan did not return to his small courtyard.

But thinking about the center of Chiyan Peak, the largest hall on the top of the peak ran quickly.

Chiyan Temple.

This is Chi Ruyan's palace. Except for some necessary outings, Chi Ruyan will be here at other times, in the Chiyan Palace, studying the alchemy.

It is precisely because of this seriousness and persistence.

It only made her grow into the current emperor-level alchemist in just two thousand years.


"Oh no."

"Aunt, the big thing is not good."



Chi Ruyan looked in front of him, the already scrapped medicine pill, and couldn't help but glanced at Bai Yuchan who had entered recklessly.

"How old are they, they're rash."

The voice is very ethereal. This voice is not like a sedentary, terrifying strong man, but like a pure natural spirit.

"Aunt, something has happened?"

While talking, Bai Yuchan handed the precious medicine beast he had just snatched from Little Fatty to Chi Ruyan.

In addition, he directly spoke out the information he had just received from a little fat man about the treasured beast.

What no one knew was that Chi Ruyan and Bai Yuchan turned out to be a nephew.

What is even less known is that Chi Ruyan also has a big brother. Of course, this big brother is not related by blood, but two little guys who started in Wei Mo.

Because of various opportunities, we slowly came together, relying on each other, helping each other, and now we are here.

However, the good thing is.

The siblings, although not related by blood.

But their relationship, UU reading is closer than their brothers and sisters who have a blood relationship.

After two thousand years, this relationship has never faded.

Even so, now the eldest brother has become the ancestor of a small family of cultivating immortals, Chi Ruyan has become a superior emperor-level alchemist.

This relationship has not changed.

It's just that all of this is not known to the world.

After all, it would be impossible for Chi Ruyan to get to this point without a few enemies.

She didn't want her enemy to become a family that threatened her once elder brother.

At the same time, the other party is not willing to become the other party's weakness.

Therefore, this relationship is still unknown.

However, the connection between the two has never been broken.

Just this time, among the descendants of his elder brother, a young guy with excellent talent was born, that is, Bai Yuchan in front of him.

Chi Ruyan directly took Bai Yuchan over.

"That's it?"

"Auntie, this little thing will subvert the power system of the alchemist! How can you be so plain?"

Bai Yuchan said anxiously.

"Yu Chan, why do you think you are an alchemist, or an alchemy."

Chi Ruyan said with a noncommittal smile.

"Pill master, it is a group of ordinary spirit grasses that can transform decay into magical existence, and use them to refine various magical medicines.

It seems to be able to live dead, flesh and bones, Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill.

Those who can directly cast foundations for monks, build foundations.

There is also the Po Yuan Dan that can accelerate the breakthrough.

Qianyuan Pill to accelerate cultivation.

...! "

Bai Yuchan said with a look of admiration.


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