The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 545: Dan and Tao

"No, what you are talking about is Dan, not Dan Dao."

"Dan, Dan Dao, what's the difference?"

"The alchemy is based on the enlightenment of the Dao itself. Every elixir is a realization, an enlightenment, and a reincarnation. The alchemist is here to practice, realize and reincarnate again and again. itself.

The so-called Dan is just a by-product on the road of Dan Dao.

You have reversed the priority of Dan and Dan Dao. "

Chi Ruyan said with a faint smile.

"Is that right?"

Obviously, this passage is a great subversion of Bai Yuchan's cognition.

"Therefore, I have never asked for any pill that you refine, and I have never even taught you systematic knowledge of alchemy.

It's just the reason for you to go down and refine it casually.

You know, monks, they cultivate the Tao.

What you practice is your heart.

Not Dan.

Not even a device.

At the same time, this is also the reason why I have never allowed you to take pill, just like alchemy, without purification, tempering, and polishing.

Just relying on the accumulation of elixir's efficacy, even if it is barely a pill, it is only a waste pill.

Otherwise, just rely on your aunt, me, an emperor-level alchemist, in a short period of time, you can directly reach the top, or even surpass my current realm.

However, in this way, you are completely abolished.

However, although this little guy has no effect on Dan Dao.

But it has affected our interests as alchemists. If there are a lot of these little guys, it will make the pill become worthless.

In that way, we don't have so many resources to study alchemy. "

"Right! Aunt, I said this little guy has a great influence on the alchemist."

"You said this little guy was brought by Hongfei."

"Well, that little fat man is very lazy. He knows all day to get some strange food and drink, and he always likes to sneak and play.

This time, I found out when I went to help my aunt to see if he was lazy.

Aunt, you don't know, that guy used these little guys to make the Qianyuan Pill of two big gourds, and even lied to me that he worked so hard to refine it himself.

However, with just a glance, I saw through that guy's trick. "

"You are not greedy, you want to go over and eat!"

Chi Ruyan said teasingly.


"Haha! Okay, I won't talk about it, aunt, in fact, that little fat man, the things he tossed about are really delicious."

"Hey, aunt, you've been to eat too."

Bai Yuchan said with a surprised look.

"Haha, Hongfei is more filial than some people. Every time he makes a delicious meal, he will give it to his aunt as soon as possible.

Unlike some guys.

There are delicious foods, and I only care about myself. I don't know where I forgot my aunt? "


No one knows that Chi Ruyan, who is notoriously bad temper, has such a gentle meeting.

In fact, Chi Ruyan's original character is more gentle.

What I usually show up is just my own protective color.

At the same time, it was also because of the Phoenix bloodline.

The violent fire-attribute bloodline gave her a powerful force, but in the same way, it also made her character more violent.

Only in this Chiyan Palace, the violent attributes derived from the Phoenix blood can be completely suppressed.

So as to show their true nature.

This is also the reason why Chi Ruyan rarely leaves this Chiyan Palace.


As the two aunts and nephews were talking, Chi Ru Yanyu waved his hand, fluctuating with a burst of power.

Holding one in his hand, the grilled golden oily, fragrant thighs of unknown animals, the little fat man with a dumb face, appeared directly in front of Chi Ruyan and Bai Yuchan.

"Eh, it's the master! And Sister Yuchan.

It just so happened that I just made barbecue.

The material used is Firefox. This kind of spirit beast contains a lot of fire attribute elements in its natural flesh and blood. The meat is extremely active, plus the pure spiciness of fire attribute.

The taste is quite delicious.

It is the supreme sacred product of making barbecue.

Master, and sister, try it. "

The little fat man quickly changed his reaction and said with a flattering expression on his face.

Facing this, the disciple who was full of mortal aura, Chi Ruyan gently shook his head and refused.

However, Bai Yuchan on the other side was not so polite.

Claws were formed with one hand, and with one grasp, the entire animal leg was directly captured and photographed into his own hand.

"I want to see if this thing is as delicious as you said."

Seeing this scene, the little fat man couldn't help showing a trace of heartache on his face, but he quickly recovered.

Looking at Chi Ruyan again, he said with a flattering expression.

"Master, don't you know what to do with your apprentice?"

"It's about this treasured medicine beast, you should know what this treasured medicine beast means to the alchemist!"

"It turned out to be a treasured medicine beast!

Of course, I know, this treasured medicine beast is simply the supreme treasure for the alchemy master, not only can save the alchemy master, UU reading repeated and boring alchemy process.

It is even more possible. It is a great help. However, with the least amount of elixir, we can develop more interesting medicinal pills. "

The little fat man said excitedly.

"Oh, don't you think that this precious medicine beast will threaten the alchemist's interests, does it still have a status?"

Hearing Little Fatty's answer, Chi Ruyan couldn't help but said with a slight smile on her face.

"Is it affected?

It seems to have an impact. In this way, those guys who only know alchemy seem to have no effect.

However, this is also good, a group of guys who have lost their eyes by the immediate benefits, it is better to wake them up early.

Maybe it will make them right again? "

The little fat man curled his lips and said.

"You are just lazy, so nice to say."

Facing Little Fatty's obvious answer, which was more than one level higher than himself, Bai Yuchan was quite upset, taking a bite of the barbecue in his hand and said.

"Sister, you don't know something! I am not lazy, I am experiencing life, I am training my mind."

The little fat man quickly retorted.

"By the way, where did you get this precious medicine beast?

Are there any more? "

Chi Ruyan directly interrupted the debate between the two of them.

"Master, do you want it too? Yes! I have many more here, in various colors, white, red, yellow...!

I think this red one is the best match for you, Master. "

While talking, the little fat man took out many treasured medicine beasts of different colors and introduced them to Chi Ruyan's two girls.

"Okay! Fatty, you are fattened, right?

There are so many, not even one for me. "


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