The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Ghost

   killed that **** guy.

   regained his body.

   Although the body collapsed almost completely as a price, all of this is worth it to Fang Tianxing.

  He wants revenge.

   For this matter, he worked hard for ten thousand years, tasted all the pain, just to improve his own strength.

   Although unable to rush into the Jiexianmen.

   But he used his method to kill any of the monks from the Jiexianmen that he could find and be alone.

   From his point of view, Jiexianmen is so dark, such a sect shouldn’t exist at all.

   It is precisely because of Fang Tianxing's madness over the years that the Jiexianmen forces have shrunk, and the impact on the land of the sanctuary will be repeated.

   It's just a pity that Fang Tianxing's body has collapsed.

   Shenhun also suffered heavy losses.

   This made him dare not give up his body at all, otherwise, his incomplete spirit, after losing its sustenance, would likely dissipate completely.

   However, although he used taboo methods to forcibly retain his body, there is still this mutilated soul, but his body is riddled with holes.

   is seriously restricting his improvement.

   He originally thought that he had no hope of revenge.

   However, what he didn't expect was that under the arrangement of fate, he saw Wang Musheng, and even more powerful methods were obtained in Wang Musheng's hands.

   This is destiny.

   Fate is doomed, the Jiexianmen will be destroyed in his hands.

   With Fang Tianxing's return.

   Just when the outside world was in chaos due to various wars.

   In the sanctuary land, in the extreme north, on a snowy field where the cold wind roars all year round, there is also a battle.

   Battlefield battle, although short.

   But as far as the level of danger is concerned, it is not at all lower than the fighting outside, and even more so.

   It's just that the duration of this battle is too short.

   Plus those old guys from Jiexianmen were interestingly cover up, so all this was not discovered by the outside world.

   Needless to say during the battle.

   This is the result of the battle, but Fang Tianxing failed.

   was captured directly and locked in the dungeon of Jiexianmen.

   It is unbelievable that the gate of Jiexianmen is not big, nor is it very grand.

   However, the underground of such an ordinary Zongmen resident has nine floors, and the area is larger than that of the Jiexianmen resident, and I don't know how many times the size of the terrifying dungeon.

   Here, there are a large number of embryos that are made by various geniuses collected from the outside when you have robbed the fairy gate in the past.

   It is good to supply those powerful monks of Jiexianmen for reincarnation.

   Fang Tianxing once walked out from here.

   And now Fang Tianxing, the strange individual, has returned here again.

   Only the last time, he was helpless.

   But this time, it was his volition. He came to redeem his sins and also to save.

   After all, he once personally sent many genius children here.

   If you look at it from this aspect, you are actually not much cleaner than the guys outside.

  "Long heart, spooky life.

   a drop of blood began to scatter the soul.

   Bone resentful soul returns.

   Broken bones, broken gods, my heart will die.

  The soul disperses, fate disappears, grievances are hard to settle.

   Li Youming desperately.

   swear to be charmed.

   Jian Tian Di Devil Heart.

   line dripping blood yellow spring. "

   This is a ghost curse, a forbidden spell based on countless grievances at the expense of everything. Once used, whether it is the user or the curse, it will be abandoned by heaven and earth.

   Immortal, immortal, neither human nor ghost.

   is not as good as the six realms, not falling into reincarnation.

   The same is because of this, the ghost curse has incredible power.

   Sing along with the curse.

   At first, Fang Tianxing was alone.

   But soon, the voice was clearly remembered in the void, and he sang along with Fang Tianxing's voice.

   followed more and more.

  The voice is getting louder and louder.

   "Damn it, stop him quickly."

   "Kill without mercy!"

   Finally, the cultivators of the Jiexianmen finally realized that something was wrong, but now they wanted to stop it, but it was too late.


   Li Youming desperately.

   swear to be charmed.

   Jian Tian Di Devil Heart.

   line dripping blood yellow spring. "


   Li Ming desperately.

   swear to be charmed.

   Jian Tian Di Devil Heart.

   line dripping blood yellow spring. "


   The same voice, like an evil spirit demanding his life, started to ring in their minds.

   This is not an auditory hallucination.

   is not a magic effect either.

   Instead, the soul of the original owner of their body, which had been completely swallowed by them, turned into another strange state under the action of this ghost curse, and once again returned from the deepest part of the world.

   "This is not...!"

   But before they exclaimed, their voices turned into the voice of the chanting of a demon.

   Their souls are constantly being swallowed by the strange things appearing in the depths of their own consciousness, and their bodies are slowly losing control.

   and immediately after these monks.

   are those former geniuses who have lost themselves and become reincarnated embryos, Tianjiao.

   Their self began to recover.

   is just the price of recovery, it is the power of the ghost curse, turning their bodies into all kinds of monsters that are neither human nor ghost.

   Even the soul has become less clear.

   became irritable and explosive, full of madness.




   This is the horror of the ghost curse, which is originally theft, a forbidden power from the deepest part of the world.

   In the end, it is the return of the dead who once died in this world. The cultivation of reincarnated embryos is not that simple.

   is often a successful turned embryo, behind which is the death of tens of thousands of Therefore, the existence of those who have died in these nine underground prisons is simply uncountable.

   As they returned one after another, the entire nine underground floors completely turned into darkness.

   is filled with the dead, roaring, wailing, and angry roars full of resentment.

  travels wantonly, looking for any existence that can carry them.

   Such a state of nothingness made them feel emptiness.

   They need the fullness of their bodies.

   However, there are not many useful bodies here after all.

   More of all kinds of bones.

   Various instruments of torture.

   Various prison facilities.

   So those who have nothing to depend on, choose these appliances to become their body carriers.

   One time.

   In these nine underground prisons, it can be said that there are all kinds of horrors, weird shapes, and roars.

   They all have a unified name.



   A roar from anger.

   The revenge feast of the dead has officially begun.


   And their first goal was Jiexianmen.

  The battle is not intense.

   But it's bloody.

   You need to know this, because the demons born by the ghost curse are hatred in nature, and their bodies are various horrible instruments of torture.

   Adhering to these characteristics, they bring hatred for all kinds of living beings, and the terrible desire to destroy everything.



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