The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 571: Chasing darkness

   They drive away hatred and love all darkness.

   The beginning of the destruction of the Jiexianmen.

   At this time, the land of the sanctuary is full of middle-level resentment, unwillingness, and hatred.

   These are their favorite foods.

   war of terror everywhere, that is their favorite paradise.

   They chase hatred.

   chase the darkness.

   came to the middle of the sanctuary land, came to the forefront of the war.

   They sing because of all kinds of darkness.

   cheered for various wars.

   They swallow all darkness and grow without knowing it.

   They use their own power to make the war more intense.

   This is simply their paradise.

   They drew on the power of Paradise, and they also started the most terrifying growth.

   Finally, someone found something wrong.

   began to search.

   then discovered the existence of this terrifying creature, a ghost.

   This discovery also caused the entire war to cool down instantly.

  The war was also directly transformed from the previous wars between the monks on several lands and directly into the war between the monks and these demons.

   It's just a pity, the war was only the beginning, and the monks were directly at a disadvantage.

  The essence of ghosts is hatred, and it is a concept, so the monks' spells and spells cannot harm these ghosts at all.

   On the contrary, the anger and fear of these monks have become the best nourishment for the growth of these demons.

   Let these demons continue to become stronger.

   From the beginning, this was an unfair war.

   If it wasn't for these demons, and wanted to raise these monks in captivity, provide them with delicious hatred, anger, despair, and other food.

   Maybe it’s not a problem even if it destroys all the human monks!

   At this moment, the whole land was completely plunged into darkness.




   And at this moment, a group of monks who called themselves Jiexianmen appeared.

   They told everyone how these demons came.

   They are from the Northern Territory.

   Northern Territory, compared to Wang Musheng's ignorance, these people knew very well that it was once the largest passage from the Supreme Profound Realm to the Demon Realm.

   was also the most terrifying battlefield in the entire Supreme Profound Realm during the Great Tribulation that year. In that great disaster, more than 60% of the monks in the Great Profound Realm fell here.

   In the end, it was still a mysterious existence, directly sacrificing the entire Northern Territory, and setting up a terrifying, Xuanyuan Madness Array, completely sealing the passage to the Demon Realm.

   is precisely because of this.

   When the war began, they thought about the Southern Territory, but they never thought of the Northern Territory.

   But according to what these people from the Jie Xianmen said.

   There is a problem with the Northern Territory.

   This made these horrible monsters run out.

   And this is not the most troublesome.

   The most troublesome thing is that, according to these Jie Xianmen guys, the land of the Northern Territory is already occupied by a group of mysterious guys.

   They once wanted to explore the northern land.

   I want to repair the leak in the seal.

   in order to prevent this terrible catastrophe.

   However, before they were close, their hands were in the hands of these people, and they were all dead and wounded. Only one monk used forbidden techniques to send the final news back.

   Although this news is equally desperate.

   But finally I know where these guys come from.

  There are ways to destroy these guys.

   This is the only thing worthy of comfort!

   so and so.

   followed the Sanctuary Civil War.

  Invasion of the Northern Territory.

   Eastern Region, Western Region, Sanctuary, Three Regions War.

After   , the war on the northern land began again.

   If the previous wars were all for profit, this northern expedition was to protect, redeem, and redeem ourselves, and also to redeem the world.

   Just, is this true?


   "How come, how could this be?"

   Bai Yuchan exclaimed in disbelief.

   can make Bai Yuchan become such a gaffe at this time, the matter is absolutely not trivial, even directly beyond Bai Yuchan's cognition.

  "Sanctuary, Western Region, Eastern Region.

   The Three Holy Gates.

   Six Kings.

   Six hundred immortals.

   Sixty thousand forces.

   could be so ignorant. "

   Fang Tianxing said mockingly.

   Compared to the desperation and despair of other people, Bai Yuchan thought of Fang Tianxing for the first time when facing these demons.

   Because Wang Musheng had said it.

   He gave Fang Tianxing the power to destroy the world.

   For Bai Yuchan, these demons are the power that can destroy the world, so at the first time, he thought of Fang Tianxing.

   directly found Fang Tianxing.

   And Fang Tianxing didn't refuse, and he admitted happily.

   These demons are their own masterpieces.

   As for whether these demons can be restrained, Fang Tianxing is also very happy to express that these demons are born out of resentment and hatred.

   They are only driven by resentment and hatred.

   As for the way to destroy these ghosts, there is only one way.

   That is the last resort he used from that senior, maybe it can, there is no other way.

   And that kind of method, he will only use it at the end.

   But now, his feud has not yet been reported.

   "Then have you considered living in the world?"

   This is Bai Yuchan’s questioning.

  "Why do people in the world have to do with me, demons chase hatred, resentment, and love darkness.

   Do you not know why they found you?

  At that time, UU reading might as well think more about yourself.

   instead of asking me here, an unforgivable person rejected by the world. "

   Fang Tianxing let the world replied in a mocking tone.

   "Also, what you should worry about now are those idiots, what are they doing?"

   "Northern Territory!"

   Hearing Fang Tian's failure, Bai Yuchan remembered that at this time the monks in the Eastern Region, the Western Region, and the Sanctuary were preparing to conquer the Northern Territory under the leadership of the remnants of the Tribulation Gate.

   And the reason why they fought the Northern Territory is to deal with these almost immortal demons.

   In their cognition, these demons are the demons that ran out of the Northern Territory.

   However, it turns out that these demons are not demons who escaped from the land of the Northern Territory, but were created by Fang Tianxing using a taboo method.

   Then, this war has its own problems.

   "Do you know something?"

   "Well, I know, I know a lot, but what do you want to know?"

   "Those guys at Jiexianmen, why do they do this.

   What happened in the Northern Territory. "

   "Hehe, what do those people want?

   So, I say you are really stupid!

   Do you know Jiexianmen, why is it called Jiexianmen?

   That's because the founder of Jiexianmen thought that he was the great tribulation between heaven and earth. When Jiexianmen was born, that is, when the heaven and earth were completely plunged into boundless disaster. "


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