The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Taixuanjie

   "What are you guys?"

   "Should you not say what they are? You know the root of Jiexianmen, the reincarnation curse?"

   "I've heard that it's a kind of strange magic tricks that you can see for a long time in disguise, but it has many shortcomings."

"  " is not complete. You should say that the so-called rebirth curse is an evil spell that has no other effect and can only allow one life to continue to live.

   Cultivating the existence of this evil technique, their foundation is essentially broken.

   It can be said that the disciple has come to an end.

   Therefore, the existence of cultivating this kind of magic is only to live for the sake of living.

   What kind of existence do you think can cultivate and create such evil magic techniques?

   That's an ambitious group.

   quietly waiting for the dead man who completed his mission. "

   "What are they plotting?"

   Hearing Fang Tianxing's words, the sense of uncertainty in Bai Yuchan's heart became stronger.

   "Do you remember the disaster?"

   The so-called demon disaster is an attack by the demon world on the human world, and the Supreme Profound Realm at that time was one of them.

   is also one of the chief culprits of the Supreme Profound Realm having fallen to the present level.

   "You mean they are demons?"

  "Rather than saying that they are demons, I think I should call them more of the lackeys of the demons.

   In fact, you may not be very clear about the situation back then.

   In fact, it was not the demons that caused the greatest harm to this world, but the human races who were willing to become demons running dogs, and the demons.

   Because of the pity of the guardian, we became one of the few worlds that survived under the iron hoof of the demons.

   After the devastation was destroyed.

   The whole world has carried out a thousand-year-long war baptism, in order to eliminate and clean up those demon running dogs hidden in the human race and the monster race.

   But in such a severe environment.

   Some chose to confront.

  Some have chosen, secretly hiding, waiting for the return of the Demon Race, because they always firmly believe that the Demon Realm is the most powerful existence among these six realms.

   And this robbery immortal gate is one of them.

  The reason why they have been lingering, is to wait for their master to return. "

   "The mysterious force in the Northern Territory?"

   At this time, Bai Yuchan's face was completely black, and he was not worried about Fang Tianxing deceiving him.

   After all, he has already admitted, the evil of evil.

   This kind of guilt is enough to be smashed by the monks outside.

   More importantly, this is an existence that already has a will.

   In his eyes, all Bai Yuchan could see was indifference, indifference to everything in this world, including his own life.

   There is another kind, which has already made the final decision.

   Such a person disdains deceit at all.

   Even, if it were not for Wang Musheng's face, Fang Tianxing would not even bother to talk so much nonsense with Bai Yuchan!

   "You should feel lucky.

   Although I don't know exactly where the mysterious force came from, there is one thing, if it weren't for that force, the demons there broke the seal as early as four hundred years ago.

   dragged the entire Supreme Profound Realm into the boundless demon realm. "

   "Who do you say, that mysterious force has guarded the northern land alone and has fought the demons for more than four hundred years."

   Now even Bai Yuchan couldn't help being surprised.

   What kind of existence is this in order to achieve this point!

  "Yes, in fact, thanks to the calculations of those in the Jie Xianmen, the projection of the Northern Territory Earth should have completely collapsed as early as four hundred years ago.

   However, it was precisely because of the emergence of that mysterious force that he defended the Northern Territory with his own power and blocked the attack of the Demon Realm.

   Although this mysterious force, the saint is a bit silly.

   But what I have to say is that you have to thank this mysterious force well, otherwise, you may not be able to do anything to this day. "

   Fang Tianxing's face was rarely teased and said.

  He was really curious, those honest guys collided with that mysterious force, and in the end these honest people failed.

   was still that mysterious force, and finally was completely disappointed and left.

   Yes, from the beginning to the end, Fang Tianxing never thought that that mysterious force would fail. You must know that it was one who was able to block attacks from the devil world with his own power.

   There are still the remnants of Jiexianmen, the existence of thousands of years of planning!

  Or, only when the Northern Territory is completely out of control and those terrifying existences from the Demon Realm completely pull this Fang Shijie into the Demon Realm, they will wake up in the boundless darkness!

   "In other words, the ultimate goal of those who rob the immortal gate is to release the sealed demons."

   Although he already had the answer in his mind, Bai Yuchan asked for the final confirmation.

   "No, you don't understand one thing, it is not some demons that are sealed under the Northern Territory.

   is a passage to the demon world.

   More importantly, do you think that the lackeys of the demon race are just to open the door of the demon world?

   They want more.

   For example, the inheritance of the guardian. "

   "Inheritance of the Guardian?"

   "Yes, UU reading www.uukā wants to come to you for a certain understanding of the legendary ancient guardian!"

  "The guardian of time, time dominates.

   Guardian of the Six Realms, Lord of Order.

   Space Guardian, Space Walker.

  The guardian of the world, the mother of life.

   Guarded by power, elemental sage.

   They respectively control the world, the most powerful force, wandering in the fairy world, the human world, the fairy world, the underworld, the demon world, and the demon world, guarding the order and balance of the six worlds. "

   Speaking of this, Bai Yuchan's eyes suddenly lit up and suddenly raised his head.

   "You mean, our world has a legacy of guardians?"

   "Yes, although I don't know why? But in these years of struggling for power, I have discovered many interesting things.

  For example, between the six worlds, although there is a terrifying chaotic and void isolation, it is difficult to shuttle.

   But in the same realm, it is possible to shuttle and communicate.

   But, have you ever seen monks from other worlds in our world.

   In my investigation, only the powerful monks left this world, but no one has ever returned.

   It seems that this world has been completely blocked by people.

   can leave, but absolutely cannot enter.

   What is even more bizarre are those ancient guardians. I don’t know for what purpose, they are all in our world, leaving their heritage or power.



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