The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Fang Shi

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And the guardian I'm talking about.

She is known as the space traveler, the space guardian, and at the same time, she had also sealed the entire Northern Territory at that time, completely repairing the space loopholes in the Supreme Profound Realm, sealing the existence of the entire Demon Realm passage.

The so-called seal of the Northern Territory Earth is the inheritance left by the space guardian.

It's just that you want to get into it, but it's not that simple.

I think back then, the ancestors of our Fang clan, because of the great calamity that year, made supreme feats and obtained the opportunity to enter the inheritance.

If there are no surprises, it will also be an opportunity for our Fang clan to rise completely.

It's a pity that we underestimated it after all. The darkness in the Jiexianmen finally planted a plot, and the soul flew away. "

It is necessary to say yes.

Their ancestor, because of the way the master entered the inheritance, did not die, but was drawn with power, two souls, and six souls.

In the end, he was banned. In the entire Supreme Profound Realm, it was not very conspicuous, the Southern Territory, an unremarkable place called Money Town.

In the end, it relies on his own wisdom.

Turned into the body of a god.

It was renamed Muqian.

It wasn't that this guy was too arrogant at the time, and he was directly defeated by Yang Tianxiao, the guy who opened up.

Maybe you can live a second life.

It may rise again.

It was also there, following the trajectory of fate, the elderly Wang Musheng was killed once by the guys from the Jiexianmen.

If it wasn't because of Wang Musheng's special nature, then it would have really died.

But now, the destruction of Jiexianmen was not made by Wang Musheng himself.

However, Fang Tianxing's power was given by Wang Musheng.

All this can only be said that fate is impermanent and the world is mysterious.

Of course, maybe Wang Musheng has already seen all of this.

Who knows?

"You just let those Jie Xianmen guys just like that, just behave like this?"

"No, I will send them all to **** in due course."

Indeed, everything Fang Tianxing is doing now is deliberately stunning snakes. After countless years, the number of those who survived in the Jiexianmen is hardly known.

Even if Fang Tianxing had the current power, he might not be able to kill all these guys.

Even just to find these guys, I don't know how long it will take.

After all, under the effect of the reincarnation technique, those old monsters now have already transformed into the identities of others, living according to the trajectory of others' lives.

So, how many people are there in Jiexianmen now?

And those people are their people.

Except for the old monsters behind the Jiexianmen, I am afraid that no one knows!

Even the reason why the Northern Expedition was so smooth and organized in such a short period of time, behind this, it is absolutely indispensable that the people of Jiexianmen are behind, secretly contributing to the flames.

Therefore, what Fang Tianxing needs to do now is to wait.

Waiting for the last time to come.

When all the mice hiding in the dark came out by themselves, it was when he started to use the last resort to send these guys to **** completely.

"appropriate time?"

"Yes, when I think it's right.

However, I feel that you should not be concerned about this issue now.

What you should be more concerned about is what happens after your people come into contact with that mysterious power.

Was it directly destroyed by that mysterious force with thunder, or it would ignore you and leave, 4 and then be destroyed by the demons who broke the seal. "

"Thank you for telling me all this.

But I think none of this will happen anymore. "

On the contrary, at this time, Bai Yuchan was relieved with a sigh of relief.

Because, as soon as she learned the horrible news from Fang Tianxing, she relayed the news directly and contacted her master and the people under her.

Just now Bai Yuchan got the news, the news here has already been known over there, and he has made corresponding preparations.

Her master, Chi Ruyan, also personally took action to stop the cultivator team from the Northern Expedition.

"haha, really?

You are still too naive, the human heart is complicated, and the humanity of the monk breaks through your cognition. "

After hearing Bai Yuchan's words.

Fang Tianxing shook his head and said.

This is also the reason why Fang Tianxing told Bai Yuchan about his plan and all the reasons behind without any concealment.

Because even if Bai Yuchan knew about all this, there was no reason to stop it.



Cross the boat.

A special magic weapon that can sail on the endless sea.

I say he is special because he has no other function except that he can sail on the endless sea.

Call it a magic weapon.

It is because there are not only all kinds of terrifying sea beasts, sea races in the endless sea.

The reason for its birth at the beginning is more because of wars time and time again, so in this endless sea, there are all kinds of terrifying Taoist rhymes and catastrophes, only this ferry boat has the opportunity to ferry it.

Compared to several other lands, they are all connected by boundary portals.

The Northern Territory, because of the seal, has no way at all. If you want to go to the Northern Territory, you can only take a ferry boat and cross the endless sea to get there.

Although ferry boats are rare and precious.

However, you must know that this northern expedition is exhausted, the Western Regions, the Eastern Regions, and the Sanctuary, all the power of the three regions.

In addition, there is also a Jiexianmen that has long coveted this northern region.

Therefore, there is still no problem in crossing the boat.

In this way, more than tens of millions of powerful monks directly crossed the endless sea and began a mighty battle on the northern land.

And the development of things is indeed as Fang Tianxing thought.

Even the development of the matter was a bit more cruel than he had imagined.

Chi Ruyan, who caught up to stop all of this, and his group of people.

Even without waiting to pass the information to the coalition forces.

He was directly destroyed by his own sect, the Thunder God Sect, and the guardian alliance that he and Bai Yuchan had created.

Even Chi Ruyan was seriously injured and almost fell completely. Thanks to the sacrifices of some of his monks, Chi Ruyan was seriously injured and escaped into the endless sea and escaped a life.

And Chi Ruyan and his party were not the lackeys of the evil sects who had encountered the Jiexianmen.

In fact, at the beginning, all this was fine, but after learning about the guardian's heritage, everything changed.

That is the most powerful force in the world in the legend!

Who doesn't want it.

These people are not surprised.

After all, what they worked so hard for, isn't it the most powerful force?

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