The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 574: To the public, selfless

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Therefore, they started to stop Chi Ruyan and prevent Chi Ruyan from spreading the truth about the matter. They wanted to be the second person after Jiexianmen who knew this information.

Then be the last cardinal.

So as to seek the power inheritance of the Guardian, you know, that is the inheritance of the Space Guardian!

At first, they tried to draw Chi Ruyan into their camp.

After discovering the impossible.

They directly and outrageously launched an attack, wanting to kill Chi Ruyan and his party directly to prevent the leakage of information.

Chi Ruyan still remembers clearly.

The one who attacked her in the first place was her good senior, now the lord of Thunder God Sect.

If this were not the case, relying on Chi Ruyan's current, the primary power of the ascension stage, it would definitely not end up in this situation directly.

This is the true face of the world of cultivators.

Everything depends only on benefits.

As for ordinary mortals, or this world, it doesn't matter.

As long as it survives the inheritance of the Guardian, and it's only a world, that's nothing.

Bai Yuchan knew about this soon.

In such a situation, I was taken care of by a master since I was a child. Later, if I had good luck, I met the little fat man, Wang Musheng’s little good luck girl, and it was just a drink.

At the same time, she finally understood the meaning of Fang Tianxing's last sentence.

Bai Yuchan is gone.

Stop persuading Fang Tianxing.

Her venue is very worried about the safety of the master, Chi Ruyan.

I am even more worried about what to do if things really develop in the worst direction.

She needs to prepare accordingly.

She thought of Wang Musheng, using the exclusive contact channel on the cultivation elves, she couldn't get in touch at all.

She sent someone to look for it, but no matter how many people she sent, she never found any information about Wang Musheng, as if Wang Musheng had disappeared into this world.

She also thought of another person, Jie Shen.

It's just a pity that although Jie Shen has been found, Jie Shen is still in retreat. Although she can love to see, she can't get close at all.

Mana Transmission could not get any answer at all.


"Have you calculated all these in advance?"

The little fat man asked in surprise.

In fact, Wang Musheng, Little Fatty, and Yu Qingyang did not leave, and even one of them quietly watched all this development.

It's just that, relying on their power, if you don't want to be discovered.

Then, even if they stood in front of Bai Yuchan and the others, they would directly ignore the existence of Wang Musheng and his party.

"Although the development of the world is disorderly, there are certain laws. As long as you have an insight into all these laws, then you will find that all these are not problems."

Wang Musheng did not directly admit it, but said an unclear remark.

"In other words, I'm very curious about what is going on in your current realm. There is obviously no power in your body, let alone any rules.

But how do you sometimes feel that you are more magical than me and the dead face? "

The little fat man didn't have too much entanglement, instead, he was interested in asking another question he cared about.

"What do you think is above the law?"

"Above the law, isn't it just detachment directly? This was the last time the dead face said?"

The little fat man said unclearly.

"No, the meaning of my original words did say that above the law is detachment, but I did not say that the law is the end.

In fact, according to my speculation, above the law is "Tao", a kind of self-Tao beyond the three thousand avenues of understanding the world. Only in this way can we truly be detached.

Otherwise, the self-transcendence sought by giving up all the laws is nothing. "

After hearing the little fat man's words, Yu Qingyang added.

"Almost, but not quite.

In my opinion, above the law, there is another realm, an existence closest to the essence of Tao, which I call the rule. "

Wang Musheng shook his head and said.

"The rules, what are they?"

"The rules are the essence of the world.

Including laws, everything in the world is the product of countless rules.

For example, fire is the law, but its ignition point and the highest temperature are the rules.

For example, life is the product of laws, but the reproduction of life and the length of life span are rules.

Another example is cause and effect.

good fortune.



These are the rules. "

"do not understand!"

The little fat man shook his head honestly and said.

"Is this the ultimate of the law?


If this is the case, that is to say, when one person controls the rules, it is equivalent to another kind of control of all the rules.

That said.

The path to the extreme path that I deduced before is feasible, and even more stable in comparison, but the process of cultivation is extremely difficult. "

Yu Qingyang nodded, and said thoughtfully.

"So, in other words, you control the rules and understand the rules of this world, so you already know what happens to these people now."

The little fat man asked for confirmation again.

"I didn't understand all of this, but I saw the rules and saw their ultimate destination."

With that, Wang Musheng picked up a small stone and threw it out casually.

"The falling of the stone is the rule.

No matter what he has to go through halfway, one thing remains unchanged is that this stone is destined to fall. "

"I understand a little bit, but it's not like your character! You must know that you were an absolutely good old man, even for these humble mortals, they have mercy that they shouldn't have.

Even better than those old bald donkeys in Buddhism did, but now...! "

Although the little fat man did not continue.

But the meaning is already obvious.

Now, because of Wang Musheng's casual boost, the entire Supreme Profound Realm was directly pushed into the vortex of war.

This style is far from what Yang Tianxiao did before!

"That's because I tried to change and reverse something with my own power, but in the end I did find out.

True compassion, true goodness, is justice and selflessness.

Heaven is ruthless.

It is the love of heaven and earth. "

Like the current Wang Musheng, his every move, even a change of mind, can affect the change of the whole world.

The only thing he needs to do is Zhi Gong.

Watching his operation quietly, UU read instead of interfering.

"It feels like you two have become more and more alike, and now you don't speak human words.

In my opinion, good is good and evil is evil.

Help me if you look cool!

If you are upset, just kill it.

Do you need anything to be public, selfless! "


Upon hearing this, Wang Musheng and Yu Qingyang looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Little Fatty's mentality that although he is bound by the boundless cause and effect, it has always kept him intact without the slightest change.

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