The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 579: as a result of

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Chi Ruyan's emotion is sincere.

Not to mention, it is really hard to say whether these dead demons and the corpses of monsters can be blocked once they are released.

"Yeah! It's not easy. Over the years, our tens of millions of monks who were at least through the catastrophe period fell here.

Resist the large-scale demonic tide more than 3,600 times.

Like the demonic wave of this level you are seeing now, it erupts tens of thousands, or even millions of times, every day, so it's impossible to count how much it has blocked.

As for the beheaded demons, there are various monsters.

You have seen it too.

These disgusting corpses have already filled the land.

The elevation of the entire land is even more so because of these disgusting bodies, which have risen by an average of hundreds of kilometers.

In fact, at the very beginning, we also tried to dispose of these corpses, but you have also seen that these corpses are simply too many, and we simply don’t have so many manpower to deal with them one by one.

This is the scene you are watching now. "

After hearing the words of the dead flower.

The four were shocked again, tens of millions, at least the death of the monks who crossed the catastrophe period!

This kind of power, even if it is the power of exhausting the three domains, is nothing more than this!

As for whether the Corpse Shenghua will lie to them.

They would never consider it.

Not to mention the exaggerated demons in front of them, and the corpse of a monster in the middle of them, they are constantly telling them what kind of terrible war has been experienced here.

It was more than four hundred years to block the invasion of the entire demon world with a single force.

Ten million losses.

Such a loss, in their opinion, even belongs to the kind of extremely small.

What's more, this kind of thing, silently guarding the existence of the Northern Territory for hundreds of years, they can't think of any reason why they need to deceive them.

"Thank you again for your contribution to this Supreme Profound Realm."

Chi Ruyan said with a deep salute again.

"Haha, you don't need to be like this at all. The person you should be thankful for is not me or even us. The person you should be thankful for is the master.

We just obey his orders and guard here.

If you are not afraid of your jokes, in fact, four hundred years ago, we were just a group of ignorant indigenous people who had a meal without a meal and struggled to survive.

At that time, we were trapped here, called the heavens should not, called the ground unsound, and were enslaved by the demons.

It was the arrival of the world master that changed everything.

To be honest, our hatred with these demons is the deepest.

Counting it all up, we are just avenging our report.

Don't take us too big. "

Corpse Shenghua, as the chief of a tribe, countless years have passed, he still maintains this unique character.

She would let the people under her name call her the boss.

Most of his actions are straightforward, disdainful of all kinds of conspiracies.

"Lord, dare to ask this lord?"

"Lord of the world! That is a great existence."

Zui Sheng Huasui said, As for who the realm master is and where, Zui Shenghua doesn't want to answer further.

Chi Ruyan naturally understood this, and directly changed the subject.

"I want to come, you, you should know the purpose of our visit this time, we...!"

"There are eight huge giant cities on this Northern Territory land. These giant cities make our station and also a fortress, because below them, the suppressors will die on this Northern Territory land. And the channel of the world of death.

At the same time, these eight giant cities are also eight important nodes of a powerful sealing circle.

As long as these eight giant cities are destroyed, the Demon Realm passage that is sealed under the northern land will also be completely opened.

At the same time, you also need to be careful. Those demon guys who are not living in peace will try their best to break through the seal, so small cracks will appear from time to time in this land.

Although generally speaking, their illness does not cause any major threats, but once the number of these guys gathers to a certain number, it is still quite troublesome.

Therefore, it is generally best to deal with these guys directly after discovery.

The other is that there are too many demons here, as well as the corpses of monsters, which makes the demonic energy here continuously increase and become more concentrated.

And when the devil here is strong to a certain point.

The sealing power here will be greatly suppressed, and the direct result of this is a large-scale demonic wave.

This is also the most dangerous disaster here. Every time a large-scale demonic wave erupts, we need to pay a lot of sacrifices before we can calm it down.

And with the passage of time, these magic waves have become more frequent.

From the first hundred years, to the last decades, to the last two large-scale demonic waves, the time has been shortened to ten years.

And this large-scale demonic wave, with the current concentration of demonic energy, probably only lasted a few years. "

Without waiting for Chi Ruyan's words to finish, Zui Shenghua directly interrupted Chi Ruyan's words.

Regarding the sudden trust in the corpse Shenghua, various secrets were directly exposed to them. Although Chi Ruyan was puzzled, he couldn't help but say.

"You should be very clear about the existence of the guardian heritage!

That is a huge temptation for many people. No one knows it. Fortunately, some people know that if it is not resolved, it will eventually be a huge hidden danger.

From then on, there will be no peace in this northern land.

Therefore, we can search together, obtain the inheritance of the guardian, and completely resolve this disaster. "

"Hehe, there has never been a peaceful time in the Northern Territory.

As for the heritage of guarding this.

Haha, do you know what that is?

That is the last guardian of the entire Northern Territory, and it is also the foundation of the entire Northern Territory. The reason why so many and such a large-scale terrorist war has not affected the outside world.

It is precisely because of the inheritance of the guardian.

Once this heritage is destroyed, do you know what will happen?

At that time, UU reading will disintegrate because of the war.

The demons are no longer limited to one place.

It will spread throughout the entire Taixuan Realm.

At that time, you are not only facing the low-level demons who pass through the passage of the demon world, but countless truly powerful demons.

Are you really ready?

Pull the courage to bury the whole world. "

Corpse Shenghua fixedly looked at Chi Ruyan, and the three people beside Chi Ruyan said.

"We can, first get the powerful power from the guardian heritage, and then use the powerful power belonging to the guardian heritage to completely suppress these demons!

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