The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 580: gambling

"Liao Zhai's new cause and effect ( to find the latest chapter!

Otherwise, if you keep guarding like this, when will you be a head!

In that way, won't you also be able to withdraw from this quagmire? "

It was the representative of the right way from the Heavenly Sage Gate, Mu Yunci.

"You are called Mu Yunci, I remember correctly!

If you can say such things, you obviously haven't fully understood what the devil world means?

There are six realms in this world.

The human world represents the beginning.

The fairy world represents power.

The gods represent the authority of heaven.

The demon world represents a ray of vitality between heaven and earth.

The underworld represents reincarnation and order.

The devil world represents the end, is destruction.

The six worlds are mutually independent, even opposite, and interdependent.

Their relationship is damaged and destroyed. As long as the human world still exists and sentient beings have magical thoughts, the magical world will not be completely destroyed.

Otherwise, why do you think that the original guardian didn't destroy the Demon Realm directly, but just left his own heritage, power, and completely destroyed it.

It's not that it can't, but it can't. "

With the faint words of the corpse, a world is hidden, directly displayed in front of them.

"But even if this is the case, plus your strength, as well as our strength, I believe it is enough to suppress even more terrifying demons!"

Mu Yunci said unwillingly.

If there is no accident, this Mu Yun's words is a representative who advocates looking for a line of inheritance.

"you sure?"

Zuoshenghua teasedly looked at Mu Yunci and said.

"I confirm.

Although we are inferior in terms of low-level combat power, in terms of high-level combat power, we have nearly three thousand terrifying existences of the earth and immortal level. It is absolutely easy to suppress this evil. "

"It seems that you do not get the inheritance of the Guardian, and you will not be reconciled, so be it!

Both of us bet once.

The bet is on the suppression of the Demon Realm. When the time comes, we will surrender four of the eight cities for you. Both of us will guard half of the northern land for a period of 50 years.

At that time, if you win, then we will agree that you do have the power to suppress the demon world, and we will agree to your plan and will no longer prevent you from gaining the inheritance of the Guardian.

Even, we will provide some clues to enter the guardian heritage and obtain the guardian heritage.

On the contrary, if you fail, then it proves that you do not have the power to gain the inheritance of the last guardian.

Where do you come from? Where do you go back!

We will never risk dragging the entire Supreme Profound Realm into the swamp of war and let you use the power of the guardian's heritage. "


In this way, a special gambling game was completely unfolded on this northern land.

And this gambling game, at this time, is also a way of doing both.

The corpse flower is also crisp enough here.

On the afternoon of the day when the gambling agreement was confirmed.

Then four giant cities were directly vacated, and everyone was evacuated to another city.

On the three-region coalition side, as well as the Sea Clan, they quickly took over the four vacated cities.

Just entered, it was too late to settle down.

They were forced into the battlefield.

The war did not.

The small battlefield is not too much.

Having never experienced such frequent wars before, and how to deal with the demons, the three-domain coalition forces are really in a hurry!

At the same time, this inevitably caused a lot of losses.

On the first day alone, the loss exceeded a million.

However, starting from the second day, this loss began to decrease drastically.

a few millions.

Hundreds of thousands.

One hundred thousand.

Tens of thousands.

And after three months of coming, these cultivators have finally slowly adapted to the environment here and the war.

At this time, they noticed another thing.

That is the equipment, elixir, and even their fur brought by these demons and monsters. , Bones, magic core, these are rare and good materials.

Only need to purify the devil qi above, it is the spiritual talent that is of great benefit to them.

This has not yet seen the inheritance of the guardians, but first obtained huge benefits from these demon races, which directly caused many monks to fall into ecstasy.

However, the happiest ones are those demon cultivators. Although they are not real demon races, the demon energy they cultivate is not the kind of horror, madness, and desire for destruction from the demon world.

However, such a peculiar environment allowed them to extract their own magic energy, not knowing how many times faster.

Even those spiritual talents from the demon world that contain the purest demon qi can be used without purification, thereby quickly increasing their own strength.

From the initial hesitation, confusion, and fear, to the excitement and ecstasy now, it only took three months.

However, this is not what excites them most.

What excites them most is.

When a monk tried to make a transaction with the monks who were stationed here under the corpse and flowers, it was a magical discovery that the other party did not even refuse.

More importantly.

These silly guys don't need spirit stones, they only need a variety of delicious food, interesting stories, or some unique books, or practice techniques and secrets.

From the hands of these guys, many good things can be exchanged.

Those precious come from the spirit of the devil.

All kinds of equipment from the devil world.

Even powerful exercises and magic techniques.

Even various powerful magical weapons, Lingbao.

Not to mention other things, just through transactions from these people, the strength of the three-domain coalition forces and those of the Sea Clan who are cultivators will increase the overall happiness beyond three levels.

For these people at this time, there is still a dangerous place here!

This is clearly a treasure.

Under the stimulation of this scene, everyone had the same idea, take this place, occupy this place.

Then, it was the first surge in troops.

Many monks were transferred again and came to this northern land.

And the most of them Needless to say, it is the monks of the Sea Clan.

Six years.

Six years of peaceful growth.

Under the supply of various resources, the strength of these three-domain coalition cultivators directly more than doubled.

at last.

In the seventh year, a huge demonic wave officially broke out.

This demonic disaster is much stronger than any previous year.

However, under the training of those monks in the Jade Emperor Realm led by Shi Shenghua, as well as the tri-domain coalition forces and the monks of the Sea Clan.

This demonic wave only lasted for three years before it ended in a hurry.

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