The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Phoenix


   Under everyone's gaze, the colorful phoenix directly slammed into the terrifying passage of the Devildom.

   The earth is shaking.

   The world is wailing.


   When the dust in the sky dissipated, the passage to the Demon Realm had disappeared.

   A huge mountain appeared in the same place, resembling a phoenix soaring for nine days.

   In the last time, she learned a picture she saw from Siyuanlu, using herself as the material, heaven and earth as the melting pot, and used herself to repair the passage of the demon world.

  At the last moment, she showed the ultimate of her alchemy.

   Since then, this scene has been sung and praised by the world forever.

   The powerful monks of the human race who survived that battlefield at the beginning, because of this scene, did not continue to return, but stay here forever, guarding the holy mountain forever.

  Slowly, some powerful monks will also choose to come here to retreat. Slowly, they will eventually become a real holy place.

  Of course, no one knows that the first group of people who stayed here was not voluntary, but because of the power of space inheritance, they were locked here forever and could never leave.


   "Old man, you miscalculated this time. I didn't expect these two girls to be so decisive!

   A human soul who has sacrificed himself is willing to be bound forever, which directly limits the power of the Poison God Cauldron, and even makes the Five Poison Holy Spirit Curse impossible to complete.

   The other one is more resolute. He doesn't even want his own life, and becomes the world, trying to fill the vacancy of the world with himself.

   Although it has not been completely filled, for at least tens of millions of years after the child, this Demon Realm passage has no more threats.

   啧啧, it is a bit unbelievable, the guy who did such a thing turned out to be the innocent little girl back then.

  A naive think of the beauty of the world.

   One thinks that as long as he is alone, everything has nothing to do with him.

   The world is really unpredictable! "

   Little Fatty said with emotion.

   In fact, he once thought of stopping it.

   With his power, although he could not completely reverse everything, there was no problem protecting Bai Yuchan, Chi Ruyan's two daughters, and even the integrity of the Supreme Profound Realm.

   Don’t talk about other things.

   Just fight for his identity, those demon heads in the demon world must give this face.

   Although his own power is limited, it does not prevent others from having a strong background! Want to know that behind the little fat man, there is a big guy sitting in Outland?

   If this irritates people, you can kill a few in the demon world in minutes.

   However, the idea of ​​Little Fatty was directly blocked by Wang Musheng.

  The words to stop are also very simple.

   One mirroring spell, one screen.

   That is a picture that is happening somewhere in the corner of the world. The protagonist in the picture is a clever and cute little girl.

   Although the little girl looks small, she is unexpectedly powerful.

   has the terrifying power of the fit period.

   Also, this little girl is obviously a monster, but she doesn't have the slightest demon spirit.

   The reason why this happens is entirely because of a special golden pill that contains the origin of the world.

   And this little girl is exactly the little ant that Wang Musheng used to give an example to Little Fatty and Yu Qingyang when he preached the way of cause and effect.

   The ending of this little ant originally died at the footsteps of a child.

   However, because of the whim of the little fat man, he directly replaced the waste pill that the little ant hit with a golden pill with supreme good fortune.

   So, since then, the fate of this little ant has completely changed.

   Because of the power of the golden core, it gave birth to wisdom. Under the instinctive trend, it did not return to the lair. Instead, it took this golden core and built its nest alone, completely sealing itself and that golden core.

   It took 50 years before and after to completely digest and absorb this golden core.

   After completely absorbing the power of the golden core, it directly transforms into shape.

After    after hundreds of years of cultivation, only then has the current cultivation level.

   By coincidence, the little fat man left the figure of the golden core at the time, and stayed deeply in the heart of this little monster. After having the ability to protect himself, he directly began to look for the figure of the little fat man all over the world.

  Step by step, the little guy has almost traveled the entire sanctuary land in the past few hundred years. Recently, he is thinking of a way to go to its southern land?

   After understanding all this.

   The little fat guy was stupid.

   However, the worried little fat man hurriedly used the power of his own order and searched for it. All this is really like what Wang Musheng said.

   Even, what he understood was more detailed and more careful than what Wang Musheng said.

   At that time, the little fat man was dumbfounded.

  "This is the horror of the heavens. As long as you are still in this world, your every move may be involved in endless cause and effect.

   You don’t even know that those are what you want to do, or what force made you do it. "

   Because of this incident, the little fat man quickly gave up the idea of ​​doing something by himself.

   "Hehe, the extremes of things must be reversed, not to mention the lack of heaven, leaving a ray of life for all living beings, you are not sure, this is destined?

   The Five Poison Holy Spirit Curse is too extreme and too perfect. He is the five poisons of heaven and earth, the combination of all the darkness in the world, and some are just death.

   This kind of power should not exist at all, nor can it be controlled by others.

   However, now this power has a trace of loopholes, a trace of dedication, and the light of sacrifice. This power is complete. "

   Listening to the words of the little fat Musheng's expression remained unchanged, even a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

   "Darkness with leakage is not pure darkness in the world."

   "In this world, where is the real purity?"

   "What about Chi Ruyan? She really paid her life because of your plan."



   Facing the little fat man’s question this time, Wang Musheng did not answer him, but slowly stretched out his palm. On the palm of his hand was a dreamlike world. The world was red, as if it contained countless hot flames.

   Just in this hot flame, there is an egg emitting colorful light, flying everywhere in this flame-filled world.

   from time to time there was a noble, cheerful bird song.

   It can be seen from this that this unknown egg likes it very much.

   "This is, Chi Ruyan, but how is it possible?"


"The reason why the Phoenix is ​​noble is because she represents auspiciousness, and the reason she can be reborn from Nirvana is because she possesses a fearless heart that even the heaven and the earth must fear, and in front of such a will, even in the Netherworld, she must retreat. .


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