The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 596: Devil

   With the blood of a great sage, with a fearless heart, and forged with the will of countless sentient beings as the flame, when she breaks out of the shell again, she will be a true divine phoenix flying for nine days. "

   The blood of the great sage is the time when Chiruyan, fully understood the darkness of this world, decided to let go of all previous unrealistic fantasy and move forward for the will in his heart.

   The blood spit out.


   The great fearless heart was left behind when the incarnation of the divine phoenix used itself as material to fill holes in the world.

   When Chi Ruyan broke out of her shell again, she was not only a real Divine Phoenix, but also when she stepped out of her own way.

   When you choose to let go of something, it may be when you get something else.

   To be willing, to be willing, to be willing to be.

   It’s just a pity that people always care about what they lose, and never care about what they get.

   "When did you do it, old man, we have been by your side, why didn't we find it?"

   "Hehe! Are you so sure that everything you see is true?"

   Wang Musheng did not directly answer the little fat man's words, but said something inexplicable.

   Upon hearing Wang Musheng's words, Yu Qingyang's face couldn't help but a touch of contemplation appeared.

   Little Fatty is still at a loss.

   All this is just like what Wang Musheng said. They saw what Wang Musheng wanted them to see. In fact, the real Wang Musheng was already heading to the land of the two worlds.

   Because after so many years, the time he has been waiting for has already come.

   It's time for him to officially return.

   "This doesn't count, then, what about the human monks who died in battle? This is hundreds of millions of people!

  Don't tell me, they are all damned. "

   "Why not?

   Needless to say, those cultivators at the Earth Immortal level, I warned them that they have to pay for what they get, and this is what they have to pay.

   As for the ordinary monks, the corpse flower left them a warning, huge resources, and a last resort.

   there is Bai Yuchan, and the redemption of Chi Ruyan.

   is a warning from Fang Tianxing.

   Medicine doctor does not die.

   Heaven saves the dead.

   Seeking a dead end, but who can I blame. "

  Wang Musheng actually has another sentence, he used to reshape the six realms and recast the world. It can be said that all people in this world owe him cause and effect.

   If he would one day be kind, hurt his own cause and effect, and kill these people, these people should also thank him, because then these people will no longer owe him.

   Otherwise, because they owe a saint's cause and effect, these people are waiting for the reincarnation of one life after another, hoping to find opportunities for detachment among them!

  Why, the more powerful people are, the more cautious they are in their words and deeds, and the more powerful they are, they will follow the law.

   Because this is also a kind of cause and effect, a powerful monk maintains this world, and the world gives him the terrifying power that commands the world.

   And this is the essence of this world.

   Cold equivalent exchange.

   I owe a debt, I have to pay it.

   Gains and losses, gains and losses, and gains and losses. Of course you are happy to get, but have you ever thought about what you have lost.

the other side.


  If someone looks at it from a macroscopic perspective, they will find that the entire Demon Realm is actually divided into two parts with terrifying power.

   One side is composed of worlds, a powerful old demon world.

   On the other side, there is a vast and mysterious space, which is the new demon world created by Wang Musheng with the help of the power of the demon fetus.

   It's just a pity that the existence of the new Demon Realm didn't last long. Because of the Holy Sword Rebellion that year, it was attacked by the old Demon Realm University of Technology, and even swallowed.

   It's just a pity that the new demon world may not be as big as the old demon world in terms of size, but the foundation of the new demon world is not as good as the old demon world.

   is even much stronger.

Because of the five-poison Holy Spirit curse, the existence of the four tripods can extract the five hundred years of darkness, resentment, and devilish energy in the entire six realms. With the maintenance of such terrifying power, the old Devil Realm is simply impossible. Devour the new demon world.

   Although they forcibly incorporated this new demon world into the demon world, they couldn't swallow or digest it at all.

   In other words, the Makai has indigestion.

   What they can do is to use a large number of powerful people to forcefully suppress this new demon world.

   Then one attack, another attack, I wanted to use dripping water to pierce the stone, bit by bit to wipe out this new demon world.

  The most important reason why the Demon World has become so honest for so many years is because of the hidden danger of the New Demon World.

   However, the new demon world has been honest for four hundred years.

Just today.

   At the moment when Fang Tianxing completed his transformation into a poisonous saint.

   The entire New Devil Realm began to vibrate.

   This vibration is getting more and more intense.


   Under this shock, I don't know how many years the seal has been continuously strengthened. At this moment, a crack appeared and began to collapse.

   "Damn it, what's the situation, fasten the seal.

   On the attacking team, don’t keep your hands anymore. Give me an attack, regardless of casualties.

   In addition, immediately contact the Extreme Demon Lord, Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor...!

   And sent people to investigate quickly, what is the reason, this is related to the life and death of the entire demon world, and absolutely no accidents are allowed.

  ......! "







   But no matter how they do it, great changes are still happening bit by bit.



   Finally, it seems that all of this has reached a culmination.




   The seal was still broken in the end, UU reading and their efforts did not even insist that many high-level demons came over.

   The shock of terrifying energy that followed.

   is directly responsible for guarding the surroundings of the new demon world, the hundreds of millions of demon clan, instantly stirred into blood fog, can survive by chance, only a few big Luo Jinxian level demon king.

   This is not over yet, even under the shock of this terrifying energy, some worlds close to the New Demon Realm have been displaced because of this energy shock.

  Some of the more unfortunate worlds, because of this displacement, a direct collision between the world and the world occurred, which directly led to the complete destruction of multiple demon worlds.





   is the Four Carriers who follow, and even these demons are frightened for their children. The beam of horror and evil power directly penetrates the new demon world and rises to the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a statue, comparable to the size of a world, and a giant cauldron emerged directly.

   "Do not look directly."

   "Don't speak."



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