The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 600: World change




   With the roar of terror, shaking.

   The entire Yuhuangfeng world has begun to grow terribly.

   After more than six thousand years of growth, although the Jade Emperor Realm has grown, it is still much slower than the reproduction of the creatures in it.

   You know, there is no family planning here.

   There is no boundary, the theory of natural disasters.

   Even because of this superior environment, the terrifying growth rate.

   There is also this long 6,000-year peace period.

   There is also the existence of the Little Netherworld.

   It can be said that in the six thousand years in the Jade Emperor Realm, no one has died at all.

   It’s just an increase, not a decrease. Generation after generation, year after year, the world of Jade Emperor is inevitably crowded.

   But, this moment.

   They suddenly discovered that their original neighbors had slowly become more and more distant.

one meter.

   ten meters.

   hundred meters.


   even ten thousand meters.

   When all this was over, the small room that was supposed to be crowded, at this time it suddenly turned into a large single-family villa, and it was still the kind of uninhabited one.

   Many pedestrians who were walking on the street suddenly realized that the street became wider and longer.

   The two people who were still standing together were already thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

   may have been just a small pond and a stream before.

   In a blink of an eye, it became a lake, a river.

   The former small town has become a giant city.

   The former city has become comparable to a terrifying kingdom.

   may have been just a small island on the sidelines, but at this moment it has directly turned into a huge continent.


   Even those newly-emerged earths, under the influence of special power in the underworld, grow tall trees, spiritual flowers, and exotic grasses.

   The Jade Emperor Realm at this moment, the sky is higher.

   The earth is thicker.

   The sea has also become wider.

   also brings about the fact that the gravity of this world has become more terrifying, compared to the gravity of the Supreme Profound Realm, it is directly a thousand times the starting point, and in some places, it can even reach the level of tens of thousands of horrors.

   If the previous Jade Emperor Realm still needed to guard against outside monks, in case they appeared here, it would cause some unnecessary trouble.

   Then, even if the Jade Emperor Realm at this moment opened the door directly, the monks outside dared not come in and said both.

   Thousand-fold terrifying gravity can directly transform a powerful monk in the integration phase into one, similar to the relatively strong farmer in the Supreme Profound Realm.

  The foundation-building period must be the kind that has a perfect foundation. Here it is just a child. It is the kind that is not properly protected by the parents, and may fall to death at any time, or be directly killed by things.

   For example, raindrops, or hail or something.

   At the same time, there is a change in the quality of various materials in the world.

   The ordinary stones that used to be, for these monks, are no different from tofu dregs, and they can be crushed into powder at will.

   So the current stone, no matter its weight or density, is no longer a knead by everyone.

   If this stone is thrown to the outside world, it is at least a top-level spirit treasure.

   There is also a change in the level of the law.

   The former Jade Emperor Realm was magical, but some rules of heaven and earth remained unchanged from the outside world.

   Like the usual ones, flames, water currents, their upper and lower limits have been destined, ordinary fire is ordinary fire, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot threaten powerful monks.

but now.

   This rule has been broken by people. Even if it is just an ordinary flame, its temperature can easily kill the horrible existence of the Transcendence Period, even the Ascension Period, the powerful existence of Earth Immortal level.

   In such a world, if the flame does not have such a temperature, even the rice cannot be cooked, and the water cannot boil.

   The boundless sea water has also become heavy water.

   Once that trip on the water has become an extravagant hope. If you know this sea water, it can really drown the existence of gods.

  Flying became the patent of Jinxian.

   If you want to live without food, then you also need at least Taiyi Jinxian level power.

  Because of the terrifying pressure of this world, the bodies of all monks are under extreme pressure at all times, and they have been undergoing extremely high consumption. In order to support this consumption, many have not known how many years have existed.

   had to start eating here.

   They need extra strength to supplement.

   As for wanting to tear the space apart, if you don't have the terrifying power of the Da Luo Jinxian level, then you are simply dreaming.

   This is a real uplift of heaven and earth.

   Although this way, it seems to be quite restrictive.

   However, there are also many benefits.

   The law of heaven and earth has become more concentrated, cultivation has become easier, and resources have become more abundant.

   At the same time, they no longer need to be cautious in everything they did at the beginning, for fear of causing irreversible damage to the world.

   Because at this moment, their power is not qualified to harm the world.

   They can fight to their heart's content in this world.

   As the earth-shaking horror of the Jade Emperor Realm grows, what has changed the most is the virtual spirit, the former Realm Spirit, and now the pseudo-celestial Dao of Jade Emperor Realm exists.

   There is also the spirit of the earth that Wang Musheng returned from the northern region.

   Their existence is not special.

   One rule of the world.

   One is in charge of the earth.

   And their growth is surprisingly consistent, that is, they grow with the growth of the world.

   Therefore, the two existences came down to without any accident, and they were directly promoted to be, restore the existence of Da Luo Jinxian level, and are still the top existence among Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

   plus the peculiarities of the two existences, it is an existence that can control the heaven and earth power of the Jade Emperor Realm for its own use.

   If they are in the Jade Emperor Realm, they can even leapfrog one another.

   Then the other biggest change is the mirror image of the Jade Emperor Realm. Because of some special considerations, many space cracks and space doors were all opened here.

   This also directly made this place a terrifying battlefield.

   After six thousand years of fighting.

  Many world battles have completely ended.

   Like those particularly evil worlds, after being cleaned up, they are of no value and will be sold directly to some powerful monks, families, and small forces in the Jade Emperor Realm at an appropriate price.

   Or, reward some meritorious officials in the Jade Emperor Realm.

  Some are particularly bad, they will also rent out to some flexible-headed guys, open factories, or carry out breeding, planting.

   As to whether this will cause any bad hidden dangers.

   There is no need to consider this at all.

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