The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Avatar outside

   Every time a world is completely captured, the virtual spirit will swallow the world spirit of this world and become a new world spirit of this world, thus making this world a part of itself.

  Similarly, the spirit of the earth will be so and so.

   Therefore, although the world is sold to these people, it seems that these people have the ownership, but they have never escaped the supervision of the virtual spirit and the spirit of the earth.

   It is precisely because of this horrible background that the existence of the virtual spirit and the spirit of the earth can be pushed to the peak level of the terrifying existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop.

   Otherwise, despite their special existence, there is no need to comprehend the so-called laws.

   because they themselves are a manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth.

   However, in this way, their size is also extremely terrifying.

   It stands to reason that they are more difficult to achieve Hunyuan than ordinary human monks.

   But, in fact, after Wang Musheng, they became the second and third saint-level terrifying existence in the Jade Emperor Realm.

   Some particularly precious worlds will be controlled in the hands of the Ethereal for targeted development.

   or the sacred sticks handed over to Mastiff’s subordinates for preaching and management, and at the same time can be used to promote and expand the Three Holy Temple.

and so.

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   Although the Three Saints Temple in the Supreme Profound Realm has only the influence of the Southern Territory, in fact, the Three Saints Temple is already a terrifying existence that controls hundreds of worlds.

   Among these worlds, there are many worlds as huge as the Supreme Profound Realm, or even bigger.

   However, the power levels of these worlds are not as terrifying as the Supreme Profound Realm.

   The main reason is.

   They are worried that an existence that is too powerful will cause terrible disasters to these worlds. Therefore, as long as the existence of strength breaks through to the combined level, it will be directly taken to the Jade Emperor Realm.

   is also because of this, this has caused the low level of power in these worlds.

   However, it is also because of this that these worlds will not appear, such as the Supreme Profound Realm, which will spread to the entire continent, and even the terrible disaster of the entire world.

  With the guidance of the Three Holy Temples, these worlds have developed unexpectedly well, even prosperous and prosperous.

   Of course there are some, a world that is extremely resistant to the arrival of the Jade Emperor Realm.

   The warriors of the Jade Emperor World did not force it either.

   After completely resolving all worries and blocking the space passage of this world, he will not care about this world again.

   After all, they are not robbers, nor intruders.

   This is the highest order of the Jade Emperor Realm.

   naturally will not invade other worlds.

  Secondly, their arrival is for salvation, for the good of this world. Since they are not willing, why bother to put their hot face on their cold ass.

   They are not welcome, are they rare?

However, there will be many existences with great wisdom and great courage, and they will try their best to find monks in the Jade Emperor Realm. They are willing to pay a large price. The only thing they ask for is to hope that their world can get it. Shelter of the Jade Emperor Realm.

   After all, in the jungle of the world, it is often more cruel and bloody.

   If there is no power or enough wisdom, once found here, then some are just swallowed, or swallowed, there is absolutely no third option.

   but some have been solved.

   Similarly, there are some who think of troubles, even if six thousand years have passed, they still have not been resolved.

   These unresolved ones are not necessarily because of how terrifying power they have, but also because of their own special nature.

   For example, a special race named Tara, their strength is not strong, but they have terrifying vitality, and terrible reproduction ability.

   There are no males and females in this ethnic group. All of them can undergo asexual division and reproduction. As long as there is sufficient food and Tara, it only takes a day to reproduce a huge race.

   is precisely because of this special annoying characteristic.

These guys have been on this battlefield for six thousand years, and it is clear that they have been activated with great difficulty, but as long as one is not careful, these guys will pop up again in an instant, but let the Jade Emperor Realm Those monks who had a headache.

   However, these individuals are not particularly powerful guys.

  With the promotion of the Jade Emperor World.

  The arrival of the terrifying thousand-fold power completely abolished all the advantages of these guys in the blink of an eye.

   The first increase is the consumption of terror.

  Secondly, they are their newborn cubs, although these cubs can grow into a warrior with powerful combat effectiveness in a very short time.

   But, undoubtedly when they were born, these guys were still vulnerable.

   And a fragile little guy was directly exposed to this thousand-fold terrifying pressure. It only takes an instant, it will be directly crushed into flesh.

   A small and weak race that cannot reproduce quickly, it is not too easy to be wiped out.

   or like a special race called Roujun, they have extremely fast speed, and have a soft body with almost no bones.

   The extremely fast speed brings a powerful attack power.

   The body is soft to the extreme, but it brings them a strong defense against physical attacks.

   However, under a thousand times the gravity, these soft guys have completely turned into a puddle of mud, without any threat.


   Because of this, hundreds of these weird races were immediately eliminated in the Mirror Jade Emperor Realm. UU reading

   You must know these weird guys, they are all horrible existences who have fought with the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm for thousands of years.

   However, these changes are only part of it.

  The biggest change is not here.

   Don’t forget, Wang Musheng also has five external incarnations of the elements, Xuan Min, Huang Tian, ​​Burning Tribulation, King Kong, and Magical Method.

  Even though they and Wang Musheng's ontology, there is no such thing as a symbiosis contract that has a common power setting.

   But, after all, they are two entities, and their cultivation and comprehension can be shared.

   It's just a pity, because before these elemental incarnations, they practiced the way of the five elements, but Wang Musheng couldn't cultivate the power of the five elements at all, so this ability basically had no effect.

   But, it's different now!

   You must know Wang Musheng's current realm, which is beyond the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The realization of such a realm is no less than the empowerment of the five elements outside the body.

   Although this kind of power does not necessarily make the Five Elements incarnate outside the body, possessing the power of the same realm as Wang Musheng.

   However, there is no problem in allowing him to enter the Tao and become holy.


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