The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Kannushi


   is the appearance of five saints again.

   At the same time, with the official incarnation of the five elements, even if it was only the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the early days, the five elements were finally in full control of the world of the five elements.


   And the result of this is that the Jade Emperor Realm once again ushered in a terrifying growth.

   But this is not the most important thing.

   More importantly, with the support of the Five Elements Elemental Realm, the Jade Emperor Realm is no longer rootless duckweed. All power can only be stolen from other worlds through a large number of dragon veins.

   The five elements are revolving and they are endless. At this time, Wang Musheng will directly and completely close the Jade Emperor Realm as long as he is willing, and become the emperor of the earth in it.

   No matter what changes in the outside world, there is no way to threaten him.




   That is the cheers of many dragon veins, top spiritual veins.


   They rushed into the air, but they directly passed through the barriers of space and headed to the Five Elements Elemental World.

   as the transformation of natural forces.

   The Five Elements Elemental World, where is their ultimate destination.



   Then there are those demonic fetuses born from the Five Poisons True Art, as well as the divine fetuses born from the Bodhi Cross Nausea Sutra, and the ghost fetuses born from ghost nerves.

   Different from the external incarnation, they are the embodiment of Wang Musheng's power.

   had already been cultivated to the realm of transformation, and the subsequent improvement naturally followed Wang Musheng's realm.

   So, the direct result of this is.

   The strength of these people's existence has also received a terrifying upgrade.

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   And their improvement brings about the improvement of the quality of the new demon world, the descent, and the **** world that they control.

The impact of    is absolutely terrifying.

   New Demon Realm, and there is no need to talk about the underworld.

   The real existence of the New Devil Realm is only one Bai Yuchan, and the others are boundless devil qi. The monsters bred by the lord have no wisdom at all.

Not to mention the    Jifu.

  Compared to the New Devil Realm, his situation at this time is even more miserable, because the suppression of the Underworld Realm has completely absorbed how many ghosts.

   Even if some ghosts enter the underworld, it is because the struggle between the underworld and the underworld cannot enter the cycle of reincarnation.

   can only wailing in this boundless underworld.

   turned into a ghost.

   In comparison, the divine fetus is a bit better, although its existence has been sealed by others.

   However, there is no problem with the operation of the God Realm.

   At the same time, in comparison, the God Realm is also the best developed among the Three Realms.

  Different from the new devil world, there are also descents.

   The establishment of the God Realm is the God Realm of God’s womb, which is built by integrating the original remnants of the God Realm.

   is also because of this, even if someone hates it, the divine fetus, and no longer allows the existence of the kingdom of God, it cannot be eliminated, because the two have been completely integrated.

   Compared to the other five realms, this God Realm can be said to have the best scenery, because the authority of the heaven and the earth controlled by each **** is different, and the environment where they are located is also completely different.

   One step at a time, ten miles in different days.

   This kind of description is simply suitable for use here.

   At the same time, the God Realm is the most peaceful and harmonious compared to the other realms.

   Because the people who live here are all gods and their own saints.

   More importantly, what they need is faith, not any other resources, and it is not without struggle between them.

   But this battle will only break out in the common world, between their believers and the church, and there is no need for a war in the gods.

   Of course, what’s more important is that several consecutive battles have severely damaged the origin of the gods, and this is the direct result.

   The other areas are huge areas composed of many small worlds.

   There is only this **** realm, but there is only one world, a huge world.

  If there are problems again, the God Realm might be completely destroyed. Therefore, a long time ago, there was a covenant between the gods.

   The God Realm absolutely does not allow the eruption of a battle of Gods, otherwise they will surely attack them.

   is also because of this, which made this place fall into a kind of strange peace.

   But, on this day.




   The shock of horror, like the world is collapsing.

   The endless sound is more like an underground beast, trying to break the ground and come to the earth.

"this is?"

"what happened?"

   "Is there someone who is unwilling to be lonely and wants to start a **** war?"


   Many sleeping gods have awakened from their deep sleep.

   They have a long life that can live the same time in the world. As long as they have enough faith, they don’t even need to practice at all, so all they can do is sleep.

   Pass this long and boring time in this way.

   "This is the origin of the God Realm cheering."

   "The origin of the God Realm is recovering quickly, how is this possible."

   "This is troublesome, the dominance of the gods is actually shifting."


   After all, they are gods, and they soon understood the reason for the sudden change in the gods, but just like that, these gods were involuntarily realizing one by one, with even more suspicious looks.

   Origin can indeed recover slowly over a long period of time.

   However, this time will be extremely slow.

   even need to use the era as the unit of time.

   But now, the origin of the gods actually cares about one thing, the speed they can clearly feel is growing terribly.

   But, anyway, this is a good thing for them.

After all, the God Realm is their territory. The stronger the God Realm, the more benefits it will bring to Not to mention other things, at least they don’t need to sleep like this every day, they can move appropriately without any need. Worried about breaking the God Realm.

   But what these people cannot accept is.

   They felt that their control of the God Realm was constantly being weakened there.

   This kind of change is like, it was originally my own house, but now it is slowly becoming someone else’s. If I want to live in the future, I can only rent it.

   Although the God Realm would not ask for rent like them, the feeling is quite uncomfortable.

   More importantly, this will undoubtedly bring them a lot of restraint.

   makes their power no longer so invincible, which is undoubtedly the most unacceptable for them.

   But, I just don't wait for their dissatisfaction to rise.


   An inexplicable breath instantly filled the entire God Realm.

   It's like someone has pressed the pause button, everyone can't help but stop, the weak, because of the suppression of the terrifying power.

  A powerful **** is fear.

   They are so familiar with this breath.

   "God Lord!"


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