The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Greedy Wolf

This guy is greedy.

The kind that blasts the sky with hard life is definitely the kind of existence that kills all relatives and friends.

The kind of whoever gets close, who finishes playing.

And the most interesting thing is that this fate is a kind of fate, the kind that is boring.

Therefore, on the contrary, this guy, the more humble, the harder he lives, and the more people resent him, the harder his life will be.

To put it simply, this is a natural fate, the more miserable you are, the harder your fate will be.

Like this guy, what else is an 80-year-old mother? I am afraid that even if there are any relatives or friends, it is hard to say!

So, at least one thing is certain, that is, this guy is talking nonsense.

"Uh, the villain has three expensive feet."

In this way, Wang Musheng didn't follow Gou Sangui's script at all, which made Gou Sangui feel stunned, but when he faced Wang Musheng's question, he quickly replied.

"Is Gou Sangui! If you continue to talk nonsense, I can send you to meet your 80-year-old mother now."

Wang Musheng said with a smile.

"Hey, that, my lord, let's go here."

Hearing Wang Musheng's words, Gou Sangui subconsciously wanted to run, but only after this move did he realize that he was still being held in his hands by Wang Musheng, let alone running, even if he wanted to move, he couldn't do it.

Faced with this situation, Gou Sangui hurriedly stretched out his finger, pointed in a direction, and said flatly.

"But, my lord, what I'm saying is true. That place is really weird. I managed to get out of this place. My lord, you must take care of me!

I was familiar with it, and finally ran out of that weird place.

When it's critical, it might come in handy. "

After confirming that he really couldn't escape this time, and this mysterious and powerful figure really wanted to go to that ghost place.

At the bottom of the society, Gou Sangui, who had been rolling for a long time, instantly changed his routine.

That is, desperately prove their importance.

In this way, you don't want the big man to be able to value yourself when the time comes, but you only need to take care of yourself when it is critical, so that you can also make your own life less easy to kill.

As for, why don't you resist now.

Can't resist!

Moreover, instinctively, Gou Sangui could feel that if he resisted now, he would really die.

On the contrary, if you are obedient, there may be a way to survive.


With Wang Musheng's power, after confirming the destination, Wang Musheng directly carried out the shock, only a few moments.

With that, Gou Sangui came to the destination of this trip.

"My lord, it's there, it's ming there, it's very evil."

Gou Sangui said with a look of fear, Wang Musheng could see that Gou Sangui's fear was not fake.

"Ming, how could you take such a name?"

"My lord, you don't know. A long time ago, this place was not called "Tongtou Mountain," it was called Tongtou Mountain. At that time..."

This is Gou Sangui's experience. Once he chooses to be a grandson, Gou Sangui is definitely the best-behaved grandson, and unless he has enough, foolproof resistance.

Otherwise, he is still the most loyal grandson.

However, once he has enough power, then he is definitely the most vicious dog, and he will definitely swallow this old grandpa in one bite.

And, without hesitation, chew it directly and swallow it.

And it is precisely this kind of behavior that until now, although Gou Sangui Lang can fly, he has been living well.

At once.

In Gou Sangui originally survived the city.

Originally, it also had a good family business. Although it can't be said to be rich, it is still a well-off home.

In addition, Gou Sangui's mother died because of a difficult childbirth.

Because Gou Sangui's parents had a good relationship, Gou Sangui's father did not find a stepmother for Gou Sangui.

Gou Sangui, as the only Miao Miao in the Gou family, has been treated like a treasure since he was a child.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the Gou family's family business was soon attracted by a big family in the same city, because Gou Sangui's father was unwilling to give up his ancestral business.

The face-to-face method is not enough, these people chose to start behind the scenes.

Soon after, the Gou family's family business was ruined, and soon it was completely ruined.

Gou Sangui's father couldn't bear the repeated blows, and suddenly fell ill on the bed.

Faced with such a situation.

Gou Sangui, who was only twelve years old at the time, made a decision that no one could think of.

He took all kinds of house deeds and land deeds, and directly sold the entire Gou family's property to this big family.

Perhaps this big family wants to humiliate Gou Sangui's father!

So he took out one and sold it to Gou Sangui, but what he didn't expect was that Gou Sangui actually signed it directly.

Therefore, this time, Gou Sangui not only sold all the properties of the Gou family, but even sold himself.

In this way, one lasted for two years, and Gou Sangui did not make any unusual moves.

In normal times, no matter what dirty work, tired work, or how humiliated, Gou Sangui did not resist. On the contrary, because of this big family, he paid a lot of money to help heal his father, and he was very grateful.

In the past two years, Gou Sangui's father's condition became more and more serious, but in the end he died completely without holding on for two years.

If nothing unexpected happens, Gou Sangui will act as the chicken that killed the chicken and the monkeys in this big family, just live so humblely.

However, just in the third year, there was a turning point The big family acted so domineeringly, it is naturally impossible to have no enemies.

And Gou Sangui's existence naturally entered the eyes of these people, for example, let him sink in to help him better understand the situation of the enemy of the big family.

Even when necessary, give this big family a fatal blow.

For Gou Sangui, this is definitely the best opportunity for revenge.

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely seize this opportunity.

However, Gou Sangui didn't do that. He turned his head and completely sold this guy to the people of the big family, and then helped the big family, completely driving this tough enemy into the abyss.

Not only that, but the big family even swallowed up this former enemy's property, making the family even stronger.

It was also because of this incident that Gou Sangui's situation had been greatly changed, although he still could not enter the core of this big family.

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