The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 139: poison

But from the previous servant, he became a small steward in this big family.

Whether it is rights or treatment, it is much better than before.

It was the second day he became a small steward.

Above the celebration banquet held by this big family.

This big family, because of an inexplicable toxin, the whole family, more than a thousand people, but no one was spared, all died suddenly.

Moreover, Mi's death was extremely miserable.

The corpse is twisted, and it can be seen that before death, he definitely suffered the most terrifying pain.

However, when the corpses were finally counted, someone discovered that Gou Sangui was not among them.

However, Gou Sangui was also regarded as the perpetrator of this poisoning and killing case and wanted by the whole country.

In fact, this is also true, this matter is indeed done by Gou Sangui.

However, when the wanted order came out.

Gou Sangui has come to Tai'a Dynasty.

From this we can see what kind of guy Gou Sangui is.

Although this guy seems to be flattering and smiling hippie, there is a wolf hiding in his heart.

At this moment, knowing that he could not resist.

Gou Sangui, that's an obedient one!

It is definitely knowing everything, saying nothing, and soon told Wang Musheng the origin of this Ming.

"In that case, why did you come here? Don't tell me, you are also a villager of Mingming."

Wang Musheng asked calmly.

It seemed that everything Gou Sangui said earlier did not arouse Wang Musheng's interest.

But again, Wang Musheng's heart was full of curiosity.

"Hey, of course not, the villain can't be this Ming villager, and even the villain is not even a member of this dynasty.

The reason why the villain came back here.

That's all because, according to legend, the wealthy merchants here earned terrifying wealth because of the copper mines.

Even these wealth, too much, even if they leave, they can't take away all of it.

Therefore, these people hid a large part of the gold and silver here, in case of emergencies, or the funds for a comeback in the past.

And those people Ming, they stayed here to guard the treasure.

Originally, no one believed such a thing.

However, it is very interesting that the wealthy merchants who made a fortune from the copper mines here, shortly after they left here, due to various reasons, went out of ten, and few died.

What is even more strange is that it is said that from these guys' houses, they did not find much money.

Although they use a lot of money, they are incomparable with their original wealth.

Therefore, this legend has once again appeared in front of the public.

And, more people believe.

However, after so many years, no one has found it.

Of course, it is also possible that someone found it, but he hid it secretly, and no one knew.

It just so happened that I was a bit poor during this period, so I just came to see, maybe a blind cat might run into a dead mouse, in case I find it.

Then I will post.

In the second half of his life, he was not brave at anything, and he was able to become rich every day.

Even if you didn't find it, it didn't matter. At most, it was just a trip for nothing, and there was no loss. "

Gou Sangui winked and said excitedly.

"How about it, my lord, you are so good. Let's find out the treasure together. At that time, all the treasures will belong to you, my lord. If you are happy, just give a small amount of running errands."

Gou Sangui then suggested.

"Not interested, let's talk about what it is that scares you like that. There is something special here."

Wang Musheng frowned lightly and said.

Because, very strangely, in Wang Musheng's perception, the village in front of him, in addition to being deserted, had various large pits and small pits, which seemed extremely poor.

It is a very ordinary village.

However, all this always gave Wang Mu a very uncoordinated feeling inexplicably.

However, after thinking about it carefully, there is no special place at all.

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng couldn't help but think of his past experience, the location of Baima Town.

Everything was normal and not normal there, but it was because that was an independent space formed by the Jade Emperor Pearl, which interfered with Wang Musheng and his party, which made Wang Musheng and his party unable to find any strange places.

However, Wang Musheng carefully perceives it here.

Even Wang Musheng used the power of the subtle spatial laws he controlled to explore the surrounding space.

In the end, Wang Musheng could be sure that this was the Supreme Profound Realm, not any environment, or existence of secret realm or cave sky.

And there is nothing strange in this space.

It can't be normal anymore.

Even Wang Musheng couldn't help but give birth to a kind of doubt whether he had made a wrong judgment.

"My lord, you don't know, the people here are crazy, and there are ghosts here!"

Hearing Wang Musheng's question, Gou Sangui's expression suddenly changed, but his face was involuntarily colored with fear again, and he subconsciously lowered his voice and said.

"More details."

"My lord knows that, like me, I often deal with the three teachers and the nine streams. There is only one reason why I can mix up to now.

Be careful enough, be cautious.

What's more, I still rushed to the legendary treasure this time. Naturally, I had to be more careful. In case I accidentally discovered the legendary treasure, I was robbed midway.

Wouldn't I, I'm going to die.

So I didn't choose to go in openly, but waited until it was dark, and then I sneaked into this song quietly.

In the beginning, there was nothing strange, except for the exceptional desolation, death, and the ubiquitous sound of ghosts, but I know that the so-called ghosts are just the wind coming through those mines It’s just the voice, so I didn’t care much.

However, I soon discovered the first strange place.

That is, I sneaked into a few villagers' homes halfway through, looking for something to eat.

However, I found that these people were actually empty, no one.

You know, it was in the middle of the night to take root!

It is much later than our current time.

At this moment, these people are not sleeping, but disappeared, isn't it strange.

And the people who disappeared are not just one or two, but many people, all empty, no one.

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