The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 358: Gyouji Temple

However, no matter what, these cultivators who participated in the trial of entering the palace again have one more sect that can be selected.

"Musheng Temple!"

This is undoubtedly a good choice for those monks.

At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for the Jade Emperor Realm.

Because of the emergence of Musheng Temple.

It can be said that the Jade Emperor Realm directly gathered all the mainstream, cultivating Taoism and genres.

There are even more of them, completely different from the beast gods from the Northern Territory, which is completely different from the Southern Cultivation School.

The collision of different civilizations resulted in an explosion of thought and a hundred schools of thought.

The collision of different technologies has produced a technological explosion.

Then, when different schools of practice collide?

There is no doubt that a powerful cultivating age has come.

When these, the so-called exercises, spells, and cultivation powers that should have been hidden deeply by each other, began to collide and merge.

Various exercises and techniques, at this moment, just like mushrooms after a rain, spring up continuously.

Loopholes in various cultivation systems.



It is constantly being filled and perfected.

As a result, the cultivation base of the cultivators, who were already terrifying, has once again taken a big leap.

The understanding of the rules of various natural enemies also seems to be a blessing of double speed.

Happier than before, I don’t know how many times.

Therefore, in the entire Jade Emperor Realm, after the emergence of the Nether World and the discovery of the existence of the Soul Orb, a wave of power enhancement erupted.

Because of the collision of ideas.

The collision of power systems.

The Jade Emperor Realm, however, broke out again, a frenzy of strength improvement.

The direct result of this is.

Those who participated in the trial of entering the palace, and those guys who came to watch the ceremony and eat.

From time to time, I can feel the spiritual energy frenzy caused by the breakthrough of the cultivation base.

This is not one or two, but a large group, a large group.

The direct result of this is.

The monks who came to participate in the trial of entering the palace became more fanatical one by one.

Because they themselves will be able to become one of these people immediately.

And those guys who came to attend the ceremony.

But one by one, they became seriously weakened.

This is purely frightened.

Even those monks who had used trials before, because they had sects, and those cultivators who chose to quit, were shaken uncontrollably at this time.

Do you think you should reconsider it?

However, these are not what Wang Musheng is considering now.

Originally, he had planned to meet the Northern Territory, the White Wolf tribe, Corpse Shenghua and others.

Or take a look, Liu Xinyu, the lucky guy who got the god-calling gong from Wang Musheng.

But I didn't expect that after two tossing down, now entering the palace competition, it has already entered a fever.

Think about it, Wang Musheng is not going to disturb the two of them now.

The final thing is.

Compared with these things, Wang Musheng still has this more important thing that needs to be dealt with.

For example, those strange races who came to the Jade Emperor Realm unintentionally because of the Xiaoyao Order.

These guys, because of their special nature, it is naturally impossible to deal with them directly with other people who enter the palace for trial.

After all, no matter the mystery.

Still the degree of threat.

These strange races are a huge trouble.

It needs Wang Musheng and them to be more carefully screened and dealt with.

None of the most attractive is that, the Wolong clan.

Because they, as long as they are well controlled, they can directly improve the cultivation of the cultivators, and they are still earthshaking.

It's just a pity that Wang Musheng, as well as those five-element incarnations of Wang Musheng, couldn't contract these Wolong clan guys at all.

This is not true, Wang Musheng and others do not meet the appetite of this dragon clan.

In fact, although my dragons like it even more, let some peerless demon, heinous guys, become their own symbiotic host.

However, in the face of absolute power, they have no choice at all.

However, it is a pity that although this Wolong clan is said to be, according to the host's greatest potential, the most powerful guardian in the depths of the flower.

In fact, this maximum potential has limits.

It's just that the maximum potential of the average monk is unlikely to break the maximum carrying limit of these Wolong tribes.

However, Wang Musheng was different from his five-element incarnations.

First of all, let alone Wang Musheng, because of the existence of causal power, as long as he does not die, he can grow almost infinitely under the action of causal power.

Until the final detachment.

Therefore, from another level, Wang Musheng's potential is almost unlimited.

Such terrifying potential is certainly not something a mere Wolong clan can carry.

The same is that those five of Wang Musheng are incarnations outside the elemental body.

It stands to reason.

They are just the external incarnation of Wang Musheng, so their potential is not as great as Wang Musheng's body.

However, Wang Musheng's external incarnation of the five elements is different from the ordinary external incarnation.

These five elements are external incarnations, their essence is the Five Dragons Yaoshi Jue.

Later, because of the power of the tribulation, following Wang Musheng's Five Elements Spiritual Root, he was directly forced out of Wang Musheng's body and was blown out.

Later, because of the particularity of the power of causality, it did not die out.

Instead, it has become a special kind of existence, similar to an external incarnation.

Because of the power of cause and effect, the power of heavenly calamity, and the many, five-element magic techniques, and so on, these five-element external incarnations were the purest elemental body at the beginning of their birth.

Such a physique.

Generally, there will only be some natural creatures, or the purest elemental life species.

But whether it is a natural creature.

Or elementary life form.

They are either because of the essence of the soul.

Either because of the different nature of existence, there is a limit to their potential for growth. Limited.

However, Xuan Min, Huang Tian, ​​Burning Jie, King Kong ~ ~ Miao Fa these five people, although they can also be called elemental lives.

However, it is different from elemental life.

They have a complete spirit that is independent and dependent on Wang Musheng.

There can be monasticism.

Can enlighten.

The most important thing is that they can continue to grow, which is a kind of growth that can be controlled.

Unlike those elemental beings, their growth is completely passive, until they grow to the limit, when their own will can't restrain their own elemental power.

These grow endlessly.

Bring them the elements of powerful power, they will turn the object-oriented, but will become the existence that ultimately ends their lives.

Slowly consumed their consciousness.

Until the consciousness was completely annihilated, and finally returned to heaven and earth again.

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