The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 359: potential

Therefore, these elemental beings have extremely strong power when they are born, but their potential is not high.

However, the external incarnation of these five elements is different.

They have unlimited growth potential.

Even, ultimately, completely control the world, the fundamental of the five elements.

At that time, they are the gods of the elements.

You can control the power of the elements at will.

Give anyone spiritual roots and use the power of the five elements.

Or, to deprive any existence of control over the five elements.

It can be said that if it is not the power of causation.

The potential of Wang Musheng's external incarnation of the five elements is more terrifying and more powerful than Wang Musheng's body.

So the consequences can be imagined.

Those Wolong tribes just incarnate outside of these elements to establish a contract, they will be directly blown up, directly exploded into fragments.

Same as this.

There are also dry mastiffs, food for the sky, and Lingxu and Lanling.

The potential of these two is even more terrifying, you know, these two guys may be the only two in history, the existence of the immortal double cultivation.

The horror of its potential is simply unpredictable.

After all, such a freak-like existence has never appeared in the long river of years to the west.

As for Lingxu, it goes without saying.

He is the heaven of Jade Emperor Realm.

Although the current Jade Emperor Realm still cannot compare with the outside world in many respects.

The power of the avenue of Lingxu, compared with the real avenue, is not worth mentioning, but, when it is not worth mentioning, it is also the way of heaven!

The potential of heaven! ! ! ! !

As for Lan Ling, it was Canglong, a mysterious existence that Wang Musheng hadn't figured out until now.

As for the potential.

Even Wang Musheng suspected that it might be more terrifying than the spiritual path of Lingxu.

You know, I have never seen a little guy and practiced.

Every day is to eat, and then the strength is always far ahead of the entire Jade Emperor Realm, making people know the depth.

Such potential can only be said to be terrifying.

Ququ's Wolong clan is not worth mentioning.

However, the others are fine.

With the suppression of the power of Wang Musheng and others, the existence of these Wolong tribes is not a matter of choosing randomly, signing contracts or something, it depends entirely on the preferences of the monks.

As for whether the Wolong tribe is willing or not, no one cares.

So, one carelessly.

Because of the appearance of these Wolong tribes, the power of the Jade Emperor Realm once again has a terrifying upgrade.

You know, these Wolong tribes, once they sign a contract with the monks, they will directly inherit the potential of these monks and turn them into illusions in the monks' hearts.

Become the patron saint of a monk.

You know, potential, although it does not represent cultivation base, but potential represents a person's limit.

Although these Wolong tribes did not directly show the potential of monks, the ultimate power.

However, in terms of cultivation.

That is definitely higher than the monk himself.

Otherwise, there will be no patron saint.

and so.

When hundreds of thousands of horrors exist in the union stage, after contracting these Wolong tribes, a large group will be obtained, although it may not directly exceed the union stage.

However, after the terrifying guardian who has definitely reached the peak of the fit period.

This is not a simple doubling of power.

Rather, on the basis of doubling the power, it took another leap in the level of power.

This is a change where one plus one equals ten.

After all monks in the Conjugation Period have obtained a Wolong Clan as their patron saint for free.

The other Wolong tribes have directly become members of Xiaoyao Palace.

You can use meritorious service and Lan Ling coins to purchase.

Or, you can get it for free after you become a monk in the fit period.

It's not that Wang Musheng is stingy.

The Wolong tribe is a companion species.

Their reproduction is carried out in the form of maternal division.

Therefore, when Wang Musheng almost took this world, the existing Wolong tribe, all in one nest.

He will not lack the existence of Wolong clan at all.

It's just that these guys are born with the ability to magnify the dark side of a person's heart, and only the cultivation base has reached the stage of integration, and their own existence is complete.

Only to be able to resist this influence.

As for adding it to the mall, Wang Musheng had no hope that those monks in the Jade Emperor Realm would be able to exchange it.

Because at that price, they weren't allowed to buy.

More is to give these guys a kind of motivation.

However, there is a strange existence in this, but it makes Wang Musheng feel a burst of surprise.

That is Yueling.

Yue Ling and Wang Musheng only saw that they had a symbiotic contract.

It can be said that the potential is endless.

However, because she was originally just a mortal, her later cultivation base was not cultivated by herself, but was directly pushed up by Wang Musheng using the power of the symbiosis contract.

One, a guy who doesn't even have his own cultivation path, it can be said that his potential is extremely low.

It is because of this strange state of existence.

But it was the moon spirit that became the only one among Wang Musheng's contract spirits that could contract the existence of these so-called Wolong clan.

And because the power of the symbiosis contract is shared.

Compared with other existences, Yueling can directly contract with more than one Wolong clan at the same time.

However, even if it can be contracted.

Those who can carry Yueling's potential are the most powerful and ancient existences among these Wolong clan.

Yueling's contracted a total of nine, the oldest Wolong clan.

Perhaps it is because Yueling loves Yindao!

The patron saint of these nine Wolong tribes, her incarnation.

It turned out to be nine sound beasts.

They are the morning bell, the evening drum, the phoenix flute, the dragon flute, the Xiqin, the sound bird, the roar of the sky, the roar of the earth, the sadness of the world.

These nine sound beasts.

Each represents a vocal range.

It can send out either beautiful or shocking music.

Especially good at sound attack.

The strength of a single cultivation base is much higher than that of the Moon Spirit, and it is a terrifying existence beyond the Tribulation Period.

And the nine beasts are in harmony.

Playing the music can even kill the immortals.

However, there are nine horrible existences beyond the tribulation period.

One, a terrifying trump card that can compete with the legendary fairy gods.

This is also the biggest gain this time.


In addition to these Wolong clan.

Also, the heart-eater.

This is a kind that can easily arouse the emotions and desires of the monks, which makes people angry, sad, and even fear and hatred.

Finally let this exist, become a puppet.

And these monsters are taking the opportunity to continuously devour these seven emotions and powers.

In the end, this monk completely lost his emotions and desires and became a walking dead without any emotion.

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