The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 360: Heart Eater

The most important thing is these so-called heart-eaters.

It is extremely difficult to be killed.

Because hatred and desire to kill are also one of seven emotions and six desires.

Therefore, as long as you attack it with emotions, not only will you not be able to hurt the other party, but these so-called heart-eaters will become even stronger because of the power of these seven emotions and six desires.

It can be said.

This thing is another, after the previous holy spirit races, another kind, can be called the existence of BUG.

Fortunately, the group of guys Wang Musheng and the others met should have been sealed for many years.

Therefore, as far as a single individual is concerned, it is not powerful.

Otherwise, there will be some play.

And the final destination of these heart-eating beasts was in the dragon gate, and became the existence in the first dragon gate, responsible for training the monks.

From now on, they will follow directly, and those holy spirit races will be in company.

As for leaving, it is absolutely impossible.

Such a terrifying existence, if they were allowed to leave, would definitely cause a terrible catastrophe in the realm of cultivation.


There are also demons.

This existence is more interesting. Their existence is a fist-sized little black ball with only two playful eyes.

Their abilities are very interesting.

That is to be able to become any weapon, armor, even building, etc., without special training.

The advantage is that only if you have enough materials, you can cultivate the weapons, magic weapons, and even houses and buildings you want according to your own mind.

However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it consumes a lot of resources.

Moreover, using the equipment and magic weapons cultivated by the devil, apart from the attributes of sturdiness, sharpness, etc., it is not like those magic weapons and spiritual weapons, which have various magical abilities.

However, because they are the existence of spirit bodies, they are alive.

They do not need to be controlled by someone, they can also fight.

In this respect, it is more flexible and changeable than the spirit weapon.

Although for Wang Musheng and the others, it didn't have much effect.

However, the peculiarities of these demons are extremely magical materials for those who have a little bit of research madman feeling, the old guys.

Therefore, these demons, apart from some curious guys, took some to cultivate and play.

All the others were taken by Ao Ze and his party.

There are many more.

However, as far as the function is concerned, it is more useful than the Wolong clan, but there is none.

And, in addition to these have a certain effect.

There are a lot of them, nothing useful.

For example, the Zhen Beast clan.

The common feature of these beings is that their bodies are very small.

For example, it looks like a plump bear, but only the size of a palm.

Or green cow.

A fearsome, winged steed.

Although these guys also have certain special abilities.

However, these abilities have no effect.

A tornado the size of a finger.

Bean-sized flames.

There are bubbles.


These abilities, not only did not attach any powerful means to them, but on the contrary, they made these little guys a little more cute.

These little guys are lucky.

Although there is no ability.

There is no use value.

However, because they are cute enough, they have become the pets of those children in the Jade Emperor World.

Enjoy all the good things that you couldn't enjoy.

Therefore, they are lucky.

As a negative example.

There is one, the Guru clan.

It is named because it can often make a grunting sound from the throat.

These guys have thick bodies, short limbs, rough faces, big mouths with exposed fangs, and dark skin.

Although these guys are hardworking and hardworking.

Not to mention special docile.

Also very easy to feed.

Basically, as long as it is not highly toxic, these guys can eat them and survive successfully.

The kind that is still alive.

Such a hard-working race should have been very popular.

But it's a pity, because it looks so ugly.

Disgusted by everyone.

Can only become the most unknown bottom labor in the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

Of course, even laborers are better than before, as food for predators. This shows the importance of a person's appearance.

Of course, these are, belong to that kind, and have some value.

However, more, it is useless, but also extremely distressing existence.


For example, the Gorefiend family.

These guys, just like their names, need blood to survive.

Their birth is a sin.

The main ability of these guys is also to manipulate blood.

It can be said to be a rather evil existence, but these guys are evil!

Not even that.

Because they are demanding for blood, just like human beings are demanding for food, and monks are demanding for spiritual energy.

This is a need for survival.

Put it another way.

The monks did not exist like robbers in this world, constantly plundering the aura of this world.

For those weak beings that are classified as food beings by humans.

How is human being different from those blood demons?

For the control of these blood demons, it is relatively easy, and they especially love the blood of the strong.

But for the powerful force, I am very in awe.

As long as you are stronger than these guys, they will always surrender to you and obey you.

However, if one day, once he is stronger than you, he will kill you directly without hesitation and **** all your blood.

These guys, the only function may be, as long as they have blood, they will never die!

Because they belong to liquid life forms.

The whole body is made up of blood so there is no fatal weakness.

Even if it is directly divided into two halves, it can directly form two independent individuals.

This characteristic.

In addition, it is a good candidate for the strong to follow the characteristics.

It's just that this kind of cannon fodder will backfire.

If you don't pay attention, these cannon fodder can become and destroy your own sharp edge.

Originally, according to Wang Musheng's idea, the guy who was going to talk directly about these horrors was completely sealed up to prevent possible harm.

After all, the characteristics of these guys.

There is also potential, which is extremely huge.

However, at this moment, and now it is, Wang Huanian, the ruler of the Little Nether World, stepped forward and asked these guys to go.

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