The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Fattu

Obviously, this is undoubtedly very qualified to follow the 200 guys around Wang Musheng in the end.

They always showed up whenever Wang Musheng needed it.

When Wang Musheng didn't need it, he couldn't find them even if he looked for them.

Like before, when Wang Musheng and Yue Qingyao were alone, their figures were completely gone.

But at the moment when Wang Musheng was attacked, these barbarian monks appeared in front of Wang Musheng in the shortest time.


This attack was obviously not light.

If you change a monk, you can change a monk who is even stronger than these monks from Negative Dao Sect.

Under the influence of that weird power, this monk could only be seriously injured.

However, the barbarians are different.

In contrast, they can be said to be the purest physical monks in the world.

Because there is no mana in the barbarians.

Some are just the power of incomparable surging blood.

There is also a strong body.

It is also because of the attacks of the monks of the powerful Negative Dao Sect, the monks of the barbarians, and there is not even a move to avoid.

In this way, he directly withstood the attack abruptly.

This is not because the barbarian cultivators are stupid, but because the most powerful existence in them is their body.

They have enough confidence in the strength of their bodies.

In fact, it is true.

This powerful and heavy attack, except for a roar out of thin air, caused a small fluctuation in power.

Indeed, even the body of these barbarian cultivators had no effect on shaking them.


This horrible scene directly caused the Negative Dao Sect monk who looked extremely vicious before, his face changed in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

This is the deepest thought in the mind of this Negative Taoist monk at this time.


However, the cultivator of Negative Dao Sect did not stop, but moved again.

He gritted his teeth, his face instantly grimaced, and raised his palms, a more terrifying attack rushed towards the monk of the barbarian race.


However, waiting for the cultivator to lead this negative Taoist school is not the joy of victory, but a loud slap in the face.

One, he slapped his body directly, and slapped his horrible soul with disintegration.


This voice has also become the last voice heard by the monk from Negative Dao Sect in this world.

All this is developing extremely fast.

It doesn't add up to a breath.

However, its ending was extremely terrifying. A powerful body cultivation at the peak of the **** transformation was directly killed by someone.

Moreover, it is the kind that is completely destroyed, and there is no scum left.

This is terrifying.

"Go, kill him."

Fatu, this is the name of this guy, and also the head of Negative Dao Sect, the head of the entire Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation.

In fact, what people don't know is.

The reason why Sanctuary maintains its detached position.

Not just because of the abundance of various materials in Sanctuary.


It is even more because the power of the sanctuary controls other realms, so that they also have a high right to speak in other realms.

Therefore, it is not only the negative Taoist school, in fact, many sects on the land of the sanctuary.

In this Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, they all have their own forces or spokespersons.

Their usual role is more like an intelligence station.

Or a material collection point, transporting various materials back to the sect resident, using a powerful sect itself.

It doesn't play a role in normal times.

Even some powerful sects, the targets supported by them, will not interfere too much in matters of other realms.

After all, this is a bit too hated.

However, once some important time comes, these existences will burst out, unexpected power.

Fatu was once one of these people. For those cultivators in the immortal world, to control a single power, it was the trust of the sect.

It is a reward.

But for Fatu, to be thrown directly from the powerful and prosperous sanctuary here is to be abandoned.

If there are no accidents, people like them can only do this in their entire lives.

In fact, in comparison, Fatu is already much better than many fellows with the same fate.

Because, compared to the other ones, the pure dark child is different.

He also needs to be responsible for collecting various and talented female nuns resources for Negative Daozong.

Therefore, in contrast, the various oils and waters in it are quite sufficient.

If you don’t care about the future, power.

It's also very good to be at ease.

But, unfortunately, Fatu was born an ambitious guy.

Just as time passed, he was a little bit willing to accept his fate.

The **** of fate, but once again took care of him.

Someone found out that he had been a target figure who had been rewarding heavily for the Daozong.

If it was someone else, Fatu didn't necessarily know.

But this guy, Fatu really knew him.

Because what this guy did had too much influence on Negative Daozong.

So big that even if Fa Tu wanted to know it, it wouldn't work.

That is a woman.

A woman named Liu Yuanyuan.

When she first appeared in Negative Dao Sect, she appeared as a high-quality training material.

It should be that Liu Yuanyuan's aptitude was indeed given to him, the son of the suzerain of Negative Dao Sect at that time.

The next suzerain, the most powerful candidate.

Originally, if there were no accidents, this matter was just a cliché story of a small person who wanted to use a woman to hug a big person's thigh.

However, the fault lies, they only considered the story.

But it didn't consider whether the protagonist of the story was willing to follow the story line they had set.

So, an accident happened.

They only know that this woman named Liu Yuanyuan has great talents.

However, what they didn't know was that this woman had another inheritance from

Although this inheritance is incomplete and incomplete, it is impossible for Liu Yuanyuan to continue to grow.

However, the existence that can be passed down in history is not the exclaiming existence of Megatron.

Such existence.

There are few things that have few hands on the bottom of the box, even if they can't all be passed down.

However, even if only a few are passed down, it is still a terrifying existence?

It is because of this oversight.

Their Young Sect Master, not only didn't because of this little best, the cultivation power was one step closer.

On the contrary, due to this negligence, I lost the most important treasure in my life.

Moreover, it is the type that can never be recovered.

The result can be imagined.

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