The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 378: Lunar Goddess

It can be said that the entire upper level of Negative Dao Sect was furious at it.

Moreover, Liu Yuanyuan did more than that.

In the midst of the chaos, it even broke into the place where Daozong's treasure was hidden, stole it, and took away Daozong's magical power.

Subsequently, the secret treasure of the inheritance was used, causing a terrifying and heavy damage to the entire Negative Dao Sect.

Immediately, he ran back directly to the southern realm of immortality.

Even the Tianxinzong, because of her, broke away directly.

The Negative Dao Sect, the foundation on the Southern Territory, was almost completely destroyed.

It is exactly the same, Fa Tu, as a substitute for Tianxin Sect, came to this southern land.

It can be said that Liu Yuanyuan should bear the main responsibility for the reason why Fattu came here.

Therefore, Fa Tucai had such a deep memory of Liu Yuanyuan.

However, Liu Yuanyuan has been wanted by the entire Negative Dao Sect.

It wasn't because a Young Sect Master was abolished, or because the power of Negative Dao Sect was severely damaged.

At best, this reason is only a part of it.

To put it bluntly, there are not many young masters of Negative Dao Sect.

And there are even more people who can inherit the position of suzerain.

Negative Dao Sect, a powerful sect, would never make such a big move for a so-called Young Sect Master who has been abolished.

Maybe, more people will clap their hands and cheer about this matter.

Now he lost another opponent.

As for the so-called losses, Liu Yuanyuan took advantage of the negligence at the time, and it did cause serious damage to Negative Daozong.

Especially the loss of the younger generation has even caused the power of the negative Daozong, and there has been a fault.

However, these are all within the range that Negative Dao Zong can bear.

However, the reason why Liu Yuanyuan made Negative Daozong so angry, was promised a great profit, was tracked, and searched for the reason for more than ten thousand years.

It is because of the practice that Liu Yuanyuan stole.

"Taiyin Scripture!"

The Taiyin Sutra and the Shaoyang Sutra are completely opposite and complementary to each other.

It belongs to a method of double cultivation for men and women.

These two exercises come from the goddess of Taiyin and the ancestors of Shaoyang, the two really achieved the inheritance of the two terrifying powers of the legendary Heavenly Immortal Realm.

This is a practice that can truly ascend to immortality and Taoism.

However, it is a pity that I don't know if it is because of the incompleteness of the exercises, or because the successor's level is not enough.

Originally it was a dignified and upright, authentic Taoist cultivation technique.

As a result, after being acquired by the founder of Negative Daozong.

This upright Taoist practice has directly turned into a step, evil spirits wanton, and an evil practice that specializes in yin and yang.

Although it is an evil technique, its essence has changed drastically.

But the fundamentals have not changed. The Taiyin Scriptures and the Shaoyang Scriptures are still complementary.

If the Negative Taoist monks who practiced Shaoyang Scripture supplemented, the words of female cultivators who practiced Taiyin Scripture.

The effect will be better.

Strength will increase more quickly.

Therefore, Negative Dao Sect will create existences similar to Tianxin Sect in various places.

Use one to select female cultivators, and teach the castrated Taiyin Scriptures, so as to provide for those cultivating cultivators of Negative Taoism.

And what was stolen by Liu Yuanyuan was the true origin of this Taiyin scripture.

Although Taiyin Zhenjing has such a method, there must be some in the Negative Dao Sect.

However, those are only copies after all, and the value of their existence is really far from the original copy of the creator’s handwritten book with the creator’s insights on it.

At the same time, this Taiyin Scripture also touches on the roots of Negative Taoist cultivation.

This is absolutely not allowed to flow out.

The loss of this Taiyin Sutra is absolutely an unacceptable mistake for the entire Negative Dao Sect.

However, the original Liu Yuanyuan was indeed a persona.

After all these disasters were caused, I didn't know what method was used, but I managed to get rid of it successfully, and was chased by Daozong.

Successfully returned to the Southern Region.

Directly, with a part of the manpower of the Southern Territory Tianxin Sect, they completely disappeared.

It just disappeared completely.

I don't know what method Liu Yuanyuan used in the first place, no matter what method Negative Daozong used, she couldn't trace any traces.


Even if this is the case, Negative Daozong has never stopped pursuing it.

And until a thousand years ago, a traitor appeared among those remnants.

Negative Daozong finally had clues to these guys again.

But unfortunately, after again do not know why, after the searcher suffered a terrible loss again, he indeed lost the target again.

However, compared to ten thousand years ago, this time, it is better that they did not directly lose all the information about the target this time.

However, in the following hundreds of years, the various progresses were not very big.

This time until a few years ago.

This matter has made a big progress again.

All this is because of that time, the trip to the Canglong secret realm.

As Negative Daozong, he set a nail in the Southern Region.

The meaning of their existence, of course, can't just be searching for female nuns.

There is also intelligence and collection of various resources.

Therefore, a place like the Canglong Secret Realm has been opened for many years, and of course they will not let it go.

Naturally, they will also send people into it.

And there, their people found out, Yue Qing Yao.

To be more precise, it was the discovery of the Heavenly Charm skill cultivated by Yue Qingyao.

In fact, that is not the magic of heaven.

It's the Charm of the Taiyin Sutra.

Because of this, the existence of Tianmen has been exposed again.

Moreover, this time we should have prepared well, following the investigation of this clue, the existence of Tianmen quickly entered their line of sight.

Immediately, Tianmen ushered in a terrifying blow.

It is also ushering in the biggest crisis since Tianmen was founded ten thousand years ago.

For Fa Tu, this is an opportunity, this is a sufficient opportunity to let him return to the sanctuary again into the sect.

For this opportunity, UU read www. He never told anyone about's thousands of years of tracing and searching.

In order to be able to enjoy this credit exclusively.

He wants to return to the sanctuary and return to the Negative Dao Sect. For him, this is the countryside, which is a backward, wild land.

He didn't want to stay anymore.

Similarly, for Tianmen and Yueqing Yao, this is also an opportunity.

It is an opportunity to repay the hatred for so many years.


Therefore, the battle will start immediately.

The only difference is that Yue Qingyao wants to kill these nasty guys.

What Fa Tu needs is a living mouth, a living mouth that can find the Taiyin Scriptures, and a living mouth that can directly eliminate those remnants.

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