The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 385: Jade Emperor City

Knowing that they worship the strong.

The first thing that came to the door was to leave these guys violently away, letting them understand the true meaning of power.

Then drink their affectionate exchange, the meaning of this time.

And those people, after having a cordial exchange with the existence of the Jade Emperor Realm, they basically agreed readily.

Even if they disagreed, after the cultivators of the Jade Emperor Realm had another cordial exchange, they readily agreed.

In this way, one piece joined, on the land of the Northern Territory, the first city, the Northern Territory of Jade Imperial City, has more and more humans.

With the addition of these people, they are still a little uncomfortable at first.

After all, cities, unlike tribes, have the largest patriarch in the tribe, and they often decide with one word.

At the same time, among the tribes, there is a kind of existence similar to the public system.

And they are mainly hunting, apart from danger, there is also great uncertainty.

Relatively speaking, it is right to be free.

However, once you have joined the city, the first thing is that there will be no more so-called tribes, and the existence of tribal chiefs.

They now want to listen to the words of the city lord, not the patriarch.

What they observe is an existence called the law, not the so-called ancestral training.

Their work and receipt are not public anymore.

It became their own private.

The sudden change naturally made many people unable to adapt for a while.

In particular, for those with vested interests in the previous tribal system, such a change is undoubtedly the most harmful to them.

Not only did they lose that huge right, they also lost the offerings from the tribe. Now even simple food, they need to hunt for it themselves.

For them, the blow is undoubtedly fatal and unacceptable.

But, unfortunately, even if it is unacceptable, they can only endure it.

Who makes the current situation better than others?

Whenever there is a dry head.

That would definitely usher in the sharpest blow from the Jade Emperor Realm.

Although the cause and effect were mysterious, even Wang Musheng couldn't understand it thoroughly.

However, he at least knows that cause and effect are not personal good and evil.

It is the movement of the world.

What is powerful for the development of the general trend of the world is good silver and good fruit.

What goes against the general trend of the world is evil and evil.

The development from tribes to cities is undoubtedly the general trend and the need for development.

These people actually blocked the general trend of development.

Even if it is killed, it will not add evil consequences in vain.

Maybe you can get a lot of good results?

Therefore, as for such a guy, a cultivator in the Jade Emperor Realm, he would not show any mercy.

After killing a group of disobedient guys.

The rest are all honest.

However, in general, the feeling of being unable to adapt was just a few days ago, and soon these people accepted the new rules.

After all, the current life, compared to their previous life, is a heaven and an underground.

Not to mention other things, at least now they don't have to worry about the attack of the fierce beast that may come at any time.

Don’t worry about hunger.

There is a lot of work here. As long as you are not too lazy, you can get enough food through work here.

This is also the first time many people know that food can still be obtained in this way.

At the same time, the place where they lived has changed from the caves, wooden houses, and stone houses before to the beautiful, solid houses now.

There are soft beds for sleeping inside.


and many more!

There are many, many, they have never seen before, but they are very useful.

There is even a kind of existence called Lingbi.

Can be used to buy various things and items.

No longer like before, you can only use things every time and exchange for things you like, every time it is particularly troublesome.

Especially, after changing something bigger, it takes a few days to toss.

Now, just a few small coins are enough.

Not to mention more convenience.

It is precisely because of the various convenient and practical relationships that these people quickly adapt to all this.

And now, if someone is arguing and returning to the original life, now they don't even need to do anything by the monks of the Jade Emperor Realm, these people can directly beat him, even his mother does not know him.

With the return of these guys, the subsequent progress of the Jade Emperor Realm has indeed accelerated a lot.

After all, when it comes to familiarity with the northern land, one must count the natives of the northern land.

They can often find the location of these tribes more accurately and quickly.

Moreover, there are many tribes in it, and they were in alliance with them before.

And with the persuasion of these people, all this will undoubtedly go smoothly.

Even in the end, many people heard the story of Jade Emperor City.

In this regard, those who control the tribes naturally avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

Take precautions.

However, for ordinary tribal residents, it seems to have discovered a new world.

Travel a long distance to seek refuge.

because of this.

From the beginning to the end, but within half a year, a group of monks in the Jade Emperor Realm were born on this, sparsely populated Northern Territory, and established a super city with tens of millions of permanent residents.

At the same time, the monks in Xiaoyao Palace continued to teach the residents here, planting various crops, breeding, and processing.

Even further, there is even the spread of civilization.

Of course, these so-called civilizations naturally have a certain orientation.

Step by step like this, with the lives of the people here, the better.

For the Jade Emperor Realm, the same feeling for the people in Xiaoyao Palace is getting deeper and deeper.

At that time, this place will not only be a male city, but also a nail in the Jade Emperor Realm.

The beginning of Jade Emperor World's foothold here.

At the same time, with a firm foothold.

The second step is the beginning. The collection of various resources on the northern land.

This resource is not just a variety of spirit stone veins.

There are other kinds of precious mineral resources.

Animal and plant resources.

Even to accommodate, these extremely precious animals and plants unique to the Northern Territory.

In the Jade Emperor Realm, a Beast God Island was once again established.

The above perfectly presents the unique natural environment of the Northern Territory, even better than it.

It is used for special captive breeding of various animals and plants from the northern land.

In fact, the development of the entire northern region began shortly after the discovery of the northern region, when Wang Musheng returned to the Jade Emperor Realm.

Therefore, in such a short time, in the Jade Emperor Realm, it was possible to recruit so many monks from the Northern Territory.

And when the Great Palace Entering Competition ended, the first batch of various resources on the Northern Territory had already begun to flow into the Jade Emperor Realm.

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