The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Ten Thousand Beasts Siege

The same is true, the trouble broke out completely.

After all, the master of this land is a fierce beast.

Although these fierce beasts cannot be demonized, and it is extremely difficult to awaken Linghui, it does not mean that these fierce beasts are ignorant.

Some of them are better than other intelligent beings, even human beings.

The establishment of Jade Imperial City, the recruitment of indigenous people.

All this happened too quickly.

Quickly, if these Beastmasters didn't react, it was all over.

It's not the Raptors, but Jiang, for this river-crossing Raptors that came suddenly.

Those beast kings were still in a state of fear and caution about the appearance of the Jade Imperial City.

However, when these people started to exploit various resources on a large scale.

All the Beastmasters were angry.

This is a real threat to their existence.

Destroyed the homes of these beasts.

Plundered their treasures.

At least, in the eyes of these beast kings, this northern land belongs to them.

Everything here belongs to them.

These humble existences dare to **** their own treasures, absolutely inexcusable.

Therefore, the war broke out without any surprise.





Ten thousand beasts attacked the city.

The eyes are full of black pressure, and you can't see the edge at a glance, like a black tide like a terrifying beast.

And the Jade Imperial City among these savage beasts is even more like that lone boat in the stormy sea.

It seems possible at any time, completely swallowed by this terrifying wave.

Brutal beasts are not good at spells, so there is no such kind of horrible spells that they can turn rivers and seas when fighting.

However, from another aspect, each of these wild beasts is born with physical cultivation.

The blood is very thick.

The seemingly ordinary attack, but every move, every style, carries the terrifying power of heaven and earth.

In contrast, this kind of battle is more terrifying and more brutal.

Every move is full of flesh and blood.

There are no wounded here, only the dead.

Because every attack is full force, every move is no return.

"Heaven from the sword!"

"Heart Control Sword!"



"Ghost King Curse!"

"Wind Spirit Curse!"



"go to hell!"







"No, it's the Beastmaster."

With the piercing scream, it was originally an ordinary beast hidden in a group of unihorn giant wolves.

The body began to swell in an instant, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a terrifying behemoth, the size of a kilometer.

Opening his mouth was a terrifying beastmaster roaring, and the energy ball rushed directly to the tall walls of Jade Emperor City.


The Jade Emperor City is hundreds of meters high and has a large number of defensive formations designed to resist attacks by beasts.

Did not play any role.

After a horrible roar, it collapsed and collapsed.

Only in a blink of an eye, on the tall walls of Jade Emperor City, there appeared a gap over a kilometer in size.

"Quickly, block that Beastmaster, absolutely can't let him rush into Jade Imperial City."

"Over there, go to a few, and quickly repair the wall."

"The rest of you beat me severely, absolutely can't let these **** guys rush over."


"go to hell!"


At this moment, it was like being beaten up, not just those monks in the Jade Emperor Realm.

Also, those terrifying waves of beasts.

For the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm, if they fail, they will be a mockery of the same sect.

They can't afford to lose this person.

Whenever some people want to shrink, they want to lie down when they are tired.

Taking a look, those around, with a look of excitement, with force, lifted the jade disc of good fortune high.

Facing the guys here, these monks gritted their teeth one by one, and then persisted again.

At the same time, he couldn't help but said bitterly.

"This group of grandsons didn't come over to help fight, they even played live broadcast."

That's right, these people are using the jade disc of good fortune to live the battle here from all aspects, those in the Jade Palace.

You know, there may be hundreds of millions of people watching their battles.

If the performance on this is shameful, then it is real and throws people to grandma's house.

He couldn't die anyway, he could only turn into ghost repair at most.

There is nothing to be afraid of.


As for the fierce beasts, Chong, as long as they rush in, there are countless foods waiting for them.

Those two-legged guys are simply the most delicious to them.

It's just a pity that the number of these guys is too small.

However, there are many here.

Moreover, as long as you rush in, you will be able to eat those delicious foods.

And can eat full at once.


Must hurry up.

Otherwise, the delicious food inside will definitely be eaten by the guys in front.





Closer, closer,...!

"Earth barrier!"


However, at this moment, with a strong, deep voice sounded.

With the sound.

A huge rock wall rose directly from the ground, not only directly blocking the impact of the beasts.

It was even directly repaired. The gap above the city wall, and even the repaired section of the wall, was much stronger than the original city wall of the Jade Imperial City.


"Let your grandfather bear meet you and see if you are the beast king or my bear king is stronger."

It was Xiong Mian who came here, this guy was familiar with Wang Musheng in the arena of Canglong Demon Realm.

Because of the feeling, I was humiliated by Wang Musheng.

So I found Wang Musheng who wanted to prove himself by fighting.

In the end, I didn't expect but in the end it was because, after losing the fight, he wanted to become Wang Musheng's mount.

Xiong Mian's life has also undergone earth-shaking changes from this moment.

Originally, Xiong Mian thought that his Xiongsheng would become bleak and extremely desolate since then.

As a result, I didn't expect that I accidentally hugged an extremely thick golden thigh.

And it's still very bright.

Therefore, the Xiong Mian who might have been just a little demon during his entire life, but now it has also become awesome.

Relying on his identity as Wang Musheng's mount, that is the Jade Emperor Realm. If there is any good thing, he will go up and taste two.

One's own cultivation base naturally followed, tweeting rapidly soaring.

Although Xiong Mian's current strength could not be ranked, it was the uppermost reaches of the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

But it is definitely in the upper reaches.

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