The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 397: 3 little guys


Don't look at Moyu Qilin, because he was weak and polite before, he was sealed casually.

In fact, as the land of the Northern Territory, the Spirit of the Earth, is not that simple.

Mo Yu Qilin didn't take any other actions, but took a step forward slightly.

In an instant, boundless horror, terrifying power, surging directly from Mo Yu Qilin's body.

That terrifying energy, directly above the void, showed a kind of substance.

The Black Cat Emperor Beast had no resistance at all, and was directly shot and flew out by this terrifying power.

Even this independent space, under this turbulent power, was instantly shattered and turned into dust in the sky.





However, this move was terrifying, but the actual damage to those beast emperors, emperor beasts, etc. was not obvious.

At the same time, this time, it seems to be an initial order to move.

The figure of those beast emperors and emperor beasts who were waiting around without any movement turned into a light and shadow in an instant.

Or rushed towards Wang Musheng, towards the Moyu Qilin, but it was more indeed directly under the sky where the Beast God Empire was.

However, before these beast emperors, the emperor beasts rushed down, they were waiting below before, and those who had been prepared long ago were those powerful monks from the Jade Emperor Realm.

One by one, they rushed out directly from the place where they were hiding, directly facing the beast emperor and the emperor beast.






Zhang Xiaotian, Fang Xiaoya, and Ge Xiaotian these three little guys from Enlightenment Sect.

Because they have the sect themselves and don't want to betray the sect, they naturally cannot join the Jade Emperor Realm.

Originally, logically speaking, they were in Xiaoyao Palace, after entering the palace, they would leave here.

But the three little guys, who came here with a special purpose, how can they leave voluntarily before the purpose is achieved.

Then the three little guys showed their characteristics as little guys.

Since I can't find a reason to stay, I just shamelessly.

Although this method is a bit rogue, it really works.

They successfully flowed down.

In fact, even if everyone stays in the Jade Emperor Realm, there is no problem.

Although the Jade Emperor Realm has a big secret.

But these secrets are indeed in the Mirror Jade Emperor Realm, in the Little Nether World.

On Wang Musheng's body.

If an ordinary existence does not join the Jade Emperor Realm and become a more core existence, there is no chance to come into contact with these secrets.

The reason why everyone is allowed to leave and go to the pick-up island is just for the convenience of management.

Zhang Xiaotian, Fang Xiaoya, Ge Xiaotian, although the three little guys stayed.

However, all these living needs and expenses for food, clothing, shelter and transportation need to be solved by themselves.

However, the consumption of this Jade Emperor Realm is all exaggerated.

Generally, people who don't have any mines at home may not be able to live here for a long time.

Originally, many people thought that the three little guys could stay in the Jade Emperor Realm even if they were allowed, but because of the terrifying consumption, it didn't take long before they had to leave.

But what I didn't expect was that the three little guys actually stayed in this Jade Emperor Realm.

Moreover, it is the kind that mixes very well.

Even in the Jade Emperor Realm, there are quite a few local monks, which cannot be compared.

But it is uncontrollable.

Speaking of this, there is another story.

In fact, the reason why the three little guys can mix so well.

I also have to thank a person, or a Jade Emperor Elf, a wooden model.

It was the wood Jade Emperor elf who invited three little guys to eat a rich spiritual meal at the very beginning.

At that time, the reason Mu Mo and them knew each other was that Mu Mo liked their stories.

Therefore, they tell stories to the wooden model every day, and the wooden model is responsible for their expenses in the Jade Emperor Realm.

A few useless stories can be exchanged for wooden molds, so much real money and help.

Moreover, the reason why they were able to stay in the first place was the help of wooden models.

All this made the three little guys extremely grateful.

However, when one day they saw in the good fortune jade plate, many of their stories were about to become.

The most important thing is when these are still fees.

And the price is still quite high.

The three little guys, no matter how stupid they were, they understood.

For a while, they really didn't know whether they should thank Mu Mo or hate them.

However, their relationship has completely parted ways since this day.

That is, after this day, there were three more homes on the jade disc of good fortune.

Three books appeared and they were very popular.

Then, the three little guys posted.

To be able to live in a place like Jade Emperor World, the most important thing is that there is a free income.

Even, from time to time, he can still support the sect.

All this is so perfect.

The only thing that is imperfect is that the recorded target they are looking for has still not been found.

In the Jade Emperor Realm, the most suitable person is naturally the legendary Realm Master, Wang Mu.

It's just a pity that they never saw such a legendary character.

There are also many secondary options.

Such as the guardian of the four elephants.

Seven palace masters.

These are the goals they can choose.

Unfortunately, these guys are also not accessible to them.

However, just when the three little guys were feeling depressed.

In the Northern Territory, the Beast God Empire, the war with the fierce beast broke out completely.

The power of Enlightenment comes from the bearing of civilization and history.

Like this, it will affect the terrorist war in one territory, how can they not be moved by it!

So, how can such an opportunity be let go?

So they came.

Because of insufficient strength, they also specially hired several powerful monks to protect themselves.

The war was only the beginning, and they knew that they did not come in vain this time.

That terrible is really true, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the sky is dark.

Probably it is the legendary battle of a hundred races, so that's it!

The shock of that terrifying power made the souls of the three little guys even feel the tremors and heart palpitations.





However, when the final battle of the Beastmaster broke out.

The three little guys just realized what real power is.


At this moment, the three little guys were completely stunned when they were holding the Lingyu Booklet in the left hand and the Kunhao Zijin pen in the right.

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