The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 398: The biggest battle

His eyes widened.

The mouth opens unconsciously.


Only then did they realize that the words they had learned over the years could not describe what they were seeing now.


With every move, countless lives were completely wiped out from this world.

The earth cracked.

Mountains and rivers collapsed.

Above the void is the elemental tide formed by the collision of various terrorist forces.

Dazzling and eye-catching at the same time.

Full of power that can destroy everything.


Finally, the three little guys no longer need to feel annoyed by everything in front of them.

Because, under the pressure of this terrifying force, the three little guys successfully lost consciousness and completely fell into a coma.

However, the battle did not end because of the coma of the three little guys.

On the contrary, from the moment the three little guys were in a coma, they only entered the heat.


The energy egg that covers the sky and sun falls directly from the sky.

His goal is to point a human city below, and this attack is just for killing, the most direct killing.

If once, this attack falls, there is absolutely no guarantee for the human city below.


But at this moment, a huge golden light directly rose into the sky.

It instantly turned into a huge golden enchantment, directly protecting the city.


At the same time, it also blocked this, a terrorist attack that fell from the sky.


However, although the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm were very powerful, the attacks of the fierce beast were not weak either.

Especially those Beastmaster, Beastmaster level existence.

Especially the top ones, Zun Beast.

That's all, that's all, beyond the tribulation period, comparable to the existence of a fairy.

Each of their moves can ignite the general trend of the world and set off a terrifying power.

The low-level cultivators, even if they are just standing next to each other, rubbing against each other, it is absolutely dead.



"Damn it, I'm dead."

"Master, I just resurrected and died again.

Is it possible that in the future, we can only follow the path of ghost repair? "

"It's really bad luck."



The monks in the Jade Emperor Realm had suffered losses that were inevitable.

And it was the largest loss in history.


"Big celestial phenomenon."

This is a terrifying beast claw that covers the whole world.

The beast's claws had not fallen yet, and the terrifying force it brought had already directly overwhelmed the many monks with lower cultivation levels on the ground below.

Some were unbearable, even directly shocked to death by this terrifying coercion.

Of course, this low cultivation base is only relatively speaking.

A battlefield like this.

Without the cultivation base of the soul level, it would be impossible to stand up.

Existence below the primordial spirit level is simply cannon fodder on the battlefield.




At this moment, several thousand-meter-sized nine-clawed golden dragons appeared directly out of thin air and rushed towards the terrifying beast claw that covered the sky and the sun.






Under the attack of these golden dragons, that terrifying giant claw shattered directly.



The battle continues.

At this time, Wang Musheng had disappeared from the human figure, but directly transformed into a golden dragon in the sky.

Directly fight alone, dozens of heads, hundreds of heads, beast emperor, emperor beast, and even among them, there are two terrifying beasts.

Although these guys are terrifying.

However, Wang Musheng didn't have the slightest fear either.

Wang Musheng, who was transformed into a dragon, was equally terrifying.

There is no problem with monopolizing these guys at the same time.

Because of Wang Musheng's inexplicable transformation, although he was transformed into a nine-clawed golden dragon in the sky.

But this will not only weaken his strength.

On the contrary, because of the golden dragon body, his power will be much stronger than that of the human body.

Especially the numerous golden dragons, each of them has the same power as Wang Musheng's victory period.

In other words, after splitting into many golden dragons, Wang Musheng's power, not only did not decrease in the slightest, but became stronger in a special way.

It directly turned the previous Wang Musheng into hundreds of Wang Musheng now.

How terrifying was the power that hundreds of Wang Musheng had taken first.

Just looking at him, easily, alone, blocked, dozens, even hundreds of beasts, emperor beasts.

There are two more among them, and the beast can know.







Although the attacks of these nine-clawed golden dragons are more of a physical attack.

However, they are not true nine-claw golden dragons.

They were born based on Wang Musheng's body and strength.

So, in essence, these guys are the transformation of Wang Musheng's power, spells, and Tao.

Therefore, each of their moves, one style, carries the power of mana.

Thunder and lightning.

That is Heavenly Tribulation Curse.

The power of Sky Thunder Curse.

The power of yin and yang.

That is the Great Yin and Yang Mantra.

The power of light.

That is the great light,...!


The terrifying battle directly turned the surrounding area into a terrible place.

Here even the elements are shattered and turned into a more original existence.

At this time, as long as the existence below the tribulation period, enter it, then it can only be a dead end.

And it's still the kind that even the spirits will be crushed into pieces.







At the same time, on the other side, the mastiff was dry and blocked the remaining two beasts.

Food for the sky is to directly cover most of the remaining beast emperors and emperors.

"Moon Wheel!"


"September is empty!"

"Lunar Eclipse!"




"Food Tripod!"

"Ding Shi Qian Kun!"

"Swallowing heaven and earth!"




Wang plus the mastiff, and the food for the sky, the three existed, and once they took action, they would directly talk about the attack.

The most powerful group of powerful existences are basically given to the garden.

As for the remaining beast kings, the beast kings, basically can't be a problem anymore.

Even if you don't need the masters of the older generation to take action, just the strong of the new generation can completely eliminate these existences.

This battle began suddenly.


The fierce beasts of the Northern Territory basically come out in full force.

On the side of the Jade Emperor Realm, Wang Musheng, Mastiff Dry, and Food for the Sky, these top powerhouses in the Jade Emperor Realm even directly shot themselves.

Although the total fighting time is not long.

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