The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 401: Devil

"These are just temporary.

believe us.

This situation will soon be changed.

You can see this right away. "

Speaking of this, the black cat Emperor Beast's face unexpectedly leaked a frantic smile.

on the other hand.

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng frowned involuntarily.

"Sure enough, these guys have back players."

You know, these guys have planned for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, for all this, Wang Musheng didn't believe that all of this was solved so easily.

However, at the same time.

Wang Musheng has been scanning constantly, the entire northern land, the spiritual sense in all corners, but now he has also discovered the changes on the ground below.

In the perception of Wang Musheng's spiritual consciousness.

At this time, on the northern land, there were countless dead beasts and those terrifying lakes of blood.

But it was under the influence of a mysterious force.

Being absorbed by some mysterious existence.

The blood is disappearing.

Even the corpses of the fierce beasts are rapidly drying up, as if the flesh and blood in them are being quickly absorbed by some terrifying existence.

"This is your purpose."

The same question.

"Yes, I said before. From beginning to end, we never thought of killing those humans and using the blood of those humans to sacrifice.

After all, the existence of human beings is really amazing.

They are weak by nature.

However, they are born with perfect Taoism.

It can be straightforward, and enlighten the vastness of heaven.

It can be said that human beings are definitely one, beloved by heaven.

This kind of anger exists, and their usefulness is much greater than that of taking flesh and blood and performing blood sacrifices.

Although, using their flesh and blood, the effect will be better.

However, we still did not do this.

Otherwise, you think, why this devilish energy only eroded those fierce beasts without human existence.

To know.

In contrast, the thinking of the beast is simpler and firmer.

Demonized, but it is very difficult.

However, in contrast, human beings are magical.

However, to explain the seven emotions and six desires, the thoughts are mixed, and the mind is confused. If you want to demonize, the effect will be better and easier.

The reason why no human being is demonized is precisely because of our support. "

"Speaking of which, human civilization on the Northern Territory has been destroyed, and everyone exists in the form of tribes, and there has never been any powerful force or civilization. All of this is what you deliberately did.

And what, the betrayal of mankind, the nonsense that mankind is divided.

It's completely lie to me. "

"No, although we don't understand, your cultivation method is of the Jade Emperor Realm.

However, we have maintained a strong presence with enough respect.

The limitation of human civilization really makes us deliberately.

However, the betrayal of mankind, we did not deceive you.

The only difference is the reason for human betrayal, which is obscured by us.

I have to say that you humans are really the beloved existence of heaven and earth!

Although the strength is not strong, the innate vitality of their souls is beyond our reach, especially the insight into the heavens and the earth, which makes us envious.

Although we have tried our best to cover up everything very well.

However, our ultimate goal was still discovered by them.

Moreover, it is even more bizarre.

Obviously you humans, kill each other, intrigue, doubt...!

Full of bad roots.

However, in the face of external threats, they can be united in the shortest possible time.

They launched a war against us.

Because of unprepared reasons.

We suffered a great loss that time.

Although we won the final victory in the end, that war directly interrupted our arrangement.

It was also because of that time, our plan has been delayed until now.

At the same time, it was also that time, let us understand another characteristic of human beings, that is their number, once it reaches a certain scale.

Their development will present an exaggerated development.

As the number of individuals increases, the situation becomes more terrifying.

Especially, the wisdom brought by constant learning and imitating between each other is even more exaggerated.

Therefore, humans must control.

Especially quantity.

There is also the development of civilization. "

The Black Cat Emperor Beast said with emotion.

"I'm really curious, what is your body?"

Wang Musheng glanced strangely, Black Cat Emperor Beast said curiously.

After all, to be able to study humans so thoroughly, and think of the control method, the wisdom is definitely not low.

This is a guy who feeds on his head.

Compared to the guy who relies on strength to eat.

Such a guy is the most distressing.

However, the two seemed to be just there, chatting quietly.

However, in essence, one person and one cat in secret have already clashed.

The Black Cat Emperor Beast, with the help of the countless dead beasts below, and the boundless sea of ​​blood, is holding some kind of sacrifice.

On Wang Musheng's side, the spiritual sense had already begun to clash with this mysterious power.

Constantly preventing the operation of this mysterious power.

Although this kind of battle from the level of spiritual consciousness is not as horrible, exciting and shocking as real swords and guns.

However, in terms of danger.

But there is nothing worse than the past.

As long as there is a slight difference, the final damage will be directly at the soul, soul level, a bad one, but will directly become a fool.

"After talking for so long, I forgot to introduce myself.

My body is a brainworm.

Well, it is a kind of existence that is good at mental attacks and extremely intelligent.

You can call me, Su.

This is my real name.

Of course, his original name is not like this. This is my translation according to the way you humans pronounce it.

Otherwise the real name of the Mozu, if you humans read it correctly.

It will be very strenuous. "

Although the battle between the two has not stopped, there is even a trend that becomes more and more dangerous as time goes by.

However, the Black Cat Emperor Beast still seemed to be chatting with two friends, and introduced himself with a relaxed expression.



"Well, I hope we still have a chance to meet."

Black cat emperor beast, Su, is talking.

But his eyes suddenly brightened.

Above the vast void, it was also abrupt, thinking of many detailed broken self.

But all this is only the sound, and the broken target is not seen.

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