The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 402: War, development

However, Wang Musheng's spiritual sense can clearly feel that the terrifying demonic energy in this world suddenly began to increase rapidly.

Obviously, it was just those fierce beasts who had a special plan that succeeded.




Since he didn't understand, Wang Musheng directly chose one, the most direct method.

No matter what the plan is, as far as the current situation is concerned, it can't be separated from the host in front of you, so just destroy this guy directly.


However, what is very strange is that Wang Musheng's attack, this black cat Emperor beast called Su, did not have the slightest resistance.

Just like that, he quietly endured this terrifying attack by Wang Musheng.

However, Su, not like other fierce beasts, became blood-blooded under this terrifying attack.

Or was blown out.

The figure from the beginning to the end is there, without any movement.

Even the look on his face did not change at all.

"what happened?"

Obviously this scene also exceeded Wang Musheng's expectations.

The blow he made just now seemed random, but it was definitely able to cause heavy damage to the fairy-like existence in the ascension period.

Even if it is the most powerful beast among the beasts, don't think about it.

Not to mention that Su is just an emperor beast.




Waves of dragons emerged from Wang Musheng's body, and many dragons hovered around Wang Musheng's body, just when Wang Musheng was about to carry out another, more terrifying attack.


At this moment, Su's body suddenly changed.

I saw, with a soft sound.

Su's body looked like a porcelain doll, but it exploded in an instant and turned into fragments in the sky.

There is no blood.

There is no flesh and blood.

These fragments are like rotten wood.

Moreover, as time progressed, these fragments continued to shatter, and eventually turned into the finest dust, slowly dissipating above the void.

No trace of existence anymore.

"This is me, have you been played by cats all the time?"

Seeing this scene, if Wang Musheng doesn't understand, then there will be a problem!

Obviously, what he did before was purely to delay time, and even that one seemed to be a dangerous secret fight.

It doesn't mean that the corpses of the fierce beasts below have blood, which is not important.

However, Wang Musheng got it wrong, there is a strong relationship between the two.

The corpses of those fierce beasts, as well as blood, are very important.

However, what is more important is the existence of the lodging. Obviously, lodging is the most important core of all this.

However, Su succeeded in misleading Wang Musheng by using words and his own actions.

Wang Musheng got the wrong goal.

Let this guy, in front of him, complete all the plans.

"It's really unpleasant!"

However, obviously, this is not the time to think about this.

"All preparations.

This is not over yet.

This is just the beginning. "

In fact, even without Wang Musheng's order, he just saw all these changes.

Gan Mastiff, and those old monsters, knew what was going on now.


In the face of all this, except for the newly joined new generation of monks, they showed a bitter smile and a helpless look, but those old guys could not help but show a fanatical look.

Looking back on the past.

It can not be seen that the development of the Jade Emperor Realm was built on a battle after another.

And these battles not only did not defeat the Jade Emperor Realm, but instead allowed the entire Jade Emperor Realm to continue to grow and grow to where it is today.

Battle of Canglong Secret Realm.

Wang Musheng subdued the barbarians and obtained the Canglong Secret, laying the foundation for the development of the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

Battle of the Jade Palace.

Wang Musheng got his first woman, Dieyin, although Dieyin usually does not interfere with Wang Musheng's various decisions.

However, it was always behind Wang Musheng's silent support.

Handle all kinds of things for Wang Musheng.

As long as you carefully analyze it, you can find that although the development of the Jade Emperor Realm seems to be Lingxu, there are still mastiffs leading the existence.

However, in all this, there is the shadow of Dieyin.

It can be said that this is a woman who seems to have no sense of existence, but is influencing everything.

At the same time, it was also this time that Wang Musheng robbed him of the guardianship of the human world, the gate leading to the nether world, from Zaijie's hands.

Thus discovered, the existence of soul beads.

The power of the entire Jade Emperor Realm began to explode.

Battle of the Sea God Beast.

Wang Musheng regained the entire Sea Clan around Cangzhou, thus directly filling in the lack of strength in the entire Jade Emperor Realm, high-level, and low-level strength.

In one fell swoop, the entire Jade Emperor Realm was elevated to another level.

Even so far, these sea races are still the race with the largest number in the Jade Emperor Realm and have the greatest influence on the Jade Emperor Realm.

none of them.

After all, the sea race is the most terrifying race with reproduction speed.

In addition, in the Jade Emperor Realm, these sea races did not have any natural enemies, and this growth was naturally faster.

Fortunately, the growth rate of the Jade Emperor Realm is also terrifying enough.

The space in it is growing at a terrifying speed every day.

Otherwise, a general place.

Even the world, really not necessarily, can feed so many sea races.

In the future, I am afraid, the number of human races may be comparable to these sea races.

After all, human reproduction is also famously fast.

Moreover, more importantly, the growth of human beings is faster than that of the Sea Race.

Moreover, he was born with a very high spiritual intelligence.

It's not like many sea races, who are born with weak and weak spiritual intelligence. Only with continuous growth, the spiritual intelligence will continue to grow and gradually improve.

In addition.

There is also the battle of Tai Ah Dynasty.


The battle of the guardian temple.



It is precisely because of this time and time again that the strength and influence of the Jade Emperor Realm has been continuously developed in a leap-like manner.

It didn't take long.

Bian developed to its current scale.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor Realm seems peaceful, but in essence, which one of these guys did not grow up in constant battle.

Therefore, they do not fight for possessing.

Even eager to fight.

Because, as long as there is battle, they have resources.

Only then can we get more Lanling coins.

In order to grow faster.





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