The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 403: Mo Yu Qilin

Following Wang Musheng's order.

All the cities of the Beast God Empire appeared in an instant, one after another defensive enchantment.

The city will be directly guarded in it.


Finally, under the control of dozens or hundreds of terrifying monks who crossed the Tribulation Period, a more terrifying guardian enchantment directly enveloped the entire Beast God Empire.

At the same time, a large number of powerful monks from the older generation came here one after another from the Jade Emperor Realm.

It's different from before.

Now, they are likely to really face a world.

Maybe this battle is even more terrifying than the previous war in the Netherworld.

Under such circumstances, the monks of the new generation are not enough.

In order to be foolproof, it is necessary to dispatch the real strong.

Agree to deploy.

Unified execution.

More than one, facing the battlefield of a world.

Guarding an empire such a project.

It seems scary.

However, in the Jade Emperor Realm, it took less than half an hour before and after, and all arrangements were completed.

But after nearly half an hour of development.

On the land of the Northern Territory, the flesh and blood on the corpses of countless fierce beasts had disappeared.

All that is left is the bones.

It looks like a ghostly purgatory, terrifying and terrifying.

On the earth, those terrifying seas of blood and lakes have also completely dried up.

The devil qi between the heavens and the earth also became stronger again, under the influence of this terrifying devil qi.

The whole world seemed to be covered with a layer, like a thin gauze, which looked hazy and not real.




However, Wang Musheng and the others did not wait for the wait, the horror in their imagination came.

Instead, I waited first, Mo Yuqilin wailed.

He is the Earth Spirit of the Northern Territory, because of the Northern Territory's land, so long as the Northern Territory is still there, he cannot be killed.

But, in the same way, once there is a problem with the northern land.

He will be affected in the first time.

Obviously, there is a problem in the Northern Territory.

Moyu Qilin's opponent, that weird, mud-like fierce beast, was at the moment when Black Cat Emperor Beast, Su, disappeared.

Then it died and eventually disappeared.

However, after the end of the battle.

For unknown reasons, Mo Yuqilin plunged into the earth.

But after this time, when it reappears, the whole body has become riddled with holes. If you don't say it, your own aura becomes even more uncertain.

In the mouth, there was a constant whine of pain.

"Wang Musheng, it seems that I can't go to your Jade Emperor Realm, but I will be the spirit of the earth in your Jade Emperor Realm.

The exit of World of Warcraft was pierced again.

The origin of the Northern Territory is being eroded, and the seal will not last long.

The Demon Realm is different from other worlds. They brought freedom and destruction, as a last resort, directly destroying the land of the Northern Territory. It is impossible to let these Demon Races appear in the human world.

Otherwise, this is for the human world.

Inevitably, it will be another catastrophe.

Also, be careful...! "


However, before Mo Yuqilin finished speaking, he burst open and turned into a light spot in the sky.

Slowly merged into the northern land.


"Well, what is this, poodle."

"Fuck off, Lao Tzu is a unicorn, Moyu Qilin knows that, the legendary auspicious beast.

And what does your expression mean.

Don't you believe it?

Look at this dragon horn, as well as this black jade-like scales, dragon tail, such a domineering shape, not the legendary unicorn, what else. "

"Well, it seems to be too!

However, the legendary unicorn does not exist with the dragon, phoenix, and one of the three strongest beasts between heaven and earth?

You unicorn, how can you be so miserable. "

"Uh, this.

Hey, you thought I wanted to!

Longyou Shoal, was caught in a fish show, and was born at an untimely time, what else to do! "



This was the first time Wang Musheng met Mo Yuqilin.

Although Moyu Qilin is a legend.

However, it may be because of the long holding back!

On the contrary, there is not the existence of those legends, that kind of superior feeling, on the contrary, it is very grounded and a little bit ridiculous.

At first, there was one person and one beast, and it was agreed that after all this was over.

Just invited him to live in the Jade Emperor Realm?

just now.

Although the time to meet each other is not long, but it is very delicious.

It can be regarded as sympathy!



At the moment when Moyu Qilin returned to the earth, a burst of inexplicable power emerged directly from the earth.

Under the influence of this immense power, the original, increasingly dense demon energy, was suddenly and uncontrollably stagnated.

Was slowly suppressed.


Moreover, the original ones have been completely destroyed and turned into ruins, or a barren land.

Under the influence of this inexplicable force.

Countless green shoots and plants have also emerged one after another.

Even the horrible magic power, smelt, the crystal clear piece over there, the strength is even comparable to the low-level magic weapon.

In the eyes of everyone, there will no longer be any life growing here, the Jedi, at this time, have also drilled out many, representing the green of life.


The moment these plants emerge.

It seems that the surrounding time has been accelerated.

Every time, in the blink of an eye, these plants change from seedlings to towering trees.



When planting falls, new life emerges from the shell.

It's just a few breaths.

These plants have already undergone several cycles of life.

The entire northern region bears no trace of war anymore.

If it weren't for those, covered by thick branches and leaves, you had densely packed bones.

It is impossible to believe that there has been a terrifying battle that almost destroyed the entire Northern Territory.

Even the tall cities built by the Beast God Empire

Also in a short time.

Covered by various vines, flowers, and moss.

Numerous, towering giant trees dotted it.

But for these, the cold, tall city walls and the city have added a bit of warmth and life's vicissitudes.

"Is this the power from the world?"

Wang Musheng and even all the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm were shocked.

Even on the jade disc of good fortune, those monks who did not come to participate in the battle, through the live broadcast, after seeing this scene, you are also shocked.

Wang Musheng, using the nectar curse of supernatural power level, could also do this step.

However, even if the current Wang Musheng tried his best, he couldn't affect the entire Northern Territory in such a short time.

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