The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Devil energy is not enough to fill

"How about them?"

After all, if it is because of the power system of the beast gods, corpses grow flowers, and those who have joined the Northern Territory.

Those are all beast gods.

"Well, it also has a certain impact.

However, even though they are still beast gods, their power system has been further improved by us.

Although it cannot be completely separated from the power system of the beast gods, it is far from the original beast gods system.

Therefore, although this impact cannot be completely avoided, it is also very limited.

Moreover, I have arranged to transfer all his doors back to the Jade Emperor Realm.

With the isolation of the Jade Emperor Realm, I believe that even this influence, no matter how powerful and terrifying, can't affect them.

However, these guys who have been deeply affected are more difficult to handle.

The stronger their strength, the more terrifying this influence.

Moreover, this change is from the body to the soul level.

It is irreversible. "

Mastiff said indifferently with a dry face.

For a person who does not know how many years he has lived, how many things he has seen.

At the same time, there is no old monster bound by causal power.


For him, it is a very common thing.

And the death of these guys has no effect on him.

As far as Mastiff himself is concerned, he would never pay attention to these things.

Now, the reason why Mastiff Intervene in these things is entirely because of Wang Musheng.

Because Wang Musheng cares about these.

"Haha! Is this the human world?"


"I like here?"

"The taste of life, such a pure life, perfect."






At this moment, with the completion of the alienation of the aboriginal people, the first group of visitors from the World of Warcraft finally arrived in this world.

Moreover, with these, the demon soul descends.

The power of those magical variants once again increased.

The whole body is wrapped in magic flame.

The surging demonic energy was scattered and raging.


The surrounding plants and the earth, after being contaminated with these devilish energy, were all one by one, as if they had encountered strong acid.

One by one quickly corroded, withered, and changed.

Moreover, the kind of destructive aura carried by these natural demon auras.

Even more, everyone couldn't help but frowned deeply.


All this made Wang Musheng, who was still hesitating, directly issued the final order.

"Wan Musheng!"

"Hundred ghosts!"

"Night blindness!"






"The magic is in the world!"

"The big devil is terrifying!"




What hates the strange thing is that these demons who descended did not rush, attack, or even respond to the attacks of the Jade Emperor Realm monks.

Instead, it was activated, a large amount, summoning demonic energy.

Or, using that terrifying corrosive devilish energy to madly destroy everything around him.

"They really used their methods to create an environment suitable for them to live in and survive.

Kill them. "




The terrible war has gone further.

Even more so than before.

In the previous battle, we faced fierce beasts, although those fierce beasts seemed to be many.

But after all, the power of these fierce beasts is there.

However, in comparison, these demons are much less.

But they are much stronger and weird.







These weird guys seem to have no fear of death at all.

Facing death, these weird guys still showed up and smiled.

Although their faces and countenances make this expression particularly hideous and terrifying.

However, anyone can feel that the meaning of this expression is happiness.

I originally thought that this would be another terrifying battle.

However, what I did not expect is.

This battle, the danger at the beginning, and the end at the end, was unexpectedly easy.

Even, it's a bit weird relaxed.





And in this weird battle.

The devilish energy in this world has become more and more dense and terrifying without knowing it.

Wang Musheng got along, using the spirit veins to delay the increase of devil energy.

Even to supplement, the origin of the Northern Territory is lost.

the other side.

The Demon Race also chose to use the original plan. Those who have been nurtured through countless years are based on the Demon Race carrier body.

Directly let a large number of demons descend.

Each demon soul is a node of the demon world to other worlds.

It is the entrance of magical energy to other worlds.

Therefore, the function of these first demonic souls is not a battle.

Rather, communicate the imminent devilish energy at the fastest speed.

Create an area and environment suitable for the survival of the demons.

Even more thorough suppression, the origin of the Northern Territory, prepares for the arrival of the demons.

Obviously, in the face of successive failures.

Originally, these guys who were planning to use a more gentle attitude to sneak into this world, borrowing these indigenous people's skins, and slowly infiltrating into this world.

I chose another, more dangerous, troublesome, and direct approach to this world.

"That's too late!"

"Everything is late!"

"Start preparing, let the low-level monks retreat!"


Sure enough, none of the races that can grow up are fools.

The Mozu's manipulation also caught Wang Musheng by surprise.

Fill up directly with life.

Although the method is cruel, it is extremely useful.

When Wang Musheng and the others reacted.

It's too late.

The origin of the Northern Territory was once again severely suppressed.

The increased devilish energy is more like a lake with a broken bank, surging out, and the waves are more terrifying than the waves.

Even if there are many spiritual veins, they are quickly absorbed.

The rate of absorption can't keep up with the rate of increase of devil energy.

After all, after those spirit veins have absorbed the magic energy, they still need to be purified and absorbed.

However, demonic energy is not needed at all.







Finally under the influence of that many demons.

The previous seals were broken again.

The original space passages that could not be sealed have expanded again and become bigger.




As more demonic energy surged out, more strange beings roared out from it.

These guys look like humanoids, beastly, even bizarre,...!

Strange and strange.

Each is different.

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