The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Moonlight





There was no words, no hesitation.

A big battle broke out in an instant.






"Big Bright Palm!"


"King Kong's Fury!"



"The Great Demon is Coming!"

"Nether Demon Palm!"

"Crazy Demon Roar!"

"The Devil's Palm!"




"Nima, kill!"


The battle continues.

Above the Northern Territory, the space channel leading to the World of Warcraft is rapidly expanding.

The demonic energy is surging.

All kinds of demons, like fierce horses coming out of the cage, surging out surgingly, it is impossible to count them.



On the other side, the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm did not show any weakness.

The space channel connecting the Jade Emperor Realm and the Northern Territory has never been closed.

Various powerful monks, directly across the space channel, appeared in the northern land.

Did not stay, as soon as he appeared, he directly joined the battle.

The battle started suddenly.

However, the development of combat is even faster.

One hundred meters.


Million meters.


The battle continued, death no longer appeared all the time, and the earth was no longer visible.

Some are just seas of blood.

Moreover, at every moment, the sea of ​​blood and corpse mountain is growing at an extremely terrifying speed.

However, even so, the battlefield has not diminished in the slightest.

Instead, it keeps expanding.

The various demons that rushed out of the World of Warcraft were simply not too many, just like the various demons in the World of Warcraft, it was impossible to count them.






"Moon Wheel!"

This is the Mastiff, and the Mastiff has also taken action. Originally, they were prepared to wait at the end to deal with the powerhouses of the Demon Race that might appear.

They never looked down at those worlds.

Since the Demon World, the Nether World, and the Immortal World, these places can become the upper world of the human world.

There are naturally their reasons.

It's like a ghost world.

As far as the Dark Bone Realm battlefield is concerned, Jade Emperor Realm City has absolutely the upper hand.

In addition to the destruction of the clan, those who appeared specifically because of the war, the white giants, and the appearance of the beasts.

As long as Wang Musheng was willing, he could launch a counterattack against the Netherworld.

However, it is precisely because of his awe of these worlds that Wang Musheng's strategy for the Netherworld is still to defend and be safe.

The same is true for the devil world.

However, from now on, there is no such thing as a decent powerhouse in the World of Warcraft.

On the contrary, it seems to be preparation and directly adopts the human sea tactics.

There were many low-level demons who could not be killed.

Moreover, this strategy of the Demon Race is obviously very successful. The number of horrors, even the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm, is weakened by killing them directly.

In this way, not only the strength of the Jade Emperor Realm cultivator gate was greatly weakened.

At the same time, the death of these low-level demons and the demon energy in the corpses can also be used to quickly increase the richness of the demon energy in this world.

Shape it into a more suitable environment for the demons to live and fight.

More importantly, as the number of these demons increases.

The battlefield continues to expand.

From the very beginning, it occupies a part of the northern land.

Became the present, the entire battlefield has slowly expanded to the entire northern region.

After repeated wars, the almost endless demons, even the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm, would inevitably feel the pressure.

Of course, if it were the Jade Emperor Realm, it would naturally not be like this if all its strength was spent.

Even, not to mention that all the power was exhausted, as long as one-third of the power was deployed, it was enough to stop the battle.

It's just a pity that this is impossible. The battlefield of the Jade Emperor Realm is not the only one.

Nether battlefield.

There is also that terrifying space crack in the mirror image Jade Emperor Realm.

Also, before entering the palace ceremony, because of the Xiaoyao Order, inadvertently connected various secret realms, caves and even small worlds.

These are all battlefields.

Each needs many monks and guards.

Therefore, there are very few monks on the battlefield of the Demon Race in the Northern Territory, even less than one-twentieth of the strength of the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

Therefore, the final situation is naturally extremely unsatisfactory.

Therefore, Wang Musheng, as well as the top powerhouses like Mastiff Dry and Shiweitian, are not staying here.

It was Mastiff that took the first shot.

He has completely controlled the fairy weapon, the mastiff of the moon wheel.

Although it cannot be said that the realm of cultivation is the top existence in the entire Jade Emperor Realm, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is definitely the top existence in the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

In this regard, even Wang Musheng would be willing to bow down.


At the moment when the moon wheel emerged.

The whole world seemed to be dark.

The boundless moonlight surging out directly from the moon wheel.

Dazzling, eye-catching, and beautiful.

This is an attack from pure Yuehua.

This trick seems to be huge, but if it is aimed at the strong, it can't get any effective attack power.

However, if this trick is used to clean up miscellaneous fish with a low cultivation base, it is simply a supreme magical skill.


Moonlight is all over the sky.




After Yuehua has passed, all the demons that have been affected by Yuehua are like the harvested seedlings.

One piece, one piece, all fell in the blood of the corpse mountain.

It is very interesting that these fallen demons did not have any wounds on their bodies, and even their faces did not have any hideous fears of death.

On the contrary, one by one, Dou showed a happy and satisfied smile.

One by one, it was as if they were dreaming and falling asleep deeply.

It looks very strange.

All this is because Yuehua, the power of score to Yin, is best at attacking spirits and will.

Their death is not from the gods, but from the soul.


Yuehua flashed past and another demons fell silently.

The mastiff with a huge, dazzling moon wheel is like a super eraser.

Wherever he passed, countless demons would directly fall silently.

On that dense battlefield, there will be directly one piece, one piece, a blank place for war.

However, it is a pity that those demons, as if they are really endless, are still constantly surging out of the cracks in the space.

In just a blink of an eye, these blank spaces will once again be completely occupied by the newly emerged demons.






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